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Consultation charges.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Kalyan Verma
of Saravali specifically states that if Saturn is strong there will be more
sorrow, whilst if Saturn is weak there will be less.

Now what
confuses people is what is meant by “strong”. In that specific
example, Kalyan Verma is talking about the houses (gagana=sky or bha-chakra).
So now one should know the strong houses:

Saturn being placed in a quadrant is inauspicious

Saturn being placed in debilitation is again very inauspicious

Debilitated Saturn in quadrants is auspicious, and can cause Rajya Yoga. However this Rajya Yoga is caused at a specific cost.

Saturn in Capricorn, Taurus or Aquarius if a functional benefic is good.

Retro Saturn moving towards exaltation goes strong and vice versa if moving towards debilitation. Its ability to do good or bad depends on its functional nature.