Nakshatra ruled by Mercury and Ketu – Ashlesh, Mool, Revati, Jyesth and Ashwani are called Gand Mool nakshatras. If the natal Moon in the horoscope of a child is in one of these Nakshatras, the child is said to be born in Gand Mool Nakshatras.
According to astrologer, child born in these nakshatras is inauspicious and faces various obstacles and problems in life, therefore on the 27th day, pooja should be performed. Some are also of the view that newly born child is inauspicious to the near relatives like maternal uncle, father, mother etc.
Some astrologers have difference in views according to them – Mool, Jyesth and Ashlesha are more inauspicious.’Jyotish Tatwa’ states that starting 5 hours of Ashwini, magha and Moola and ending 5 hours of Moola, Jyeshth and Ashlesha are called “Gand Mool Nakshatras”.
Some have the views that if the child is born in such Nakshatras, it signifies death of cattle, bad by heart, bad for maternal uncle, bad for elder brother, bad for spouse, death of father and death of mother etc.
Why will these ill effects come into picture is not clear. These ill effects are not mentioned in classical texts and not even astrologers know about it.
Six out of twenty seven nakshatras are Gand Mool Nakshatras. This implies 20% of the population of the world is inauspicious. Does this mean other 80% population is auspicious.
Our Nakshatra remains for nearly 24 hours. Can it be believed that inauspicious children will be born in these 24 hours.
Now let us understand what are the rules of the results of planets in astrology.
If a planet is benefic good results are going to pass and its dasha will give good results. Therefore if in a horoscope or for a native, Mercury or Ketu are benefices and he/she is born in that Nakshatra, these planets and their dasha will give good results. It means we can not generalize the statement that if a child born in Gand Mool Nakshatra always give bad results will come to pass. This means if planets are malefic bad results will come to pass. The Nakshatra of any other planet can also be bad whereas that of Mercury and Ketu good.
An infant born in Nakshatra of a Natural benefic say Jupiter may die whereas millions of children born in Gand Mool Nakshatra lead happy life from childhood.
Some of the people who born in the Gand Mool nakshatras and rose to great heights in their lives are Jawahar Lal Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi, Devanand etc.
Astrologers should stop cursing these Nakshatras. No one should fall prey to ‘Pundits’ when they say that newly born baby is inauspicious to parents or some other relative. Mind it that the child is born from the parents and not the parents take birth from child. How innocent children can be inauspicious in this world is beyond understanding!
According to astrologer, child born in these nakshatras is inauspicious and faces various obstacles and problems in life, therefore on the 27th day, pooja should be performed. Some are also of the view that newly born child is inauspicious to the near relatives like maternal uncle, father, mother etc.
Some astrologers have difference in views according to them – Mool, Jyesth and Ashlesha are more inauspicious.’Jyotish Tatwa’ states that starting 5 hours of Ashwini, magha and Moola and ending 5 hours of Moola, Jyeshth and Ashlesha are called “Gand Mool Nakshatras”.
Some have the views that if the child is born in such Nakshatras, it signifies death of cattle, bad by heart, bad for maternal uncle, bad for elder brother, bad for spouse, death of father and death of mother etc.
Why will these ill effects come into picture is not clear. These ill effects are not mentioned in classical texts and not even astrologers know about it.
Six out of twenty seven nakshatras are Gand Mool Nakshatras. This implies 20% of the population of the world is inauspicious. Does this mean other 80% population is auspicious.
Our Nakshatra remains for nearly 24 hours. Can it be believed that inauspicious children will be born in these 24 hours.
Now let us understand what are the rules of the results of planets in astrology.
Astrologers should stop cursing these Nakshatras. No one should fall prey to ‘Pundits’ when they say that newly born baby is inauspicious to parents or some other relative. Mind it that the child is born from the parents and not the parents take birth from child. How innocent children can be inauspicious in this world is beyond understanding!