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Consultation charges.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Impact of Retrograde Jupiter in the Twelve Houses -4

Ninth House: This indicates that, in so far as the person’s philosophy was concerned, it was a philosophy that centered around himself – life was for himself only. In so far as religion is concerned, the approach was dogmatic-a person who accepted religion in blind faith without reason. There was no room for the opinions of others when it came to religion, bringing in a form of prejudice and bias religiously. The person had certain ideas on law and order – his ideas, what he felt was right or wrong. Here we become involved with the concept of freedom, and the retrograde Jupiter clearly shows that the person abused freedom by thinking only in terms of what he wanted to do for his own good rather than what had to be done for the good of all.

The higher self, or Christ principle, was pushed aside and permitted to demonstrate. The person did not value or avail himself of the opportunities of mental development, whether in a structured educational program or in an intellectual search for knowledge.

The lesson to be learned here is the development of a philosophy of life which incorporates others. This can be the subtle implication of the 3rd quartile, of the development of the “we” concept. The person must consider that different religions serve different individuals according to the level of their development. The gleaning of knowledge should not be ignored nor gathered solely from the viewpoint of curiosity. The stress should be the application of knowledge to life (wisdom).

Tenth House: Here, again, it shows that the individual was his own worst enemy in past lifetimes. His character was one of dishonor rather than honor, irresponsibility rather than responsibility. Poor judgments, lack of dignity, lack of honesty, did not earn him the respect of his superiors and certainly prevented the individual from making professional or career progress. There was much frustration and disappointment in whatever field the person entered. It could easily have brought him into difficulty with the government due to his dishonesty and lack of respect for authority.

The lesson to be learned with retrograde Jupiter in the10th house is to conduct himself so that he will earn the respect of his superiors, thus enabling him to achieve both financial success in his profession and advancement in position. The proper regard for honor and prestige is necessary here. Stress should not be made on all of this from the viewpoint of material progress only. Respect for order, procedure, law etc., is necessary.