Abhichara / Black magic through ( Mercury and gulika)

Mercury with mandi or gulika aspected by mars in badhak sthana will make one suffer from abhichara dosha .
Mercury with mandi or gulika aspected by mars in badhak sthana will make one suffer from abhichara dosha .
Enemies resort to abhichara when they cannot harm a person through wits and schemes . Abhichara acts only through purva janma yoga . When a person is having a good phase of time abhichara does not affect him but affects in due course when bad times strike.
It will not be an exaggeration if a statement is made to the effect that 90 % of the people in the world are affected by abhichara .
Sometimes a very good family with happy ties and bonds suddenly fall prey to internal mishaps and severe enmities . Brothers suddenly stop talking to each other . Two families eager to tie knots to their siblings stop conversing and worst become severe enemies. Two most loving couples fall prey to misunderstandings and stay apart for long time .
though in all such cases there is longing for reunion but when they come across face to face a moment of rashness destroys their peace attempts unknowingly they drift away from and lament later .
All these times all these people keep sighing If only …….
These are all definite signs of abhichara being applied onto the people by enemies . Vidweshan is powerful form of abhichara which brings two people at war . Then maran is applied to kill all the parties involved . This is tamas vidya and should not be adhered to even in extreme danger .