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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Rudraksha – Its use and benefits-3

Properties of Rudraksha
Elaeocarpus sphaericus is the botanical or scientific name for this tree from where the Rudrasksha comes from.The seeds from the fruits those are used to make rosaries and necklaces for prayer and meditation mainly used by Hindus and Buddhists.
Rudraksha is a seed of a fruit from trees grown in India, Nepal, Indonesia and Malaysia. The tree is as big as banyan tree. It takes 15 to 18 years to take full shape
Elaeocarpus is a large genius of evergreen trees. It has nearly 36 sister species, including Rudraksha. All trees bearing white flowers with fringed petals developing into drupaceous fruit resembling olive. The main trunk of rudraksha tree is cylindrical. Its section is circular. Bark is grayish white and rough in texture with small vertical lenticels and narrow horizontal furrows. The branches of Rudraksha spread in all directions is such a way that when growing in natural habitat, the crown takes the shape of a pyramid. The leaves of rudraksha are shining green above and dull curvaceous below. The flowers are ovoid, conical, elongate, nearly 1 to 2 cm in diameter. The fruit is globose and drupaceous having a fleshy exterior. The beads inside is hard and tubercled. Farming of Rudraksha is a difficult process due to its slow sprouting from the beads which usually takes about 1 to 2 years depending on the humidity of soil. Rudraksha is basically grown in subtropical climatic region with temperature ranges from 25 to 30degree centigrade. Once Rudraksha are planted it starts giving fruit after 7 years and thereafter for long time. In the single tree Rudraksha beads comes in all different faces at the same time but higher mukhis or faces are vary rare to find where most of Rudraksha beads are five faces .The Himalayan Beads simply seem to be larger, heavier and more powerful due to the environment they grow in. So it is a certainty that environment and specifically the location of the Rudraksa Trees plays a key role in their growth. Rudraksha tree are easy to grow and once established, a rudraksha tree will last for years with a little care.
Rudraksha is a fruit, which is covered with pulp and a thin outer skin. The skin is green in color like banana skin. But when plucked from the tree and allowed to remain, as it is, the colors of the skin become blackish blue. The diameter of the seed is up to 1 inch (2.54 cm) and is nearly round in shape, and belongs to Eliocorpus Genetic type of herb. The seed can have 1 to 14 mouths (Mukhi’s) or faces and Rudraksha up to 21 Mukhi’s (faces) have been obtained by some collectors. The Mukhi’s or the face is easy to count and is a natural division of the seed. Many studies have been carried out for the scientific explanation of different effects of various faces. The Indian epics are full of varying affects of wearing Rudraksha of different faces. More than 95% of Rudraksha available naturally is 5 Mukhi’s (Panch Mukhi’s) and these are very powerful with several attributes for the mankind.
Medical and scientific facts
The beneficial powers of Rudraksha are by virtue of its Electrical and Magnetic Properties
Electrical Properties
The ability to send out subtle electrical impulses & Inductive vibrations and act as a Dielectric as in a capacitor to store electrical energy.
Our Human body, The Central Nervous System, Autonomous, Sympathetic & Para sympathetic Nervous System and Various other Organ systems in to to can be considered a complex Bio Electronic circuit.
Constant pumping of blood by the heart, blood circulation, the transmission of various impulses -Touch, Noise, Smell, Sight, Taste to the brain and the continuous movement of Neurons and Neurotransmitters in the brain and Nervous system generates electrical impulses. This is termed as Bioelectricity. This flow of Bioelectricity facilitates movement of information from the brain to various parts of the body and back. What we feel, think, hear, taste, see. Perceive all depends on the subtle flow of Bioelectric current. This flow of Bioelectric current is occurs due to the existence of potential differences or the different energy levels between different parts of the body. As long as the flow of Bioelectricity is smooth the body functions normally and we have the feeling of being in control
But there is a third element to the Body and Brain Bio Electronic circuit Interface, that of the mind. Any activity that can produce stress or maladjustment can throw the streamlined activity, the Electronic circuit of the Body& Mind out of gear. Human beings and all living beings are prone to stress continuously in the continuous fight for survival and prosperity.
In modern age with intense competition the Stress levels have increased tremendously. Almost every individual has problems of Stress and Stress related ailments like insomnia, alcoholism, depression, Maladjustments, heart diseases, skin diseases etc. Any Doctor will confirm that almost 95% of the ailments are Psychosomatic or Stress related (i.e.) originating from Mind. When there is Stress or Maladjustment corresponding Stress signals are sent to the Central Nervous systems, there is an increased activity or abnormal of Neurons and Neuro transmitters. The magnitude of change will depend on the cause and specific case. When such a thing occurs and it occurs continuously, streamlined flow of electrical signals throughout the Mind-Body interface is disrupted and it makes us feel uncomfortable and we are not able to act with our full efficiency. Our Blood circulation becomes Non-ideal and we feel various illnesses. Unfortunately this happens all the time.
Rudraksha beads act as a Stabilizing Anchor. Rudraksha beads’ electrical property can be broadly categorized into:
There is continuous and subtle flow of bioelectrical signal throughout the body due to potential difference between parts of the Body. Rudraksha beads of particular Mukhi’s or Facets have a definitive Factor of Resistance. It is measured in Ohms. When these beads resist the flow of bioelectrical impulses a specific ampere of current flow is generated depending on the factor of resistance. This acts in tandem with heartbeat, streamlining it and sending out specific impulses to brain. These impulses stimulate certain positive brain chemicals. Making us feel better, more confidants, poised and more energetic. It has been observed that specific Mukhi’s or Facets of Rudraksha beads send out specific signals acting on a particular brain chemical and thereby by effecting specific positive changes in personality. It is well proven that the state of mind and our personality is governed almost completely by the Brain, it’s functioning and that of Central Nervous System
Capacitance or the Dielectric Properties
Rudraksha beads act as dielectric (i.e.) as a storage of electrical energy. This property of Rudraksha makes it capable in stabilizing and anchoring the Bioelectric current. The values are measured in units of Farad. This property is very helpful in controlling hyperactivity, palpitations of heart, streamlining heartbeat etc. Due to stress when there is increased physical activity heart beats faster and the overall activity of hormones and nervous system increases. This causes increased energy levels or increase in potential difference. As a result of this the magnitude of the Bioelectric Current Increases. Rudraksha beads acting as Dielectric store this excess Bioelectric Energy thereby streamlining the overall activity to Normalcy
Rudraksha beads by it have permanent magnetic properties. The have been observed to send out Inductive vibrations with frequencies measured in units of Henry (Volt Seconds/Ampere). This perhaps the reason why people have felt better even when Rudraksha beads does not touch them physically.
Magnetic Properties
Rudraksha beads have Both Paramagnetic and Diamagnetic with the most important property of Dynamic Polarity
Diamagnetism is the property of an object which causes it to create a magnetic field in opposition of an externally applied magnetic field, thus causing a repulsive effect. Specifically, an external magnetic field alters the orbital velocity of electrons around their nuclei, thus changing the magnetic dipole moment in the direction opposing the external field.
Paramagnetism is a form of magnetism that occurs only in the presence of an externally applied magnetic field.
Rudraksha beads exhibit both dimagnetism and paramagnetism.We all are most probably aware of the beneficial healing properties of magnets. Magnetic Healing is becoming extremely popular off late and everyone who have been using magnets for healing have been getting the benefits and found overall betterment and rejuvenation. Rudraksha beads retain most of the properties of Magnets but it is unparallel in one aspect, that of the ability to change it’s polarity or the Property of Dynamic Polarity. The basic way of healing is based on the fact that the when the passage of arteries and veins which carry blood to and from Heart to all the parts of the body is blocked or reduced due to variety of reasons, various illnesses creep. Blood carries oxygen and energy to various parts of the body and cleanses it off waste materials. Any disruption of the smooth flow of Blood circulation is bound to cause illnesses. We experience pain and uneasiness due to improper blood circulation. Every cell in the blood as well as the Arteries and veins are charged either positively or negatively. Magnets have the poles Positive (+) and Negative (-).
When magnets are passed on various parts of the body the opposite poles of the magnets and that of cells get attracted and there is an expansion of the passage .The Arteries and veins open up to facilitate streamlined blood circulation. When there is a streamlining of blood circulation most of the illnesses get automatically healed and we feel better and rejuvenated.
But with magnets the polarity is fixed. When magnets are brought near a particular part of the body it opens up only those sections of veins and arteries where there is a matching of polarities hence complete healing and streamlining of blood circulation cannot be ensured. We experience healing and feel better but we can still go much further with Dynamic Polarity of Rudraksha beads.
Rudraksha has the ability to Change it’s polarity-The property of Dynamic Polarity. This in turn is by virtue of its property, Diamagnetism. Diamagnetism is termed as the ability of any material to acquire temporary magnetic property in presence of an external magnetic field. The polarity of the charge induced is opposite to that of the external field inducing the charge. Blood circulation and heart beat automatically induces a magnetic field around the body and particularly the heart Region. Bioelectricity automatically gives raise to Biomagnetism Depending on the polarity of the Induced magnetic field. Rudraksha bead acquires a polarity that is opposite of the inducing field. As a result of this the opening up the passages of Arteries and Veins are far better than that of magnets. Much better healing and rejuvenation is experienced.
Various Literatures mention of powerful Anti Ageing properties of Rudraksha beads This is mainly because of the Dynamic Polarity of the Rudraksha a bead thus the healing powers of Rudraksha are far superior to that of Magnets. In some sense Rudraksha beads can be termed to have some additional life or Intelligence as against Magnets.
Constellations (Zodiac significance):  Rudraksha is used for removing malefic planetary effect. There are twenty seven Constellations. Each has control of one of the Nine Planets. Each constellation is controlled by some related Rudraksha. Therefore according to these constellations, various multifaceted Rudraksha are worn (Control planets) and is found useful in multidiscipline. The Multifaceted or Mukhi Rudraksha which has various planets residing on it, always receive energy from related planet. Its power of receiving energy is tremendous and it works like a reservoir. It not only receives energy, it is also known for emitting energy continuously. 
Removing evil spirit effects : Rudraksha is considered to be a spiritual bead. Used since ancient time for increasing the spiritual power, self confidence, courage and for building a positive attitude in multidiscipline area. As per the ancient Indian scripture like Purana, it is well known that Each Rudraksha is linked with Particular deity. This Positive Power in terms of Deva or Devi always protects the wearer from Negative Powers and enmity and provides a powerful shield against all negativities.
Importance for spiritual attainments: The word Rudraksha has great importance as far as Indian culture as well as Hindu religion is concerned. This is due to its relation with Lord Shiva who is lord of all Deva( so called Mahadeva) and its role in meditation and spiritual attainments.
1 Mukhi Rudraksha
(Ek Mukhi Rudraksha ukaar ko Barne)

The One Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of UKAR i.e. which is formless, depthless, shadow less, Godhood, Supreme Truth and Attainment of Eternity who has created this entire world.
The One Mukhi Rudraksha bead is itself Lord Shankar and it is the main among all Rudraksha of all faces. It is ruled by the Sun and enlightens the Super Consciousness. It brings the power of Dharana to the wearer meaning the power to concentrate the mind on an object. The wearer of One Mukhi Rudraksha gets his mental structure changed and he begins to feel renunciation from the worldly affairs and naturally inclines towards GOD. His mind begins to concentrate on the Supreme Element.
This is the best of all Rudraksha. Peace and pleasure abide in the house where One Mukhi Rudraksha is worshipped. The person who worships it obtains not only all the worldly pleasures during his life span but also remains unaffected by them. It is ideal for Doctors.
One Mukhi Rudraksha is found in two shapes round and the half moon shape. Round Rudraksha is highly praised in our ancients texts but it is very rare and more of a myth . One Mukhi Half moon is easily available and found in a family tree of Rudraksha from India and Srilanka. From the point of view of importance there is no difference between them. Therefore it must be real and pure in whatever shape it may be. The cost of One Mukhi Round is more than the half moon shaped Rudraksha.
There are two Traditional Mantras for the One Mukhi Rudraksha bead.
“Om Namah Shivaya” and “Om Hreem Namah”
2 Mukhi Rudraksha (Ruled by Moon)
2 Mukhi Rudraksha
(Do Mukhi Rudraksha Chand Suraj Ko Barane)
2 Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of Moon and Sun. The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi ( method of purification & charging with Mantra) will always accompanied by two Deva i.e. Surya Deva and Chandra Deva. The wearer of this Rudraksha get Punya (meritorious act) of donating 108 Cows. He is able to control two Indriya (senses) of his body. This Rudraksha gives control of Swar ( ancient and hidden knowledge of Breathing to know past present and future ).
The wearer of this Rudraksha will never remain lazy and get always the blessing of Lord Shiva and in the end of life get the Moksha (liberation). One who starts the New work by wearing this Rudraksha; always get the success.
2 Mukhi Rudraksha effectively control the malefic effects of Moon such as diseases of Left eye, kidney, intestine in physical level and in the spiritual level such as lack of harmony in relationship etc. Two faced Rudraksha has natural two lines or faces. It is oval in shape and is available in two varieties – Nepal and Haridwar (India).
Two Mukhi as per the various Puranas : 2 Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of ArdhaNareeshwara, a joint image of the Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati (Shakti). In this image we see both in one body. It brings unity like the family unity in form, speech and Meaning.
Being capable of getting riches and virtuous off springs by wearing two faced Rudraksha, it’s wearer becomes capable of leading peaceful and sacred life.
Its wearer’s family finds the reverence and faith continuously increasing among them. Removing the differences of opinions between the Teacher & the pupil, the father and the son, the husband and the wife, and friends, it establishes unity between them.
Mantra: “Shree Gauri Shankaraya Namah, Om Namah”.