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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Relationships and Compatibility

One of the best uses of astrology is in analyzing relationships. Astrology can help explain why we have the friends and partners we do, and how we get along with other people by noting areas of harmony and cooperation as well as possible stress and discord. Have you ever wondered why you are sexually attracted to someone? Chances are you have one of the sexual planets (Venus, Mars, Pluto) forming a close angle with one or more of their sexual planets. Do you ever wonder why you can't seem to get along with someone, despite your best efforts? You may have a personal planet such as the Sun or Moon forming a difficult angle to a malefic planet such as Mars or Saturn. In this way, relationship astrology, or "synastry", can be a useful tool to help us make the most of our relationships.
If you are single and are thinking about getting involved with someone, it is very worthwhile to get the birth data of a prospective partner. If nothing else, astrology is a labour-saving device that we can use to streamline our efforts and minimize emotional wear and tear. If there are positive contacts between the Ascendant, Sun, Moon and Venus, then you will feel at ease with the other person and you will be more likely develop a friendship. The same thing goes for entering into a business partnership. One way to see if the partnership will be successful is to look how the charts fit together. If there are a lot of bad aspects, problems will continously crop up. One partner may be consistently pushy and not listen to the concerns of the other. Or even if you do get along well, you may find it hard to make your business a success. Astrologically, this means we need to have complementary aspects between the money planets. If there are favourable aspects between Venus, Neptune, Jupiter, Pluto, then prosperity will come. When those good aspects are lacking between two charts, now matter how good your ideas, or how long your hours, ultimate success may prove elusive.
Astrology can also provide insights into ongoing relationships such as pointing out periods of particular tension or harmony. Stress and conflict will be more likely during malefic transits to planets associated with the 7th house. Similarly, some turbulence can be expected if current dasha lords are afflicted natally and are coming under affliction by transit. On the other hand, happiness and calm will prevail during times when 7th house significators are free from affliction either natally or by transit.

Using the Navamsha Chart in Vedic Astrology
There are several useful techniques we can use to compare horoscopes in Vedic astrology. As a neo-Vedic astrologer, I like to use the strengths of both Vedic and Western systems. In my view, Western astrology is correct to focus on close aspects between key planets. Its use of composite and Davison relationship charts is also helpful in creating a picture of compability both for assessing the dynamic between people and for timing the ups and downs of a relationship. The strength of Vedic astrology lies in its use of sidereal rulerships and the navamsha or D-9 chart for understanding marital questions. The navamsha is calculated the same way as the Western 9th harmonic chart. The navamsha chart acts as a kind of second birth chart and provides additional clues about the relative strength of planets in the natal chart. It is also said that the navamsha chart is a map that outlines the second half of a person’s life. The most common application of the navamsa chart, however, is in assessing marital happiness and love.
When we assess the navamsha chart, we are most interested in the 1st and 7th houses and their rulers. We also need to take special note of the Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars since they show how well we relate to other people. Generally speaking, we are looking for planets placed in the same or opposite sign between two charts. So a person with Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio in navamsa may find be able to communicate easily and effectively with a person who has Mercury and Venus in Taurus in their navamsha. In reading the navamsha chart, we are paying attention both to sign-to-sign and degree-wise aspects. Although traditional Jyotish uses only sign-based aspects it is also useful to take note of the closeness of those aspects since closer aspects are usually more powerful.

So when comparing navamsha charts, here are a few basics to remember:
  1. the more aspects between charts, the more likely the relationship will be significant. Full-strength Jyotish aspects take precedent, although close Western aspects can be considered as a secondary influence.
  2. the closer the aspect, the more powerful the connection between the individuals for good or ill.
  3. pay extra attention to the lords of the 1st and 7th navamsha lords as well as Moon, Sun, Venus and Mars.
  4. benefics promote better relationships than malefics. The harmful quality of malefics can be mitigated through favourable house rulership, especially of the 1st or 7th houses. For example, Sun-Saturn or Moon-Saturn conjunctions will often cause problems but their effects can be redeemed if other more favourable contacts are there to couterbalance them.
  5. square aspects are most harmful and opposition aspects can go either way depending on rulership and the planets involved. Some planets go together better in opposition such as Moon-Sun or Moon-Venus. More malefic oppositions would be Sun-Mars or Sun-Saturn.
 Vedic astrology really can give special insights into relationship dynamics that would be missed by Western astrology. The navamsha chart provides a unique perspective on marital life. A heavily afflicted navamsha can show ongoing heartbreak and marriage delays. The condition of Venus is probably the single most important factor in the navamsha chart. If it is free from aspects from Mars, Saturn or the nodes, then marital life will usually be happy. Timing marriage and the start of new relationships is also possible using the navamsha as dasha periods of strong unafflicted planets in navamsha will produce romantic and marital happiness. Even an afflicted navamsha will have at least one or two strong planets that can be relied on to deliver good results during their dasha periods.