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Consultation charges.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

'Astrological Combinations for impotency

1. Saturn occupying his debilitation sign in the 6th or 12 th house (This is possible only if Lagna is Scorpio or Taurus);
2. Saturn in the 6th or 12th house in a watery sign not in aspect by benefics;
3. Saturn and Venus occupy the 8th or the 10th housefrom the Ascendant devoid of benefic aspects;
4. Saturn occupies the sixth or the eighth house from Venus;
5. Saturn, Moon or Mars situated in even signs and Sun and Mercury in odd signs aspect each other ( I found this in 3 horoscopes and still they are to parent a child);
6. Moon and Meercury placed in even and odd sign respectively in aspect by Mars.