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Monday, March 1, 2010

Hanuman Mantra and yantra

Hanuman who is esteemed devotee of Lord Rama is very much worshipped for realization of all cherished desires. The Yantra is to be drawn on bhorjapathra with asthagandha or carved on copper plate. This Yantra of hanuman brings about safety. By wearing the Yantra the devotee shall become victorious in battle, win in lawsuits. He is never suffered by adverse effects of planets, obstacles, poisons, weapons, or thieves. He shall get rid of all ailments and be fortunate. He shall live a long life.

Hanuman Mantras

Hanuman is all powerful and removes all problems and sorrows.

Before yourself place Hanuman Yantra in some plate. On it smear vermilion. Next offer a mixture of jaggery, ghee and chapati. Thereafter chant 11 rounds of the following Mantra with Red Coral rosary.

Om Namo Hanumantaay Aaveshay Aaveshay Swaahaa.

After completion of the Mantra recitation go to sleep. This Sadhana should be tried only at night and must be continued for 11 days. Let the sweet offered remain at its place. The next day put it in some utensil and offer fresh sweets.

The eleventh night Lord Hanuman without fail manifests before the Sadhak and provides solutions to the problems of the Sadhak or blesses him with desired success.

After completion of Sadhana give away the sweet collected on all eleven days to some poor person or go and bury it in the earth in South direction from your home.

Many of the Sadhaks have managed to get rid off problems, ailments, and even possible incarceration through this Sadhana.

Some more hanuman mantras

Om Namo Hanumathe Rudraavtaaraay Vishwa Roopaay Amitha Vikramaay Prakata Paraakramaay Mahaabalaasaya Soorya Koti Samaprabhaay Raamadoothaay Swaahaa.


Om Namo Hanumathe Rudraavataaraay Sarva Shathru Sanhaaranaay Sarva Vashikarrannaay Ramdhootaay Swaahaa.


Om Namo Hanumathe Rudraavataaraay Bhakta Jana Mana Kalpanaa Kalpadrumaaya Dushta Monoratha Stambhanaay Prabhanjana Prana Priyaaya Mahaabala Paraakramaaya Mahaavipatti Nivaaranaaya Putra Poutra Dhana Dhaanyaadi Vividha Sampatpradaaya Raamdhootaaya Swaahaa.