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Sunday, February 28, 2010

7th House – Polygamy

• f there are malefics in second house ,seventh house and if seventh lord is debilitated or combust ,one will have three marriages.
• if seventh lord is exalted in kendra aspected or associated by 10 lord will give many wives.
• 12 and 2 lord in third aspected by jupiter will give many wives
• navamsha lord of the planet ,who is navamsha lord of the seventh lord in navamsha if exalted and associated with benefics in Rashi chakra will give 100 wives.
• Lord of the rashi tenanted by second lord in rashi , if its lord in shastiamsha is exalted and itself in gopuramsa then one will marry 200 wives.
• if a strong exchange of seventh and tenth lord and associated with strong second lord will give unlimited wives.
Moon was married to 27 daughters of Daksha Prajapati, Dharma married another 10 of his daughters ,Kahyap married 13 daughters of the Prajapati. Kashyap spread the population all over the earth in a diversified forms and species.
Dashrath[Illustrious father of Shri Ram] had three wives ,Vasudev[ Father of ShriKrishna] had 24 wives , Pandu[Father of Panadavas had two wives].Bheemsena had 28 wives ,Arjun had 16 wives.
• ShriKrishna had 16108 wives ,He remained on the earth for 105 years .
• ShriKrishna had 10 sons and 1 daughter from each of his wives.
• This means he had 1 lakh 77 thousand one hundred and 88 children
• By logic [ if he has spent one day each with one wife to impregnate them ] he should spend at least 177188 days/nights just consummating his marriage.
• He married 16100 wives when he was 23 years old. that means till he left earth He had lived only 365*82=29930 days
• How can one beget 177188 children in 29930 days from 16108 unless one spends his day and night with 6 of his wives this way his whole day and night would be spent only among his wives all the 100 years with an average of four hours to each .
• But even this would give him a child of about 1 month old at the age of 105 , but contrarily ShriKrishna had all the 177188 children quiet grown up by the time he was 60 years , this makes this feat even impossible .
• Also Shrikrishna was known to have been very close to Pandavas helping them across many places quiet far away from the Dwaraka , also HE did many other leelas in different parts and finally he is known to have spent full 18 days in Mahabharath war ,that makes the count even less .[so the whole feat is humanly impossible]
• So how was that possible.
• Narada rishis had a similar doubt so he decided to inspect the love life.He went to each of the palace where his each wife was staying and there he found a Krishna living happily merrily in the company of his wife . This surprisingly was same at every of the 16108 palaces , at the same time HE was also found with the Pandavas , exclusively he granted time for his friends and other yadavas. wherever Narada went he saw Krishna .
• Lord Krishna [Paramatma] is present in everyone’s heart and governs our action.
• He is inside and outside this world [vaasudev] supporting this universe/creation .
• He is the one who has shown entire bramhanda in his mouth to Yashoda
• He is omnipotent all pervasive
• He is infinite with infinite roopas.
• So this feat of having 10 lakh progeny[sons and grandsons] is just infinitesimal compared to what he does in controlling entire UNiverse.[Jagadoddhara]