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Consultation charges.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Stanza 189 to 191. — According as the Rasi arrived at by adding the longitudes of the lords of the Ascendant and the 6th, is conjoined with or
aspected by the Sun. the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter or Saturn, Mars or Venus, the remedial measures to be resorted to are respectively Aghorabali, Kapala Homa, Chakra Homa, Prathikarabali, Bhuthamaranabali or Khanga Ravanabali or Krittikabali, or Prathikara or Bhuthamaranabali.
I do not propose to explain in detail' these remedial measures. There arc even now experts in this subject and they may be consulted.
According to stanzas 189 to 191, add the longitudes of the lord of Lagna and the lord of the 6th and find out which planet occupies or aspects the resulting sign and prescribe the remedies as follows : —
The Sun
 — Aghorabali
The Moon
 — Kapala Homa
 — Bhuta Maranabali, or Khangaravna bali or Krittika bali
 — Chakra Homa
 — Prathikarabali
 — Parthikarubali or Bhuthamuranaabii
 — Prathikarabali
Stanza 192. — Or the remedies must be prescribed by taking into consideration the planet occupying or aspecting the 10th from Arudha Lagna.
If you find no association or aspect in the Rasi arrived at as per stanzas 189 to 191, then examine the 10th house from Arudha and see whether any planet joins or aspects it. Then recommend the above noted Balis.
Stanza 193. — If the Prasna Akshara (length of the question) of the messenger is long, remedy to be prescribed is music; if it is short, puja and feeding; and if it is neither long nore short, temple dancing.
Stanza 194, — In Prasnanushtana Paddhati, certain remedial measures have been suggested, based on the looks of the questioner.
Stanza 195. — If the questioner looks towards the right side in an upward direction, the remedies should be performed by Brahmins: if he looks down, by temple musicians; if he turns his eyes up on the left side, the high class amongst the low-born; if he looks down on the left, then the inferior amongst the low-born ones.
Stanza 196. — By closely observing the parts of the body the questioner is touching (sparsa) when he puts the query, the nature of the badba (affliction) can also be ascertained.
Stanza 197. — According to Anmhtana Paddhati if the questioner feels with his hand his chest, forehead, private parts, and navel, then the man has troubles from devatas; if he touches his sides, back fingers and neck, then he is troubled by serpents; and if he touches his eye-brows, ears and arm-pits, he has trouble from pisachas.
Stanza 198. — The different devatas causing affllication can be known by considering the planets owning or occupying the house of harm, as also on the basis of the Navamsas involving these lords.
Stanza 199. — If the lord of the house of harm occupies the sign of Mercury or his Navamsa, the trouble is from deities worshipped by high-class people in their homes; if the house or
Navamsa of Jupiter, the trouble will be from deities worshipped in temples; if the house or Navamsa of Saturn, the trouble is from deities worshipped by low-class people; if his own house or Navamsa, the trouble is from deities having their abode in solitary gardens.
Stanza 200. — If Mars owning the house of harm joins Ketu, then the deity is Chamundi; if he joins with or occupies the signs of Mercury, the deity will be Panchami.
Stanza 201. — If Mars occupies odd signs or odd Navamsas, then the deities are Bhairava-Kanta Kama, etc.; if he is in even signs or Navamsas, the deities are Rakteswari, Rakta Chamundi Atibhayakali, etc.
Stanza 202. — Effects suggested in stanza 201 should be stated if the lord of harm occupies an
odd sign and an even Navamsa or an even sign and an odd Navamsa.
Stanza 203 — When different planets occupy different signs, they signify different murthis or subsidiary deities. These are dealt with here briefly.
Stanzas 204 to 206. — The Sun disposed in Aries to Pisces indicates respectiviely the following
murthis or deities: Siva, Yakshi, Vishnu, snakes and Dharma Devas, one's own family deity, avataras of Vishnu, Bhadrakali, Swayambhu, Gandharva and yaksha, Ayyappa, Pisacha and huntei's deities, same as in Capricorn and Gandharva and Yakshi damsels. If within the exaltation parts of Aries, the deity of Siva will be one founded by a high personage, while in the
rest of Aries, it will be deities installed by ordinary human beings.
The commentator adds that when the Sun is in his exalted portion, the Deity may be that of Parasurama. Swayambhu means one grown nuturally. This also refers to Siva so that when the Sun is in Aries or Scorpio, the Deity will be the same. Likewise if the Sun is in Gemini the Deity is Vishnu, while in Virgo, it is Sri Rama and other Avataras of Vishnu. In Taurus it is Yakshi. In Libra it is Bhadrakali. In Sagittarius it is Gandhana and Yaksha. In Pisces the same deities in the female form. For Capricorn and Pisces the deities are the same.
Stanzas 207 to 209. — The Moon in Aries indicates the temple God Chamundi; in Scorpio, the same goddess worshipped by low class people; if weak in these signs, both types of deities; in Taurus, Yakshi; in Libra, Dharma Daiva; in Gemini and Virgo, Vimana Sundara and Sundari; in Cancer, snakes if weak, and Dharma Daiva if strong; in Leo, Bhagavathi worshipped by others; in Sagittarius, Akasa Gandharva (male): in Pisces. Akasa Gandharva (female); and in Capricorn and Aquarius, Preta Soola Pisachas etc.,
Stanzas 210 to 212.-Mars in Aries, Bhuta Rakshasa, Brahma Rakshasa (male), etc.; in Scorpio — Narabhojini, Balaprabhakshani, etc.; in Taurus — Bhairava, Yakshi (female); in Libra — Bhairava Yaksha (male); Gemini — Narasimha (terrible Vishnu Avatar) and Gandharva; Virgo —
terrible Narasimha and Yakshi; Cancer — Bhagavathi, Krishna, Chamundi; Leo — terrible Siva Bhutas as Aghora Vana Devatas; in Sagittarius — Kushi Sasta; Pisces — Veerabhadra; Capricorn — a Deva angered by Abhichara.
Stanza 213. — Mercury in Aries and Scorpio — Jwara Devata; Taurus and Libra — Gandharva; Gemini and Virgo — Gandharva and Kinnara; Cancer — Jala Pisacha; Leo — Naga Kanya; Sagittarius and Pisces — Chamundi charged with mischief
by an angered Brahmin; in Capricorn and Aquarius — Kavachi, Sula Pisachi, Kala Pisachi.
Stanza 214. — Jupiter in Aries and Scropio — Siva Bhutas, Durdevata formed by the Abhichara of Brahmins; Taurus and Libra — Apasmara Yakshi and Yaksha; Gemini and Virgo - a neuter Devata formed by the wrath of Gods or by the Abhichara or Brahmins.
Stanza 215. — Jupiter in Cancer indicates Da-vata in a Brahmin's house caused by his Agni-hotra, Gandharva Chief; in Leo Davata caused by Abhichara of king's servants or caused by Abhichara of a woman performed against her husband; in Capricorn and Aquarius — Bhasma
Pisacha, Jala Pisacha, Adhama Gandharva; and in Sagittarius and Pisces — do not signify any Devatas,
Stanzas 216 and 217. — Venus in Aries and Scorpio — similar to Jupiter as in stanza 215, but in addition Yakshaand Rakshasa also: in Taurus, Cancer and Libra — Yaksha, Yakshi: in Gemini and Virgo — Abhichara Devata of rival inimical co-scholars ; in Leo — temple Yakshi; Sagittarius — a Murthi caused by curse of a Brahmin; and Pisces — Durga Bhagavathi: in Carpicorn — Apasmara : and in Aquarius — Kala Pisacha.
Stanzas 218, to 220. — Saturn in Aries — effects of Apasmara Devatas not curable; Scorpio — a Siva Bhuta whom the native troubled in his last birth; Taurus — Apasmara Yaksha, Yakshi, curse of a Brahmin ; Libra — Bhuthanathas as Kirata, Ayyappa, etc., originated by obstructing a festival: Gemini — Vana Devata: and Virgo — Pretas of relatives ; Cancer — Devatas worshipped by low caste people: Leo — temple Sasta, Kirata, hunter's Gods, Pisachas: Sagittarius and Pisces — Mani (Gandharva); and Capricorn and Aquarius — Preta and Pisacha.
So far the author has been reviewing the troubles caused by foes. He will now study how diseases can be cured.
Stanza 221. — The nature of affliction is to be read from Arudha and the remedies to be employed are to be ascertained from the rising sign. If Arudha Lagna is afflicted, the progress of disease will be stopped. If the rising sign is afflicted, the illness will further increase.
Stanza 222. — If benefics occupy the 9th house, or the lord of the 9th is favourably disposed, or if the lord of Lagna is associated with or aspected by the Sun or Jupiter, the object of the remedial measures, viz., the recovery of the patient, will be realised. If however the lords of the Lagna and the 9th are afflicted, then recovery is unlikely.
Stanza 223. — In a query pertaining to illness, recovery should be predicted if the rising sign be
Prishtodya, movable, adhomukha, jala hrasa rasi. Othrewise there will be no relief
Stanza 224. — Recovery should be predicted if the Ascendant, 4th, 6th, 8th and 11th houses
are free from malefics and benefics occupy the 4th, 7th and 10th.
Relief is to be predicted only after the due performance of remedial measures.
Stanza 225. — Remedies have to be suggested to be performed by persons of Sathvic, Rajasic
and Thamasic nature according as the Badhaka planet occupies a Sathwic, Rajasic or Thamasic Rasi or Navamsa.
Stanza 226. — Remedies should be performed by different persons accordirfg to the situation of the badhaka planet thus: Badhaka planet in the sign or Navamsa of the Sun or the Moon — holy Brahmins; sign or Navamsa of Jupiter — temple songsters; sign or Navamsa of Mercury — potters; in the sign or Rasi or Amsa of Venus — high class amongst the Chandalas; sign or Amsa of Mars — ordinary Chandalas; and sign and Amsa of Saturn — very low amongst them.
Stanza 227. — If the troubling or harming planet is combined with or aspected by Gulika or
stands in the 5th or 9th house from him, Pulayas are to be employed. If the planet joins with Ketu, Parayas should perform the rites.
Stanza 228. — If the troubling planet is a benefic or occupies a benefic sign, the remedies should
be done by Brahmins; if he is a malefic or occupie a maefic sign — low caste people should be employed for the purpose.
Stanza 229. — To the query who should be the physician to whom the work of medical treatment should be entrusted, the anwser is similar to the one given in verse 32. In addition to what is given there, the 10th house also must have benficial influences.
Stanza 230. — With regard to the question to whom the remedial measures should be entrusted, the answer is to be read from the favourable disposition of Jupiter such as in 4, 9 or 11. The Ascendant should be Jala hrasa rasi, 10th house must be benefic in character and the Lagna should also be Urdhwamukha.
Stanza 1. — In the last fifteen chapters, the question of longevity has been examined in detail, noting also when disease is likely to begin, how it originates and how it could be cured by suitable remedial measures.
Stanza 2. — The longevity of the person is to be examind first and then the trends in the horoscope prognosticated. This is what great Rishis say.
Stanza 3. — Considering the movable, fixed or dual nature of the Ascendant and the Navamsa Lagna, one has to infer the whereabouts of the questioner — whether he is at home or in a far away place, etc.
If Lagna and Navamsa Lagna are movable, then the questioner is in a distant place travelling about on some work; if the Lagna is movable and Navamsa is fixed, he is in a distant place but staying without undertaking any long journeys; if the Lagna is movable and the Navamsa is common, he is in a distant place, and there he is sometimes staying at one place and sometimes journeying; if Lagna is fixed and Amsa is movable, he is in the neighbouring places and journeying from place to place; if Lagna is fixed and Amsa is also fixed; he is in a neighbouring place and stays without any long journeys; if Lagna is fixed and Amsa is common, he is in a neighbouring place and while there, he is sometimes journeying and sometimes staying in one and the same place; if Lagna is common and Amsa is movable, he can be found neither very far from his native place nor very near it, leading a nomad's life, if Lagna is common and Amsa is fixed, he can be found in the above-mentioned place leading a sedentary life; if Lagna and Navamsa are both common, he lives in the above-mentioned place leading both sedentary and travelling life. Here Lagna means Arudha Lagna. Lagna Rasi indicates distance, and Amsa signifies the nature of life.
Stanza 4. — The above can also be read from the Rasi and Amsa occupied by the lord of Arudha. If any contradiction is discovered between the two, the stronger of the two should be considered.