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Thursday, March 11, 2010

How to read the charts-2

Nakshatras (Stars)
Each planet, house, sensitive point in zodiac is influenced by the Nakshatra it occupies at a particular time. The results of placement
of Moon in each Nakshatra (since this is the most important tool in Vedic astrology).The results of your Moon in the Nakshatra
(since this is the most important tool in Vedic astrology).
Your birth Nakshatra (Janma Nakshatra) determines your thinking patter, nature as well as basic destiny.
Name of the Stars Owner
1 Ashwini 10 Magha 19 Moolam Kethu 7 years
2 Bharani 11 Poorva Phalguni 20
Aashada Venus 20 Years
3 Kruthika 12 Uttara Phalguni 21
Aashada Sun 6 Years
4 Rohini 13 Hastha 22 Shravana Moon 10Years
5 Mrigashira 14 Chiththa 23 Dhanishta Mars 7Years
6 Aridra 15 Swati 24 Shathabisha Raghu 18Years
7 Punarvasu 16 Vishaka 25
Bhadra Jupiter 16Years
8 Pushyami 17 Anuradha 26
Bhadra Saturn 19Years
9 Ashlesa 18 Jyeshta 27 Revathi Mercury 17Years
Lifespan of the life is
designed as 120Years
One House has 9 legs ( 9 Padham) One Star has 4 legs ( 4 Padham)
1,2 3 - Aries, Taurus, Gemini Employees
4,5,6 - Cancer, Leo, Virgo Self employed, professional, leader
7,8,9 - Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius Platform workers, perform in good ground (cannot start from scratch)
10,11,12-Capricorn,Aquarius,Pisces Empire builders (can start from scratch)

SNo House Name of Stars Owner Planets Padas Characteristic

1 1 Ashwini Ketu 4 Healing power
2 1 Bharani Venus 4 good eyes, vision
3 1 & 2 Krutika Sun 1 & 3 Straight forward, open, frankness
4 2 Rohini Moon 4 tongue is an Asset, highly imaginative
5 2 & 3 Mrigashira Mars 2 & 2 flamboyant(floridly decorated or colored)
6 3 Aridra Rahu 4 Courageous, apprehensiveness
7 3 & 4 Punarvasu Jupiter 3 & 1 spiritual, humble, integrity
8 4 Pushyami Saturn 4
9 4 Ashlesa Mercury 4 wavering, indecisiveness
10 5 Magha Ketu 4 Royal
11 5 PoorvaPhalguni Venus 4 fond of eating
12 5 & 6 Uttara Phalguni Sun 1 & 3 good leaders, director
13 6 Hastha Moon 4 Hospitable
14 6 & 7 Chiththa Mars 2 & 2 love colors, snatch power
15 7 Swati Rahu 4 sober
16 7 & 8 Vishaka Jupiter 3 & 1 covered
17 8 Anuradha Saturn 4if a girl fertility problem will be there, fond of eating (choose what they eat)beauty, feature - Boy - beauty, handsome
18 8 Jyeshta Mercury 4 number one, always leader
19 9 Moola Ketu 4 research oriented, root , orator
20 9 Poorva Aashada Venus 4Pioneer, innovative, harmony - good
beginners not a finishers
21 9 & 10 Uttara Aashada Sun 1 & 3Pioneer, innovative, harmony - good
beginners but a finishers
22 10 Shravana Moon 4 listener, pain in the leg, dedicated people
23 10 & 11 Dhanishta Mars 2 & 2 commander, sober (not arrogant)
24 11 Shathabisha Rahu 4 surrounded by doctors (1st 11 month
should be taken care), long lived persons
25 11 & 12 Poorva Bhadra Jupiter 3 & 1
26 12 Uttara Bhadra Saturn 4 similar to Saturn qualities
27 12 Revathi Mercury 4 significant in life, attain Moksha, rapid
achievement, premature death possible