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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Effects Of Navamsa-2

Karka                                                                                         29
The native will be blood red in complexion, be fierce in quarrels,
will like fine arts, will possess face and eyes, akin to that of a
cat, will be well disposed to sacrify for others and will have weak
knees and shanks.
The native will be fair in complexion, will possess beautiful eyes,
be an eloquent speaker, will have a soft body, akin to that of a
female, be intelligent be a sparing and light worker and be
The native will be black in complexion, will have pressed
eyebrows, be graceful in appearance, will have charming eyes
and nose, be courageous, liberal, will perform acts prescribed for
superior caste-men and be crafty.
The native will possess voice akin to the sound of bell, crooked,
or stooping face, allied eyebrows and very long arms, be
interested in worship, be bereft of dutifulness, will injure others
and be not very intelligent.
Karka                                                                                           33
The native will have a long and broad physique, charming eyes
and great courage, be fair in complexion, be a good speaker and
will possess beautiful nose and big teeth.
The native will have scattered hair, big body and sinewy knees,
will be disposed to protect others' families and will be akin to a
crow in appearance.
The native will have a head with bell shape, charming face,
shoulders and limbs, will be a degraded artisan (i.e. an infamous
worker), will have the gait of a tortoise and crooked nose and be
dark in complexion.
The native will be fair complexioned, will possess eyes
resembling fish, be great, be soft-bellied, broad-chested, will
have prominent chins and lips, large, but weak knees and similar
Simha                                                                                            37
The native will have an even belly (like a lion), be fierce, will
have sharp and blood-red nose and a big head, be valorous and
will possess a prominent and fleshy chest.
The native will have a prominent and broad fore face, a square
body, broad eyes, broad chest, long arms and big nose.
The native will have hairy and broad arms, eyes, akin to that of
(Greek) partridge (said to live on moon-beams), be fickleminded,
charitable, will have an elevated nose, pure white
physique and round neck.
The native will have (ash-coloured) body akin to ghee, large and
black eyes, soft hair, peculiar voice, big hands and legs and
stomach, resembling that of a frog.
Simha                                                                                               41
The native will have a bell-shaped head with limited hair,
charming nose and eyes, hairy body and long belly, be fierce and
will have unsightly teeth and strong and broad cheek.
The native will have limited, but soft hair on his physique, white
and large eyes, be tall in stature, dark in complexion, will have
proven skill (only) among females, be swaggering and be
The native will have a long face, be sinewy, will have a
prominent physique, be unfortunate in the matter of wife (or
females in general), dark-complexioned, fierce, hairy-bodied and
be cunning and harsh in speech.
The native will be endowed with excellent speech, firm limbs,
charming and majestic looks, be undutiful, poor and crafty.
Simha                                                                                               45
The native will have a face akin to a donkey's, will possess dark
eyes, long arms, charming legs and be troubled by breathing
Kanya                                                                                                46
The native will possess eyes, akin to that of an antelope, be a
good speaker, be charitable, will enjoy sexual pleasures, be very
rich, dark in complexion and large hearted.
The native will have a charming face, charming eyes and fair
complexion, be soft, argumentative, fickle minded and longbellied.
The native will have blown nose, prominent feet,
long arms, pure speech, fair complexion and be
Kanya                                                                                                49
The native will be learned, will be sportive with the fair sex, be
beautiful, sweet, blood red in complexion, sharp, intelligent,
emaciated and will have charming eyes and face.
The native will have large lips and hands, big body,
broad chest, strong ankles and will depend on
The native will have charming appearance, impressive speech,
splendourous body, be an exponent of Shastras, be very
intelligent, skillful in writing and fine arts, be good hearted and
will take pleasure in walking, or roaming.
The native will have a small face, elevated nose, compact arms,
very fair complexion, prominent belly, hands and legs and will
have fear for water.
Kanya                                                                                                 53
The native will be very beautiful, fair in complexion, tall in
stature, will have charming eyes, be fierce, honourable and will
have long and stout arms and brown hair.
The native will be famous, will have charming physique, broad
eyes, incomparable vigour, be skillful, be with stooping shoulders
and be learned a writer.