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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Marana Karaka Sthana By Rafal Gendarz

Marana Karaka Sthana By Rafal Gendarz
Swati: Could u please elaborate on conditions of cancellation of MKS?
Here comes three methods methods:
a) jagganath drekkana
b) see if karaka of bhava is in trikona (Lakshmi) to Surya or Lagna. (note : this can be also
used in varga-chars with respect to karyabhava).
c) if graha is exalted then it can be only initially and native is rescued through Visnu blessings
(exalted grahas are like Visnu)
[RRS] Could you help me with an analysis on MKS?
Places(sthana) where significators(karaka) are dying (maraka). There are few rules which are
important to remember when dealing with marana karaka sthana. As its states it is related to
avastha namely the person is feeling like dying in relation to bhavas lorded by the graha.
Jataka Parijata says that to be full this graha must conjoin malefic. We see that when graha
is strong then person get out from this state and often is very strong. Marana karaka sthana
when related to malefics can destroy their bad traits and if this is lesson (when ak,amk or bk)
then person is spiritual so You will see many adepts of spirituality with malefics are in this
places. Marana karaka sthana is broad concept and can be used from karya bhava in
divisionals, Arudha, from CK’s and from Lagnesh but the differences must be understood. For
example if Jupiter is in third from A7 then romances(darapada) or buisness can give setbacks
to things represented by Jupiter. When dealing with Charakaraka’s then see from which
“souls” Your mahadasa is in that maraka-position. This aspect will suffer. Very important is
bhava karaka and when it is in trikona (Sun representing dharma is trikona concept while
Moon is kendra - support) to either Surya or Lagna then Graha is rescued by light of
bhavakaraka. As light is needed we remedy this position through Gem of bhavakaraka or
through Surya worship. However Gem advise must be seen from many other points especially
Arudhapada. I was taught also that this is not so problematic when MKS is not in Jagganath
Drekkana (2 Varga’s-Parijataamsa, 3 Varga-Uttamaamsa).