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Sunday, August 8, 2010

vedic astrology lesson -6

If the Sun is placed in the lagna (1st house or ascendant) of the horoscope, the concerned person is inflicted with diseases in his childhood, suffers from eye pain, always in the service of mean people, incapable of treating his guests, is fortunate but unhappy for the want of a son or grandson.
But, if the Sun is highly positioned or is under the influence of an auspicious planet, it does not create any evil effects.
2) If the Sun is in the second house or ‘Dhana Bhava’ of the horoscope, the concerned person’s chances of getting married and having a child is minimum, he has a weak body, reddish (blood shot) eyes, thin and rough hair, but excels in the business connected with iron and copper, not interested in entertaining the guest and suffers a lot.
3) If the Sun is present in the third house, which has also been named as the ‘Sahaja Bhava’ of the horoscope, the concerned person destroys his brothers but serves those people who love him. He has a loving wife and obedient sons, is wealthy, has patience and enjoys his wealth.
4) If the Sun is present in the fourth house of the horoscope of a person i.e. the ‘Sukha Bhava’, the concerned person is affectionate towards everybody, soft spoken, charitable, is a winner, wealthy in true sense and is loved by all.
5) If the Sun is present in the fifth house or ‘Sut Bhava’ of the horoscope of a person, the concerned person faces hardships and sorrows during his childhood and inflicted with diseases during his youth. If married, he has only one son, normally depends on others for accommodation and has a restless nature.
6) If the Sun is present in the sixth house, ‘Shatru house’ of the horoscope of a person, the concerned person is a practitioner of Yoga, is of unwavering mind, helps his near and dear ones, gives happiness and pleasures to his friends, has a thin physique, always ready in the service of the guests, is endowed with beauty, a sensualist, a winner and gets respect on account of his virtuous actions.
7) If the Sun is present in the seventh house, which is also called ‘Patni Bhava’, of the horoscope of a person, the concerned person is a flirt, has a fleshy and fat body, is of medium height, and the colour of his eyes and hair are yellow.
8) If the Sun is present in the eighth house or ‘Aayu Bhava’ of the horoscope of a person, the concerned person is restless by nature, is charitable, always in the service of scholars and learned men, always suffers from various diseases, talkative, unfortunate, lusty, serves mean people, and resides in a foreign land for a long time.
9) If the Sun is present in the ninth house or ‘Bhagya Bhava’ of the horoscope of a person, the concerned person is the speaker of truth, has a smooth hair. He is ever ready to serve Brahmins and deities, has patience, is wealthy, has a beautiful body and enjoys a long life.
10) If the Sun is present in the tenth house, which is also called ‘Karma Bhava’ of the horoscope of a person, he possesses many good qualities, is happy and contented, is charitable, gentle by nature, loves performing arts like dance, music, etc. and is respectable.
11) If the Sun is present in the eleventh house, which is also called ‘Aaya Bhava’ of the horoscope of a person, the concerned person is exceptionally wealthy, earns his livelihood by the grace of the king, serves the royalty, possesses many qualities, but he is so weak that he is unable to enjoy the pleasant things of life, is of restless nature and bestows happiness to his family and class.
12) If the Sun is present in the twelfth house, which is also called the ‘Vyaya Bhava’ of the horoscope of a person, he is of little intelligence, is lusty, flirt, a hunter, has a wicked heart, possess wealth received from the king, dislikes dance and dancers and has a thin body.
 If the Moon is present in the first house of the horoscope of a man, he is wealthy, full of happiness and contentment and is blessed with beauty. If the Moon is weak or in the zodiac of an inauspicious planet, the person has an average intelligence, coward and is poor.
2) If the Moon is present in the second house of the horoscope of a person, the concerned person is a recluse, intelligent, wealthy, of restless nature, wicked and enduring, has a beautiful face and is a sensualist.
3) If the Moon is present in the third house of the horoscope of a person, he is very wealthy, and gets pleasure from poetry. But, if the Moon is under the influence of an inauspicious planet, the person talks so softly that it is impossible to hear him. He is wicked and also destroys his brother’s wealth.
4) If the Moon is present in the fourth house of the horoscope of a person, the concerned person possesses immense wealth, helps the people who love him, loves the womenfolk, is a non-vegetarian, has a nice house, vehicle but is inflicted with diseases.
5) If the Moon is present in the fifth house of the horoscope of a person, he is wealthy, happy and contented, has many children, is under the influence and control of his wife. But, if the Moon is under the influence of an inauspicious planet or a hostile planet, he is bereft of the pleasures received from his wife and is without sons and grandsons etc.
6) If the Moon is present in the sixth house of the horoscope of a person, he is always weak and inflicted with some serious disease. The Moon, present in this house, affects the health of the person in a negative way. But if the Moon is strong or of high position, the effects are always good and positive.
7) If the faultless Moon is present in the seventh house of the horoscope of a person, he is a fortunate husband as his wife is divine and extraordinary. But, if a weak Moon is under the influence of an inauspicious planet, the effects are opposite, i.e. he has a wife who is always sick and he himself is bereft of pleasures and happiness.
8) If the Moon is in the eighth house of the horoscope of a person, and is also under the influence of an inauspicious planet, the person’s death is premature. But, if the Moon in this house is under the influence of an auspicious planet, the person has diseases related to respiratory system such as Ashthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis etc.
9) If a completely powerful Moon is present in the ninth house of the horoscope of a person, he runs after sensual pleasures and flirts with many women. But if the Moon is weak, he does not enjoy the pleasures of wealth, he also is without any quality and is of dull mind.
10) If the Moon is present in the tenth house of the horoscope of a person, he is exceptionally rich and wealthy, has a happy and contented family life. But, if the Moon is under the influence of an inauspicious or a hostile planet, the person possesses a weak body and ails from cough. Though he has parents and wealth, yet he is inert.
11) If the Moon is present in the eleventh house of the horoscope of a man, the person enjoys immense wealth and lives a luxurious life. But if the Moon is under the influence of an inauspicious planet, it has negative effects on the concerned person. It causes unhappiness, sorrows to that person.
12) If the Moon is present in the twelfth house of the horoscope of a person, he has a frail, weak and diseased body and is also poor. But on the contrary, if the Moon is under the influence of an auspicious planet, the person is without any fault or blemish, is charitable. Though having a weak body, he leads a happy and contented life.
If the Mars is present in the first house of the horoscope of a person, he is weak, suffers from the diseases of the stomach and teeth, is a back-biter, has a restless nature, serves mean people and dresses indecently.
2) If the Mars is present in the second house of the horoscope of a person, he excels in the business connected with metals, wishes to raise loans to create wealth, is a gambler but is also kind hearted and is absorbed in his valour, has a thin physique and enjoys the pleasures of life.
3) If the Mars is present in the third house of the horoscope of a man, he is frail, causes loss to his brothers and has desire for pleasures. If Mars is in a high position, it makes the person sensualist, but if it is of low position and also under the influence of a hostile planet, it causes loss of wealth and happiness.
Inspite of all the riches and availability of commodities, the person is bereft of enjoyment and pleasures.
4) If the Mars is present in the fourth house of the horoscope of man, he is a coward, loves inertia, dislikes mobility, engaged in the service of low-class and mean people, is under the influence and control of others and chases the women.
5) If the Mars is present in the fifth house of the horoscope of a man, he does not have a son, is inclined towards sinful actions and is unhappy. But if it is of high position, the person has a weak and filthy body, and has one son.
6) If the Mars is present in the sixth house of the horoscope of a man, he has a chance of dying in the battlefield. If Mars is of high position, he is wealthy and happy. But if Mars is of low-position or under the influence of an inauspicious planet, there is a fear of loss of an organ, is ugly and has tendency to commit sins.
7) If the Mars is present in the seventh house of the horoscope of a person, or present in the house of a hostilec planet, it causes sorrows due to his wife’s death.
If the Mars is in the zodiac of Capricorn, Aries and Scorpio, his wife is restless, wicked at heart and ugly. The man is also desirous of other women.
8) If the Mars of low position is in the eighth house of the horoscope of a man, there is a fear of him, drowning in water. If Mars is in the zodiac of Pisces and Sagittarius, he suffers from Elephantiasis (filaria).
9) If the Mars is present in the ninth house of the horoscope of a man, he is most likely to suffer from disease of various kinds and his eyes, hands and body are yellow coloured. He is also unfortunate.
10) If the Mars is present in the tenth house of the horoscope of a man, he has full control over his senses, he is a torch-bearer of his family i.e. brings name and fame to his family, earns his livelihood by the means of occupation connected with land i.e. agriculture etc; loses his temper rarely, respects the Brahmins and his teachers.
11) If the Mars is present in the eleventh house of the horoscope of a man, he is always in the service of God, his plans are well in order just like that of a king and suffers from pain.
But if the same Mars is of high position or under the influence of some auspicious planet, he is immensely fortunate, wealthy, radiant, aspires for virtuosity and possessive regarding wealth.
12) If the Mars is present in the twelfth house of the horoscope of a man, he aspires to grab others’ wealth, always of unstable mind, jocular, cruel, is a flirt and is an excellent witness.