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Consultation charges.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

In the horoscopes of women, the Moon gives the following results, when occupying different sign:

Aries: The lady does not tolerate other points of views. She is domineering and self-willed. She may become a house-tyrant. She is impulsive and sometimes hot-headed.
Taurus:The woman is firm, resolute, somewhat sensual, confident and persevering. She is industrious and generally calm. There is a desire for possession and worldly joys and pleasures. She is tolerant, affectionate and may become stubborn and obstinate if the Moon is afflicted.
Gemini:The lady has a restless mind, with a desire for change. There is a craving for diversion. The tendency to nag, comparing the husband with other men will be pronounced. She has the capacity for adaptability also. Intellectual inclination, capacity to love and be loved and quick emotional upsets are the other characteristics of this sign.
Cancer:This is generally an ideal place for the Moon provided the constellation is either Punarvasu or Pushyami. The lady loves her home. She is receptive and responsive. She lacks confidence and allows herself to be influenced by more dominant people. Married life will be affected by separation, illness, ill-will and even infidelity if the affliction is severe.
Leo:She will have a strong will, dignity and confidence. The emotional life is strong but there is danger of over-bearing. She may be inclined to indulge in show and luxury but she can be an understanding wife though temperamentally incompatible with the husband.
Virgo: She has a meticulous mind, a propensity to be critical, a good sense of reality, deft in what she does, practical though often emotional. She has the capacity for discussion, the mental faculties being well developed.
Libra:Generally anxious to please the husband and work for harmonious relations with him, but her home-life cannot be happy due to husband’s domineering nature. She is discreet in her actions, fair minded, amiable, likes music and fine arts, and has a propensity for community life.
Scorpio:The lady is generally attractive to the opposite sex. She is prone to have miscarriages. Sexual passions are strong and energies are dissipated soon.
Sagittarius:The lady is sincere, sincere, frank, kind-hearted and noble. There is a lively disposition and the husband can be moulded by her sheer personality. She is independent and has a quest for knowledge. The mind is restless and somewhat impulsive. She is disappointed in her private life due to her own impetuosity and haste.
Capricorn:She is a serious thinker and sober in action. There is attachment though the emotions are not quite consistent. She is practical, cold, and lacks tender regards, and is a matter-of-fact wife.
Aquarius:She is tolerant, emotional, restless, practical, benevolent and free from bitterness. She is broad-minded, big-hearted, independent, self-willed, and is guided by her own inner sentiments. She is a task-master and sometimes hard to understand. She is deeply attached to the husband and the family, but married life is often crossed by tension.
Pisces: She is sensitive, but receptive and active; she is not able to form independent judgments. Somewhat dreamy, she likes to be in the background. She is sentimental and lacks self-confidence.

In the above delineations, if the influences are disturbed by the general structure of the horoscope and by other influences operating on the Moon, the characteristics have to be modified.

A woman inclined to romance may go astray if there is a combined influence of Rahu, Mars and Venus. She may confine her romance to her own husband if the influences of Jupiter are dominant. One’s religiousness may descend to trivial rituals if Saturn’s influence is dominant.

We do not propose to deal with the question of marriage adaptability in this article. But we should like to say a few words about certain superstitions current in  about so-called Kuja dosha, etc.

There is a belief current amongst the public that boys and girls born in certain constellations cause the death of certain relatives. For instance a girl born in Visakha is said to bring about the destruction of her husband’s younger brother, so that parents generally try to find out a bridegroom who does not have a younger brother. Even when there are other merits in the horoscope, it is rejected on the simple ground that the girl is born in Visakha. This is entirely due to ignorance of the real astrological factors governing such considerations. Only certain Padas or quarters should be held inauspicious and not the entire constellation. Thus, in regard to Visakha, only the last quarter is evil and not the first three. Therefore, a girl born in the first three-quarters of Visakha should never be considered to bring misfortune to her husband’s younger brother. Similarly, the boy or girl born in the last quarter of Moola is to be rejected as it is said to cause the death of the father-in-law. The last three-quarters of Moola are highly beneficial. A girl born in Jyeshta is said to cause evil to her husband’s elder brother. Almost all authors agree that (certain parts of) Visakha, Aslesha, Moola and Jyeshta are destructive constellations-Aslesha (first quarter) for mother; Visakha (last quarter) for husband’s younger brother; Jyeshta (first quarter) for girl’s husband’s elder brother; and Moola (first quarter) for father-in-law.