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Friday, March 19, 2010

Goddess BagulaMukhi

Goddess BagulaMukhi
Bagulamukhi stands in the back side of Shiva. She dress herself in all yellow
garments. Her skin is yellowish and very soft and smooth. She is always angry,
very resentfully pulls the tongue of the asura by her left hand and ready to
strike on the asura's head. By propitiating her, a devotee may make her do
things otherwise impossible. She bring fortune to her worshipers. She has
limitless powers. She can stop the tide of a river, to make the wind stand still
and even fire soothing. She brings fall to the self-conceited. Indra trembles
at her sight. It is said that she can achieve anything and whatever God or
Goddess can not do for their Bhaktas, can be achieved only by her grace. Her
temple at Datia M.P. (India) is a Siddha Peeth where she is worshiped as
having four hands.
The word Bagla is derived from the word Valga which became Vagla and then Bagla. The word Valga means
bridle or the rein that we put in the mouth to control the movements of tongue and direction. Similarly
she is called Peetambara, the one who is associated with yellow color or golden color (which became
yellow). In the color scheme the yellow color is mixed to deaden the effect of the brightness of the
other colors. For any practice of paralyzing the yellow color is ordained and even in Jnanavnava Tantra a
Sri Chakra drawn with yellow material and worshipped with yellow flowers is recommended. The Sidhh
Vidhya is worshiped with four hands and where she is seated on a golden throne. She is the only
MahaVidhya who is given this honor. The other form of her which is called Pret- Asan Dhysaini is with two
hands seated on a corps. It is a vivid point that other MahaVidhya's like Kali or Tara has also a corps to sit
and Shodashi has Panch Pret aasan to sit.
The worship of this Sidhi Vidhya alongwith other Brahm Vidhya's or Maha Vidhya's is pre ordained and
comes to a person from many many past births to take him towards final salvation or Mukti. Datia ke
Swamiji has compiled Bagulamukhi Stotra on her, where in he has quoted the Vedic origin of this great
mother. The hatha yogis like Gorakshnath and Nombaraka was also her devotee and bhajans that used to
be sung in the presence of our master Swamiji was supposed to be formulated by Gorakh Panthis.
The tongue has two functions which gives taste and speech. The hatha yogis perform most of their
practice with Khechri Mudra. That's why she is of prime importance to all kind of yogas. It is in her
kramam only that all the first Maha Vidyas like Kali, Tara and Shodshi are linked. Not only that but even
Narayana and Brahma are also there in her Kramam, apart from Ganesha, Vatuk, Rudr Anand Bhairav of
Bhairavi and Mrittunjaya. As the Dasa Mahavidyas are divided in two kulas : Kali Kula and Sri Kula. She
falls in Sri Kula. The statue at Peetambara Peeth was perceived by Swamiji, though letter on modeled on
the statue of Krishna as it exists now at Kedareshor near Agra.
Bagulamukhi is not Danda Natha of Sri Vidhya as some people think. The Danda Natha refers to Varahi
who also has yellow hue and has parlaying powers.
She is Also called Brahma Astra Rupini and it appears that she might have been propitiated by Brahma for
the grant of the boon of Brahma Astra : the most powerful Astra. Similarly the Peetambara word stuck
to her because of the grant of Peetambar to Vishnu, which he always wears on upper limbs of his body. In
fact the mythology says that she was propitiated by Narayana in some place in Saurashtra and requested
to come to the rescue of three worlds. This adds upto her very importance.