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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Impact of Retrograde Jupiter in the Twelve Houses -2

Since the 4th house does represent not only the physical home structure, but also the structure through which the soul and spirit function in the individual, this framework of being was so constructed in the past that the individual was certainly rather obnoxious to live with and/or to associate with.

The lesson to be learned with retrograde Jupiter in the 4th house is a firm consideration for others who fall within the realm of his authority and anyone who enters his presence.

Fifth House: This location shows that the individual denied to children, in the past, the proper training and a true feeling of love. There never was a stable father or mother image for any offspring to respect or an example for them to follow.

Retrograde Jupiter here shows that the relationships with the opposite sex were for physical gratification and, if very negatively aspected, exposed the individual to all sorts of negative social diseases because of indiscriminate involvement with the opposite sex. This could indicate excessive activity in the areas of sex, unconventional sexual practices, lack of precautionary health measures.

The sign that the retrograde Jupiter is in would qualify whether the individual took too many risks (the gambling type) or was far too conservative – would not change, would not step out in new directions. Pleasurable involvements would also have been along the lines of very common types of recreation.

The lesson of Jupiter retrograde in the 5thhouse: Compassion, understanding, wisdom in the training of and involvement with children: good judgment, good taste in involvements with members of the opposite sex; discrimination in determining what to do at what time and how to do it.

Sixth House: Since Jupiter is one of the important planets from the viewpoint of health, a retrograde condition of Jupiter here indicates that the health was neglected in the past. This person could easily have enjoyed a healthy body and, through misuse of this body, unwise dietary procedures, poor discrimination in work habits, brought about health problems in this lifetime. There could be a blood condition and a liver condition which could be the result of overindulgence in alcohol. Overindulgence could also be involved with certain types of foods, requiring more attention to dietary laws (Virgo).

Since the 6th house, in the man, represents health, service, the public, the individual did not relate well to the mainstreams of public thought, or public wants and needs. He certainly did not enjoy the respect of those around him, those he worked with, or those who worked under him. The idea of service was certainly not a strong quality in the past, unless by being of service was a reflection of his own personality so that he could bask in some sort of glory for having so performed the service.

Since the 6thhouse, in the man, represents health, service, the public, the individual did not relate well to the mainstreams of public thought, or public wants and needs. He certainly did not enjoy the respect of those around him, those he worked with, or those who worked under him. The idea of service was certainly not a strong quality in the past, unless by being of service was a reflection of his own personality so that he could bask in some sort of glory for having so performed the service.

The lesson of the retrograde Jupiter in the 6thhouse shows the need for extreme caution in health matters, the need to establish good relationships with people in general and to be able to identify himself with public opinion and to be of service wherever possible, without hope or reward.