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Saturday, August 7, 2010

vedic astrology lesson -1 continued

The whole cycle is of 3600. Since there are 12 Zodiacs therefore each zodiac is of 360 / 27 = 300. Similarly if we divide 360 / 27 = 13.20. Therefore each zodiac consists of 13.20 Kala, that means each zodiac consists of 2 ¼ Nakshatras.
If we look at the sky carefully we would observe some specific shapes. The names of the Zodiac have been established on these shapes. If we examine a person name as per the Zodiac and match it with his qualities, we will come to the conclusion that both the things tally.
ARIES : This zodiac is considered to be variable cruel of having manliness & Fire elements, the Master of Eastern direction, established in the Forehead, Rising From the back (rear) side (Prishthodaya), having violent nature, Red Colour & water touching its feet (Paadajala). This effects the ‘bile’ in our body. The master of this zodiac is Mars. The position of the Sun is considered to be High and the Saturn Low, i.e. Sun is second only to the Mars in having effect. The Saturn is least effective.
A man born in this zodiac is brave, Proud and obliger of the Friends. This zodiac expresses its qualities in the first ninth part i.e. from 10 – 3 ½ .
TAURUS: This zodiac is considered to be Invariable, gentle of having womanliness, the master of the southern direction, rising form the rear side, established in the mouth, causing excessive wind in our body (Flatus). Taurus is also called water touching Half its body (Ardhajala Rashi) Zodiac.
The master of this Zodiac is Venus. The position of the Moon is High. The Moon is called the Mola Trikona between the position of 4 degrees to 30 degrees Rahu (Dragon’s Head) is high and Ketu (Dragon’s Tail) is low.
A man born in this zodiac is selfish doing work after giving great thought, expert in worldly affairs and Hard working Taurus shows its full potential in the fifth ninth part that is between 13 1/3 degrees to 16 2/3 degrees.
GEMINI : This is considered to be of variable & Invariable, Nature, Cruel, Manly, affecting the wind-element. The master of the western direction grows upwardly. It affects the body by varying all the three DOSHAS i.e. Cough, Wind and Bile in effect. This is called a Dry (Nirjal) Zodiac. Mercury is the master of this Zodiac.
A person born in this Zodiac is interested in Studies and Arts. Gemini is most powerful till the nineth part.
CANCER : This is considered to be variable Nature. Gentle, Womanly consisting of water element (Jala Tatva). Cancer is the master of Northern direction growing from the rear side, a factor giving fair colour to a person born in this Zodiac. This is a complete water zodiac (PURNA JALA RASHI). The master of this Zodiac is Moon. Cancer is also the basic Triangle (MOOLA TRIKONA) of the Rahu (Dragon’s head).
A person born in this zodiac has the tendency to achieve success in life, is shy, and does his work with full concentration. Cancer is most powerful between the 10 – 3 1/30 of the first ninth part.
LEO : This is considered to be Invariable, cruel, Manly consisting of fire elements, growing upwards, having yellow colour is established in the heart. Leo is the master of the Eastern direction. This is a Dry zodiac.
The Sun is the master of this zodiac. From 1 degree to 20 degrees it is called the MOOLA TRIKONA of the Sun, and the remaining is called SWAGRIHA (OWN HOUSE).
A person born in this zodiac is affected by the Bile element, loves to travel, lover of freedom, Thinker, gracious. This Zodiac shows its full potential between 13 1/30 to 16 2/30 of the fifth Nine parts.
VIRGO : It is considered to be of both Variable & Invariable, Nature, Gentle, Womanly, Consisting of earth element, Master of the southern direction, growing upwards is of yellow colour, is a dry zodiac.
Mercury is the master of this Zodiac. Mercury’s position is high in this zodiac till the 15 degree and between 16 degree- 25 degree it is situated in the MOOLA-TRIKONA, and remains in its own House in the rest.
A person born in this zodiac has the same qualities as that of a Gemini. He as the desire for success and care’s for his self-respect.
This zodiac shows its full potential in the Nineth NAVAMANSA i.e. between 26 2/3 degrees- 30 degrees.
LIBRA : This zodiac is considered to be Variable, Cruel, Manly of varying the wind elements in the body, Master of the western-side, established in the part below the Navel, upward growing, is a PAADAJALA RASHI (water touching the feet). The master of this zodiac is Venus. The position of the sun is low and that of Saturn is high. Till the 20 degree there is a MOOLA TRIKONA of the Venus and for the rest it lies in its own house. KETU behaves friendly in this zodiac.
A person born in this zodiac is Thoughtful, loves to acquire knowledge and is a politician. Libra shows its full potential between the 10 – 31/30 of the NAVASANSA.
SCORPION : Invariable, Gentle, Womanly consisting of water element, rising upward, Master of the Northern side, Causes fair & golden colour and effect the cough element in our body.
The master of this zodiac is Mars and the MOON is situated low in this zodiac. A person born in this zodiac is Proud, Frank of inflexible nature of pure heart. Scorpion is most powerful between the 13 1/3 to 16 2/3 degrees in the fifth NAVAMANSH.
SAGITARIUS : It is considered to be of both Variable & Invariable Nature, strong, Manly consisting of Fire-element, Master of the eastern direction, is established in the joints of our Legs & also Thighs, rising from the rear side, this causes golden colour and bile element. This is also called ARDHAJALA RASHI. The Jupiter is the master of this zodiac till 20 degree there is a MOOLA TRIKONA of the Jupiter, and for the rest it is SWAGRIHA (OWN HOUSE).
A person born in this zodiac is Authoritarian, compassionate and has propriety of conduct. This zodiac shows its full potential in the Nineth Navamansha between 26 2/3 to 30 degrees.
CAPRICORN : This zodiac is considered to be of variable nature, Gentle established in the knuckles of the feet, and knee, rising from the rear side, causes VAAYU DOSHA (Wind Defect) and yellowish colour to a man form in this zodiac. This is called complete- water-zodiac (PURNA JALA RASHI).
The Saturn is the master of this zodiac, Jupiter is low, and the Ketu is situated in the MOOLA TRIKONA. A Capricorn by nature is ambitious. The full potential of Capricorn is shown in the first Navamansha.
AQUARIUS : This is considered to be of invariable nature, strongl, Manly affects the proportion of the Wind element (VAYUTATVA) is established in the lower part of the knee & calf upward rising gives peculiar colours, is HALF-WATER-ZODIAC (ARDHA JALA RASHI).
Saturn is the master of this zodiac. It is the Moola Trikona of the Saturn till 20 degrees and the rest is its own house. An Aquarius by nature is thoughtful, gentle at heart and Religious. This zodiac shows its full potential in the fifth Navamansh, between 13 1/3 degree and 18 2/3 degrees.
PISCES : This is considered to be of both the nature i.e. variable and invariable, Gentle, Womanly, Master of the northern direction is a Jala Rashi established in the legs and its toes, Rising both from the rear side and rising upwardly. Affects the Phlegm (KAFA TATYA) in our body, gives yellowish colour. This is a Purna JALA RASHI.
Jupiter is the master of this zodiac and mercury’s position is low. A person born in this zodiac is very gentle nature, generous and soft at heart. This zodiac shows its full potential in the Nineth Navamansha between 26 2/3 degrees and 30 degrees.
Just as to understand the language and predictions of the Birth Chart (Janma Patree) the knowledge of Bhava (the position of the planets in the twelve houses of the zodiac) and Rashi (Zodiac), are essential. In the same way it is essential to have the knowledge of the nature of the planets, the appearance of the planets, to understand the planets.
There are seven main planets, they are :
1) SUN , 2) MOON , 3) MARS , 4) MERCURY, 5) JUPITER , 6) VENUS , 7) SATURN.
Rahu (Dragon’s Head) & Ketu (Dragon’s tail) are considered as CHAYAGRAHA (SHADOW PLANETS)
(Kundali or Janma Patree or The Horoscope)
The BIRTH CHART (JANMA PATREE) personifies the accumulated Karmas (actions) of a man’s previous birth. Just as a huge Banyan tree is culminated in its roots, similarly, the birth chart shows the Karmas man has committed in his previous births. A man faces the consequences (Joys and Sorrows) of those accumulated Karmas and destiny in his present life, which can be compared with a boat, with the help of his actions of the present birth, which is like the helm of the boat.
So the BIRTH CHART gives information regarding fate and destiny. It is possible to make slight changes in the consequences of the unforeseen actions committed in one’s previous birth, by doing appropriate Karmas in the present birth. The chief use of the Birth Chart is to have knowledge of the unforeseen, and rectify the actions accordingly. We can change the course of the misfortune, if we have the prior knowledge of our destiny. But if the intensity of the unforeseen Karmas of the previous birth is stronger, one is sure to face its consequences, and one cannot change it. Similarly, if the Karmas of the present birth are stronger (Pious and good actions), the unforeseen accumulated Karmas of the previous birth, will not be able to have an effect on the present life.
While preparing the Birth Chart, three facts are required-
1) Birth time
2) Date of Birth
3) Place of Birth
Suppose, a child takes birth in Mumbai on 17/7/2000 at 2.20 afternoon. Now first of all, we find out the ‘ISHTA GHANTA’ (Desired-Hour). The method of finding out the ISHTA GHANTA is as follows:
Time of birth – Sunrise Time = ISHTA GHANTA
Time of Birth = 2.20 = 14.20
Time of Sunrise = 6.11
Ishta Ghanta = 8.9
By multiplying the Ishta Ghanta with 21/2 we get Ishta Ghati,
So Ishta Ghanta x 2 ½ = Ishta Ghati
8.9 x 21/2 = 22.25
According to the ‘Panchang’, the position of the Sun in degrees was 3-00-51-48
Now if we look at the LAGNA CHART of Mumbai in front of the zodiac sign Cancer column and below 00 degree we get –
adding Ishta Ghanta to it
+ 8 – 09
Again, observing the MUMBAI PANCHANG in front of 14-04, we get it in LIBRA under 23 degree. Therefore our conclusion is that, the Lagna at the time of birth was Libra. The positions of the planets regarding zodiacs on that day were as under-