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Monday, March 1, 2010

Nabhasa Yogas

Nabhasa Yogas ( some spell it Nabhasa). These are yogas classified as celestial combinations. There are 4 varieties. Each classification of the 4 varieties, have multiple possibilities to them.

In all , there are 1,800 possibilities or yoga combinations. As you would suspect I am not planning on reviewing all these, but will bring up a few of interest, as some are very interesting. Yet in Vedic periods, the sisyas were required to know all 1,800 and had techniques for memory and to be able to pass these on to others.

Let me give you one or two examples , as how robust these are, and how comprehensive Jyotish Vedic astrology is.
Remember in the last post we talked of movable (chara) , fixed and dual signs , yes? If one has all their planets ( graha's) positioned in ONLY movable signs, then a Rajju Yoga is formed (now I only have to explain 1,799 more yogas!).

One with this yoga likes to travel, due to the movable nature of these signs and all the graha's in those signs. Now not only does s/he like to travel, this individual will flourish in foreign countries, yet this individual is a bit cruel, perhaps to so much rago-guna.
Now, let me ask , why do you think this is called rajju or a Rope yoga? And ideas or hypothesis you care to take a stab at??

Let me offer one more... lets say all the graha's are in two successive quadrants ( these are called angles or kona's). These are the 1st, the 4th , the 7th and the 10th houses. So, if ALL the graha's were in the 4th house and 7th houses, a Gada yoga is formed. Or if they were in the 1st and the 4th, or the 10th and the 1st...see? the successive quadrants?
Then this yoga is formed. And what of it? One possesses wealth, gems, gold, etc. This person does yajya's regularly. He knows the sastra's. NOw why is this called a Gada? a mace i.e. a bludgeoning tool? Any ideas?

I will add more if this info is of interest to anyone...let me know.

pranams, and may there be Kamala Yoga's in your chart... one is long lived, pure and performs many good deeds. Kamala is a lotus.