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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Malefics in the 2nd house

Malefics in the 2nd house

When a natural malefic planet like Mars, Saturn and Rahu is placed in the 2nd house, it will sometimes have a bad effect on married life. In this connection I would like to show an interesting horoscope of a man, who has been married three times, widowed twice and divorced once. He has seen a lot of troubles in married life, and even now, at the advanced age of 72, the ghost of his deceased first wife is still haunting him.

Male, Jun 1st, 1929, Time: 06:00AM, Zone: 1:00, DSt
Long. 08E52 Lat: 54N56

Looking at his horoscope it is easy to see that something is wrong with the 7th house in this case.

1. A natural malefic (Saturn) in the 7th.
2. 8th-Lord is in the 7th.
3. 7th-lord Jupiter is in the 12th.
4. Karaka Venus is with Rahu in the sign of Mars.
5. Ketu in the 7th from Venus, and 7th-lord from Venus debilitated.
6) The Dara-karaka, Jupiter, is in the 12th according to Jaimini

But in my opinion the primary cause of the troubles is the debilitated Mars in the 2nd house (8th from the 7th house). This is causing the worst troubles, which are all related to the death of his first wife.

He was married to his first wife about the age of 21-22 during the dasa of Saturn placed in the 7th house. But due to marriage-troubles his first wife committed suicide when he was 47 and running junction-point between Mercury and Ketu dasa. According to the Nadis malefic events like this often takes place at the time when one Dasa ends and the next one takes over. These changes of Dasas are referred to as the junction-points.