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Sunday, August 8, 2010

vedic astrology lesson -9

 If the ?Lord of the ninth house? occupies the ascendant or the first house in the horoscope of a person, he is a devotee of his teacher and deities, is also brave, is tight-fisted, accomplishes work like a king, has little food and is a scholar.
2) If the ?Lord of the ninth house? occupies the second house in the horoscope of a person, he is handsome, has a pleasant and an amicable nature, loves humanity, is religious, is ugly because of the loss of an organ and suffers because of the four-footed animals.
3) If the ?Lord of the ninth house? occupies the third house in the horoscope of a person, he is endowed with beauty, loves his wife and friends and protects his wife, sons and his friends.
4) If the ?Lord of the ninth house? occupies the fourth house in the horoscope of a person, he is a devotee of his father, performs pilgrimages and does virtuous actions.
5) If the ?Lord of the ninth house? occupies the fifth house in the horoscope of a person, he is of good conduct, has a nice and pleasant appearance and has many sons who are religiously inclined.
6) If the ?Lord of the ninth house? occupies the sixth house in the horoscope of a person, he praises his enemy out of fear and criticizes the learned men and scholars.
7) If the ?Lord of the ninth house? occupies the seventh house in the horoscope of a person, he is a speaker of truth, has a beautiful and amicable wife, is religious and fortunate.
8) If the ?Lord of the ninth house? occupies the eighth house in the horoscope of a person, he is a wicked person, is a tormentor of innocent people, is without a family and home, commits sinful actions. If the ?Lord of the ninth house? is an inauspicious planet, the person is impotent.
9) If the ?Lord of the ninth house? occupies the ninth house in the horoscope of a person, he loves his brothers very much yet his behaviour towards them is equal and without any discrimination. He is charitable, devoted to deities and his teacher and he loves his family.
10) If the ?Lord of the ninth house? occupies the tenth house in the horoscope of a person, he does the work of a king, is brave and valiant, serves his parents, is religious and fortunate.
11) If the ?Lord of the ninth house? occupies the eleventh house in the horoscope of a person, he enjoys a long life, is religious, receives benefits from the king and becomes famous because of his religious activities.
12) If the ?Lord of the ninth house? occupies the twelfth house in the horoscope of a person, he is proud but also a learned man, normally resides in foreign and alien lands. If the planet is inauspicious planet, he is cunning and an untrustworthy man.
f the ?Lord of the tenth house? is established in the first house of the horoscope of a person then he dislikes his mother and has enemity towards her, but he is a devotee of his father. After his fathers death his mother gets immorally engaged with another person. 
2) If the ?Lord of the tenth house? is established in the second house of the horoscope of a person then he is fortunate to receive love & affection from his mother, but his mother gets lots of trouble from him, he is greedy, eats little and listens attentively to the contents of the scriptures. 
3) If the ?Lord of the tenth house? is established in the third house of the horoscope of a person then he has disputes with everybody, his parents, brothers & even friends, but he is always ready to serve others. And neglects his own duties connected with his family and caste. 
4) If the ?Lord of the tenth house? is established in the fourth house of the horoscope of a person then he thinks about the means to achieve happiness & prosperity, all the time, he has nice & pleasant conduct, is a humble servant of his friends and gets honoured by the king. 
5) If the ?Lord of the tenth house? is established in the fifth house of the horoscope of a person then he receives many benefits from the king, loves music and receives his mothers love affection and blessings for a long time. 
6) If the ?Lord of the tenth house? is established in the sixth house of the horoscope of a person then he is annoyed because of the fear of his enemies, is quarrelsome, is tight-fisted, is free from diseases and has a hard and rough nature. 
7) If the ?Lord of the tenth house? is established in the seventh house of the horoscope of a person then he is endowed with beauty, has many good qualities, has sons, and a loving and affable wife who respects everybody. 
8) If the ?Lord of the tenth house? is established in the eighth house of the horoscope of a person then he is cruel, brave & valiant, has a habit of telling lies, is of wicked nature, gives pains & anguishes to his mother and has a short life. 
9) If the ?Lord of the tenth house? is established in the ninth house of the horoscope of a person then he has a nice pleasant nature, his friends are always favourable towards him and his mother is gentle, pious & religious and also a speaker of truth. 
10) If the ?Lord of the tenth house? is established in the tenth house of the horoscope of a person then he gives pleasure to his mother by his conduct and service, he gets pleasure, comfort and happiness from the family of his mothers side and is very smart & clever in conversations. 
11) If the ?Lord of the tenth house? is established in the eleventh house of the horoscope of a person then he has the fortunate of receiving wealth from a rich and respectable person. He enjoys a long life & gets his mothers love and affection. 
12) If the ?Lord of the tenth house? is established in the twelfth house of the horoscope of a person then he is abandoned by his mother in his childhood, so he lives his life by his own hard work & endeavour & extinct of survival, performs virtuous actions and is a favourite of the king. If the ?Lord of the tenth house? is an inauspicious planet then he fares all the above mentioned, ill effects in an alien land.
 If the ?Lord of the eleventh house? occupies the ascendant or the first house of the horoscope, then the native has a short life, but he is powerful, brave, valiant, charitable, humane and handsome.
2) If the ?Lord of the eleventh house?is an is an inauspicious planet and occupies the second house of the horoscope, the person eats only those things which are grown and cultivated in the soil, is a little and moderate eater, suffers from migraine.
If the planet is an auspicious one, the native is rich and wealthy.
3) If the ?Lord of the eleventh house? occupies the third house of the horoscope of a person at the time of his birth, the native is well settled among his friends, is efficient in appeasing his wife, and satisfied, has a nice family, is handsome, and annihilates his brother’s enemies.
4) If the ?Lord of the eleventh house? occupies in the fourth house of the horoscope, the native lives a long life, is the devoted to his father, a perfectionist and does only one work at a time with great concentration.
5) If the ?Lord of the eleventh house? occupies the fifth house of the horoscope, the native is very much attached to his father, and resembles his father in qualities and manners, but has a short life.
6) If the ?Lord of the eleventh house? occupies the sixth house of the horoscope, the native suffers from diseases and is surrounded by enemies. But if the planet is an inauspicious one, he dies like a thief in a foreign country.
7) If the ?Lord of the eleventh house? occupies the seventh house of the horoscope, the native is full of radiance, has a pleasant and affable nature, acquires wealth and awards, enjoys a long life and is a monogamist, i.e. remains faithful to his wife.
8) If the ?Lord of the eleventh house? occupies the eighth house of the horoscope and is also an inauspicious planet, the native has a very short life, and suffers from diseases for a long time. But if the planet is an auspicious one, the native faces problems, difficulties, unhappiness lifelong. 
9) If the ?Lord of the eleventh house? occupies the ninth house of the horoscope, the native has great knowledge of the scriptures, is very much interested in the religions and becomes famous for that, is devoted to his father and deities. But if the planet is an inauspicious, he is against his brothers and virtuosity.
10) If the ?Lord of the eleventh house? occupies the tenth house of the horoscope, the native is devoted to his mother, but keeps enemity towards his father, is engaged in religious and virtuous actions, enjoys a long life and protects his mother against all odds in all circumstances.
11) If the ?Lord of the eleventh house? occupies the eleventh house of the horoscope, the native enjoys a long life, has many sons and grandsons, and is engaged in religious activities, is also handsome, and humble, has prominency among the people, is of stocky built and burly and is also fortunate.
12) If the ?Lord of the eleventh house? occupies the twelfth house of the horoscope, the native is engaged in agricultural activities, usually suffers from some permanent disease and is arrogant and proud. He is also charitable and lives his life happily.
If the ?Lord of the twelfth house? occupies the ascendant or the first house, the native normally lives in a foreign country. He is pleasant and handsome in appearance, is a sweet-conversationalist, keeps his social relations with great discrimination, especially regarding eating food in social gathering. He is also an impotent man.
2) If the ?Lord of the twelfth house? is an inauspicious planet and occupies second house of the horoscope, the native has rough and hard nature, has an ability to regain his lost wealth. But if the planet is an auspicious planet, he is poor, steals the property of a king and is frightened of fire.
3) If the ?Lord of the twelfth house? occupies the third house of the horoscope, the native is uncharitable and tight-fisted though wealthy and has few brothers. If the planet is an inauspicious planet, he does not have a brother.
4) If the ?Lord of the twelfth house? occupies the fourth house of the horoscope, the native he is uncharitable and tight-fisted, suffers from diseases, does pious and virtuous deeds, suffers because of his sons, and his life is full of miseries and sorrows.
5) If the ?Lord of the twelfth house? is an inauspicious planet and occupies the fifth house of the horoscope, the native does not have sons. But if the planet is an auspicious planet, the native does have a son who is incapable of earning wealth and misuses and squanders the hard-earned money of his father.
6) If the ?Lord of the twelfth house? is an inauspicious planet and occupies the sixth house of the horoscope, the native is uncharitable and tight-fisted, has defects in the eyes, and dies an untimely death. If Venus is the ?Lord of the twelfth house?, the person is blind.
7) If the ?Lord of the twelfth house? occupies the seventh house of the horoscope of a man, he is of wicked nature and conduct, but is clever in conversation. If the planet is an auspicious planet, the native is killed by his wife. But if the planet is an inauspicious one, he is killed by a woman of low castes.
8) If the ?Lord of the twelfth house? occupies the eighth house of the horoscope, the native is an ascetic engaged in begging, lacks means for doing significant work and is of rebellious nature. But if the planet is an auspicious one, the person is busy accumulating wealth.
9) If the ?Lord of the twelfth house? occupies the ninth house of the horoscope of a person, he is interested in performing pilgrimages, but is also very lazy. If the planet is also an inauspicious planet, he is a sinner and spends money in sinister activities.
10) If the ?Lord of the twelfth house? occupies the tenth house of the horoscope of a person, he is a monogamist,i.e. remains faithful to his wife. He is pious and virtuous from top to bottom, accumulates wealth for the benefit of his sons.
11) If the ?Lord of the twelfth house? occupies the eleventh house of the horoscope of a person, he is wealthy, charitable, famous, speaker of truth, fortunate and brave. He also enjoys a long life.
12) If the ?Lord of the twelfth house? occupies the twelfth house of the horoscope of a person, he is opulent and wealthy, but a tight-fisted man living in a village, is efficient in the accumulation and collection of domestic animals, and is also a landlord.
If a planet looks at any house or the Bhava of the horoscope, or the planet already present in that particular house, it gives auspicious results to the concerned person. Similarly, if a planet looks at the ascendant house, which is also the first house of the horoscope, or if it looks at the Moon, it is considered as the most auspicious and bestows the person with RAJAYOGA (kingship). 
All the twelve houses in a horoscope represent twelve zodiac signs. To know the results of the each of the twelve houses of the horoscope, it is necessary to know, first of all, about the effect of the zodiacs established in those houses, along with the nature of the planet present in that particular house and the relation between the zodiac and the planet. Whether the zodiac is ?friendly’ a ‘hostile’ zodiac to that planet, or if the zodiac is the house of that planet, or whether the zodiac marks the high position of that planet, or the low position, all these factors have to be taken into consideration. 
Then, the synergized effects of the planet and the zodiac of that house should be determined. 
Powerfulness or powerlessness of these combinations of the planet and houses or zodiac signs, determines the intensity of the effects of the house or Bhava, the zodiac or the planet. 
Again, if an auspicious planet is present in any house, it adds to the auspicious results of that house or Bhava. Similarly, if an inauspicious planet occupies a house or Bhava, it destroys the power of that house.
But this rule is not applicable to the inauspicious houses, for example the sixth, the eighth and the twelfth houses of the horoscope are considered as inauspicious houses and hence even if auspicious planets occupy them, they will give inauspicious results.
But, an inauspicious planet present in an inauspicious house like the sixth, the eighth or the twelfth house, gives auspicious results.
1) The first house or the ascendant house of the horoscope specifies about the beauty, complexion, courage, body, marks on the body, caste, joy and pleasure, miseries and sorrow, head, maternal grand father, paternal grand mother etc.
If the auspicious planets like Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are present in the sixth, seventh and eighth houses respectively from the position of the ascendant and the Moon also, and if they are not seen or influenced by any inauspicious planet, these formations are considered to be very auspicious, and give immense wealth and bestow kingship to the concerned person. If all the auspicious planets are present in the ascendant house itself ,it always gives auspicious and good results.
If an inauspicious planet is present in the ascendant house, the results would be inauspicious and the person would be full of bitterness and would have sorrows and miseries in his life. 
2) If a powerful and auspicious planet is present in the ascendant house, the person is fat and stoically built. If the Moon is present in the ascendant house and is either combined by an inauspicious planet or seen by it, the person suffers from cold and excessive element of wind. If there is an inauspicious planet on the eastern part of the ascendant, he has migraine in the left side of his head and if the inauspicious planet is on the western part of the ascendant, he has migraine in the right side of his head.
Here, if the auspicious planet is of the ‘JALACHARA RASHI’ (wet zodiac), the person is a fat man. But if there is a weak and inauspicious planet in the ‘SHUSHKA RASHI’ (Dry zodiac), the person will have a weak or medium body. 
3) If there is a weak Moon in the ascendant house, the person is hydrophobic or fearful of water. If there is a powerful Mars in the ascendant house, the person is very lusty even in his old age and is also capable of satisfying his lust. If there is a Mercury, he has a child like nature all through his life.
If there is Jupiter, either in the ascendant house or in the second house, the person loves sweetmeats and sweet things, and talks sweetly.
If there is only Mercury either in the ascendant house or in the second house, he likes bitter things.
If the Moon and the Venus are in the ascendant house and second house respectively, he likes to eat ?sour? things but if Rahu (Dragon?s head) or Ketu (Dragon?s tail) is also in the ascendant house and the Saturn is in the second house in the horoscope of a person, he loves to eat such things as have fiery taste, especially chillies.
If either the Mars, or the Sun or the Saturn is in the ascendant house, the person is a hypocrite, an addict, is bitter-tongued and likes bitter things. 
4) If the ?Lord of the Ascendant? is an auspicious and powerful planet, or there is an auspicious planet in the ascendant house, the person enjoys a long life. Similarly, if there is an inauspicious planet in the ascendant house, he has a short life. If there is either the Mars or the Sun in the ascendant house, he has an insatiable nature, unlimited desires. If there is an inauspicious planet in the ascendant house and the Moon is either combined with the Jupiter or an inauspicious planet, he suffers from severe pain in his head. If an inauspicious planet looks at the Venus established in the seventh house of the Mars, which itself is established in the twelfth house, the person suffers from excess of wind in his body.
If the Moon is established in the centre and is surrounded by the inauspicious planets and the Sun is established in the seventh house, the person suffers from respiratory problems, T.B. and excessive wind in his body.
Similarly, if an inauspicious planet, established in the third or fifth or eleventh house and is not seen by an auspicious planet and an auspicious planet established in the seventh house is not seen by an auspicious planet, the person suffers from dental diseases.
If the ?Lord of the ascendant? is placed either with the Sun or the Mars in the same house, the person is prone to burning and suffers from excessive bile element in his body.
If the Sun is established in either the ascendant house or the ninth house or the fifth house, at the time of birth of a person, and also either Saturn or Jupiter is established in the centre and also if the days of the birth is either Saturday or Tuesday, then the person suffers from insanity, is an idiot and has an unstable mind. 
If either the mercury or the moon is established in the centre and auspicious planets is not established in the ninth house then the person is always in a state of dilemma and can not make judgements appropriately. 
If the Moon is combined with any inauspicious planet or with the Dragon?s head and is established in the twelfth house and there is also an auspicious planet in the eighth house, then the person born under these combinations has excessive anger, quarrelsome and lunatic. 
If there is Saturn is the seventh house, and Jupiter in the ascendants house, then the person suffers from excessive element of wind in his body. 
If the Mars is in the seventh house and the Jupiter in the ascendants house then the person is a lunatic. 
If the Saturn is in the ascendants house and Mars in either the ninth, the fifth or the seventh houses, then the person is a lunatic, too. 
If a weak moon combined with the Saturn is in the twelfth house, then the person is a lunatic.
The second house of the horoscope specifies about the wealth, family, treasure, eye, the face of a male, voice, pleasant appearance and complexion, pearls, silver etc. and helps us to contemplate on these matters. 
The second house of the horoscope is also called ‘Dhanesh’ (lord of wealth). If an auspicious planet is combined with the Dhanesh and is present in the second house of the horoscope, it gives benefits in the things connected with wealth. 
If the second house has either an auspicious planet or is being seen by it, the person is wealthy, and has a impressive and powerful voice. 
If the Moon is in the second house and is seeing the Mercury, the person in question has an empty treasure. 
If an inauspicious planet is present in the second house, the person is poor. 
Similarly, if Mercury is seeing a weak Moon which is present in the second house, this causes loss of wealth accumulated in the past, and there are hurdles in the path of earning and acquiring wealth. 
If the Venus is in the second house of the horoscope and is seen by an auspicious planet, it helps in accumulating wealth. 
If the Sun is in the second house of the horoscope and is also seen by an inauspicious planet, the person has congenital marks on his body which show the arrival of imminent diseases. But if the Sun is combined with a feminine planet, he talks unpleasantly and has very little wealth. 
If both, the Sun and Mercury are in the second house, he is always ready to do service to the people and has a very helpful nature, but he possesses unstable wealth. Again, if the Sun and Mercury are in combination with any other planet which is the lord of some other house, the wealth of the person will be controlled by a person, who is governed by that particular planet. For example, if at the time of the birth, the Sun and Mercury are in the second house of the horoscope and there is also another planet which is the lord of some other house, say ‘SUTESH BHAVA’ (Lord of the Sun house) and again if this particular planet is a feminine (STREE) one, the wealth of the person will be controlled by his daughter. 
Similarly, if the planet is the ‘Lord of the brother house’ or ‘BHRAATREESH BHAVA’ which is also the third house, his wealth will be controlled by his sister and so on. 
Similarly, if the Moon is in the second house and is either combined with a cruel planet or is seen by it then the person suffers from mental aberration and also from malaria, cold, cough etc. 
If the Venus is combined with a cruel planet and is present in the second house, the person stammers or is one-eyed. 
If the Venus or the Mars is present in the second house or the twelfth house, the person suffers from diseases of the ear. If the same planet is either in combination or is seen by an inauspicious planet, he suffers from the eye diseases. 
If, in the sixth, eighth and twelfth house, the lord of the second house and lord of the first house is combined with the Sun and the Venus, or 
If in the sixth, eighth and twelfth house, the lord of the first house is in combination with Venus and the Sun, or, 
If the Sun is troubled by Rahu (Dragon?s head) in the first house and the Mars and the Saturn are present in the ninth and fifth houses respectively, all the above combinations will result in blindness during birth.
respectively, all the above combinations will result in blindness during birth. 
If the lord of the tenth house (Father), fourth house (Mother) or fifth house (Son) or seventh house (Wife) or the third house is either combined with the Sun, the Moon and the Venus and not seen by an auspicious planet and are placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses, it causes blindness to his father, mother, son, wife and brother respectively. 
If, either Jupiter (high positions) or Mercury (high position) is present in the second house and it is also a self-house, the person talks logically and is also blessed with beauty. If the Rahu (Dragon?s head) is in the second house, the person has a large face. If an enemy planet is established in the second house, the person suffers from the diseases of the mouth, which also leads to his death. 
If the Moon is in the second house or the house of the wealth, the person is scared of water. If the Moon is combined with a feminine planet and both of them are placed in the second house, the person loses his wealth, squandering it on music and dance. 
If a weak planet is the lord of the second house or if the weak Mars is present in the second house without being seen by an auspicious planet, his wealth is destroyed either by his enemy or fire or by the wrath of the king. But if the same Mars combined with an inauspicious planet is present in the second house, it causes his death either through poisoning or severe wound inflicted by weapons or because of some blood-related disease. 
If there is an auspicious planet in the ascendant house and an inauspicious planet in the twelfth house (Expense), the person does not remain wealthy for a long time i.e. his earnings and expenditures are equal. 
If there is an inauspicious planet in the second house (wealth) and the ?Lord of the ascendant’ is present in the twelfth house and also if the ‘Lord of the tenth house’ and ‘lord of the eleventh house’ are combined, the person is always burdened by debts
If, either Jupiter (high positions) or Mercury (high position) is present in the second house and it is also a self-house, the person talks logically and is also blessed with beauty. If the Rahu (Dragon?s head) is in the second house, the person has a large face. If an enemy planet is established in the second house, the person suffers from the diseases of the mouth, which also leads to his death. 
If the Moon is in the second house or the house of the wealth, the person is scared of water. If the Moon is combined with a feminine planet and both of them are placed in the second house, the person loses his wealth, squandering it on music and dance. 
If a weak planet is the lord of the second house or if the weak Mars is present in the second house without being seen by an auspicious planet, his wealth is destroyed either by his enemy or fire or by the wrath of the king. But if the same Mars combined with an inauspicious planet is present in the second house, it causes his death either through poisoning or severe wound inflicted by weapons or because of some blood-related disease. 
If there is an auspicious planet in the ascendant house and an inauspicious planet in the twelfth house (Expense), the person does not remain wealthy for a long time i.e. his earnings and expenditures are equal. 
If there is an inauspicious planet in the second house (wealth) and the ?Lord of the ascendant’ is present in the twelfth house and also if the ‘Lord of the tenth house’ and ‘lord of the eleventh house’ are combined, the person is always burdened by debts.
f auspicious planets are present in the third, sixth, tenth and eleventh houses from the ascendant house or the house occupied by the Moon, these combinations help the man to acquire immense wealth. 
If there are only two auspicious planets present in any of the two positions given above, the person is moderately rich. 
If there is only one auspicious planet in any of the positions given above, he is moderately rich. 
But if there is not a single auspicious planet, then, the person is poor. 
If there are any other inauspicious combinations along with the above mentioned combinations, he only enjoys the good effects of the auspicious combinations, and the inauspicious combinations do not have any evil effect on him. 
If the combinations mentioned above in the first paragraph, occurs both from the ascendant house and the house occupid by the Moon, this combination is extremely beneficial. 
If the ?lord of the zodiac? occupied by the Moon (CHANDRASHEESH) is combined with the ‘lord of the ascendant’ and both of them are very close to each other and present in the first, fourth, seventh or tenth house and if the combination of the two planets is also seen by a powerful and auspicious planet, the person is immensely wealthy and famous
f the ‘lord of the ninth house’ i.e. destiny, is related with the lords of first, second, fourth, fifth, tenth or eleventh houses, the person is wealthy. 
Similarly, if the ‘lord of the tenth house’ is related with the lords of first, second, fourth, fifth, tenth or eleventh houses, it brings lot of wealth. 
If the ‘lord of the eleventh house’ is related with any of the lords of the fifth, second, first and the fourth houses, the person is wealthy. 
Similarly, if the ‘lord of the ascendant’ is related with either of the lords belonging to the second, fourth and fifth houses, the person is wealthy. 
If the ‘lord of the second house’ is related with the ‘lord of the fourth house’ or with the ‘lord of the fifth house’, the person is wealthy. 
The six houses commencing from the ninth house i.e. tenth, ninth, eleventh, twelfth, first and second are the wealth portions of the birth chart, and the six houses commencing from the third house i.e. third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth houses are the poverty portions
One of the many mysteries of Indian Astrology is that it does not have any good or evil effects but merely gives us prior information about the events that will occur. 
Therefore, the chief objective and usefulness of Astrology is to make prior presumptions of the incidents by studying the nature and qualities of the planets. In this way, we can be alert well in advance and can even transform our sorrow into joy. 
People, who believe that things which are bound to happen will certainly happen and cannot be changed, generally have no belief in Astrology. But there is no doubt that the prior knowledge of the favourability and unfavourability of the planets alerts a man to look for remedial methods. It can even make him alert to such an extent so that he takes such precautionary methods which will minimise or even nullify their effects. People who believe in destiny, have classified the Karma (action) in two parts (1) PRARABDHA,
Prarabdha means those actions, which were committed in the previous life and the results of which one faces in the present life. 
Anarabdha means those actions, which are committed in the present life, or are about to be committed and the results will be faced in the next birth. 
It is impossible to do Karmas without aims or objectives. The theory of Bhagyawada (Fatalism) is that one should do such Karmas, which give good results in the present and the next birth. People who do not believe in ‘PUNARJANMA’ (Reincarnation), work hard and do virtuous actions, but still remain poor and unhappy. On the other hand, there are people who do little work but still manage to acquire and accumulate wealth and enjoy life to the full extent. And again there are rich people who face the wrath of the nature and become poor. What are the reasons for that? Do the people, who don’t believe in destiny, have any explanations? 
The Sun and the Moon are considered as the two principle planets, in Indian Astrology. The Sun is considered to be a ‘PURUSHA’ (Masculine) and the Moon is considered to be a ‘STREE’ or ‘PRAKRITI’ (Feminine). The planets, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn have been said to be the five elements. The Astrological cycle moves around with the help of Purusha, Prakriti and all the five elements, altogether.
Today, almost all the newspapers and magazines publish daily predictions on the basis of date of birth and Sun signs (Zodiac sign); the western Astrology considers the Sun as the principal planet, whereas in Indian astrology, Moon has been given that honour. Due to this contradiction in the two systems, people get confused. 
In Indian Astrology, both the Sun and the Moon have been given prominence. The factor affecting the Atma (Soul) is the Sun and the factor affecting the ‘Mana’ (Mind) is the Moon. 
It implies that our body remains active as long as the symbol of Surya (Sun) that is Atma in our body exists. Without it, our body has no meaning. For the accomplishment of any work, we need a healthy body. So it is obvious that the Sun is the most important. 
On the other hand, Moon is a factor affecting the mind (Mana). Indian philosophy considers that Mind is the principle factor that affects our feelings like joy and sorrow, wealth and poverty, and rise and fall etc. 
According to Shankaracharya
The great Poet Kalidas has said that
Kabir has said
All these statements stress upon the greatness of the mind.
Our body can be compared with a chariot, our mind–the charioteer, and our sense organs as the horses of the chariot. Just as a charioteer controls the horses pulling the chariot, in the same way, our mind controls the body and senses and is not controlled by Atma (soul). 
The importance of mind is, thus, obvious. Similarly the Moon, which has been compared to the mind, causes tides in the ocean. It is only because of the Moon’s motion that we know when it would be a high tide or a low. 
Thus it is adequately proved that the zodiac signs based on the Chandra (Moon) and the calculations of Dasha (position of planets) and the calculations of Rashiphala (prediction made on the basis of zodiac signs) is relatively more subtle and near perfection.