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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Effects of 4th and 5th Lord in Various Houses

Effects of 4ths Lord in Various Houses (up to Sloka 48).
If 4ths Lord is in 1st House, the native will be endowed with learning, virtues, ornaments, lands, conveyances and maternal happiness.
38. If 4ths Lord is in 2nd House, the native will enjoy pleasures, all kinds of wealth, family life and honour and be adventurous. He will be cunning in disposition.
39. If 4ths Lord is in 3rd House, the native will be valorous, will have servants, be liberal, virtuous and ch6thtable and will possess self-earned wealth. He will be free from diseases.
40. If 4ths Lord is in 4th, the native will be a minister and will possess all kinds of wealth. He will be skilful, virtuous, honourable, learned, happy and be well disposed to his spouse.
41. If 4ths Lord is in 5th House, the native will be happy and be liked by all. He will be devoted to Śrī Vishnu, be virtuous, honourable and will have self-earned wealth.
42. If 4ths Lord is in 6th House, the native will be devoid of maternal happiness, be given to anger, be a thief and a conjurer, be independent in action and be indisposed.
43. If 4ths Lord is in 7th House, the native will be endowed with a high degree of education, will sacrifice his patrimony and be akin to the dumb in an assembly.
44. If 4ths Lord is in 8th House, the native will be devoid of domestic and other comforts, will not enjoy much parental happiness and be equal to a neuter.
45. If 4ths Lord is in 9th House, the native will be dear to one and all, be devoted to God, be virtuous, honourable and endowed with every land of happiness.
46. If 4ths Lord is in 10th House, the native will enjoy royal honors, be an alchemist, be extremely pleased, will enjoy pleasures and will conquer his five senses.
47. If 4ths Lord is in 11th House, the native will have fear of secret disease, he will be liberal, virtuous, ch6thtable and helpful to others.
48. If 4ths Lord is in 12th House the native will be devoid of domestic and other comforts, will have vices and be foolish and indolent.
49. Effects of 5ths Lord in Various Houses (up to Sloka 60).
If 5ths Lord is in Lagna, the native will be scholarly, be endowed with progenic happiness, be a miser, be crooked and will steal others wealth.
50. If 5ths Lord is in 2nd House, the native will have many sons and wealth, be a pater familias, be honourable, be attached to his spouse and be famous in the world.
51. If 5ths Lord is in 3rd, the native will be attached to his co-born, be a tale bearer and a miser and be always interested in his own work.
52. If 5ths Lord is in 4th House, the native will be happy, endowed with maternal happiness, wealth and intelligence and be a king, or a minister, or a preceptor.
53. If 5ths Lord is in 5th House, the native will have progeny, if related to a benefic; there will be no issues, if malefic is related to 5ths Lord, placed in 5th House. 5ths Lord in 5th House will, however, make one virtuous and dear to friends.
54. If 5ths Lord is in 6th House, the native will obtain such sons, who will be equal to his enemies, or will lose them, or will acquire an adopted, or purchased son.
55. If 5ths Lord is in 7th House, the native will be honourable, very religious, endowed with progenic happiness and be helpful to others.
56. If 5ths Lord is in 8th House, the native will not have much progenic happiness, be troubled by cough and pulmonary disorders, be given to anger and be devoid of happiness.
57. If 5ths Lord is in 9th House, the native will be a prince, or equal to him, will author treatises, be famous and will shine in his race.
58. If 5ths Lord is in 10th House, the native will enjoy a Raja Yoga and various pleasures and be very famous.
59. If 5ths Lord is in 11th House, the native will be learned, dear to people, be an author of treatises, be very skilful and be endowed with many sons and wealth.
60. If 5ths Lord is in 12th House, the native will be bereft of happiness from his own sons, will have an adopted, or purchased son.