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Monday, February 1, 2010

Angry Planets

Angry Planets

Reincarnation is one of the theories of Hindu Philosophy. All beings take fresh births to experience the results of their actions (Karma) done in their previous birth. Even if there is a little Karma left over, it has to be experienced. The Karma can be either good or bad giving favorable or unfavorable results. There is nothing much to worry as long as the Karma is good for normal human beings. The human being suffers from misfortunes in the shape of loss of wealth, loss of name, death of kith and kin, diseases etc., as a result of bad Karma in his previous life.
The position of planets in the birth chart would give a clue to find out the cause of one's good or bad karma done in the past life. When the planets are favorably placed, they indicate fruition of good Karma, otherwise that of evil Karma. The planets responsible for bad Karma in the past life would result in the person suffering from afflictions in the present life and these planets are called angry planets.
It is believed that Atma Jnana (Self-Realization) can however overcome the effects of the good or bad karma. But many of the human beings cannot reach that state of Atma Jnana. So doing some remedial measures to these angry planets may reduce the evil effects due to the Angry Planets.
The astrologer should, carefully divine whether one's past karma is favorable or unfavorable and in what manner it expresses itself.Angry Planets
The Angry Planets causing evil Karma are the natural benefic planets deposited in 6th, 8th and 12th houses and the natural malefic planets deposited in the 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th and 10th houses, from Chathra rasi, Arudha, Moon and Lagna. The deposition of planets in the 2nd, 3rd and 11th may be taken as neutral, since nothing is specifically mentioned about them in the available literature.

Chathra Rashi
The Chathra rasi is the sign counted from the Veedhi rasi. Count the number of signs from Arudha lagna to the birth lagna and then count this number from the Veedhi rasi to get the Chathra rasi. For example, if Arudha lagna is Capricorn and Veedhi rasi is Aries, birth lagna is Libra, count from Arudha lagna to birth lagna from Capricorn to Libra, which is 10, and then count 10 signs from Veedhi rasi of Aries which is Capricorn and so Chathra rasi is Capricorn. Similarly if birth lagna is Cancer, Arudha lagna is Aries, Veedhi rasi is Gemini, and then Chathra rasi is Virgo.
Veedhi Rasi
If Sun is in Taurus, Gemini, Cancer or Leo, the Veedhi rasi is Aries. If Sun is in Scorpio, Capricorn or Aquarius, Veedhi rasi is Gemini. If Sun is in the other signs, the Veedhi rasi is Taurus. For example, if Sun is in Leo, Veedhi rasi is Aries. If Sun is in Aquarius, Veedhi rasi is Gemini. If Sun is in Aries, Veedhi rasi is Taurus.
Arudha Lagna
Arudha lagna is the point obtained by counting as many signs from the place of the lord of the birth lagna is removed from birth lagna. Example is if the lord of the lagna is in the 4th, and then 7th from the lagna becomes the Arudha lagna. But the exceptions are if the lord of the lagna is in the lagna itself then the 4th from lagna becomes the Arudha lagna and if the lord of the lagna is in the 7th then the Arudha lagna will be the 10th from the lagna.
For example, if the lagna is Taurus and the lord of the lagna Venus is in Libra in 6th, the, count 6 sings from Libra and the Arudha lagna will be Pisces. If the lagna is Aries and lord of lagna Mars is in Cancer, then count 7 signs from Aries and the Arudha lagna will be Libra. If the lagna is Libra and lord of lagna Venus is in Libra itself, count 4 signs from Libra and the Arudha lagna will be Capricorn. If the lagna is Cancer and the lord of the lagna Moon is in Capricorn, count 10 signs from Cancer and the Arudha lagna will be Aries.
There may be some difference of opinions about fixing the Arudha lagna, as given above. The readers may use their own discretion about the rules they follow.
Categories of Karma
According to the disposition of the benefic and malefic planets in the birth chart from Chathra rasi, Arudha lagna, Moon or Birth lagna, the cause of the evil karma is ascertained. If benefics occupy 6th, 8th and 12th from Chathra rasi and malefics occupy 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th 10th, the sins and consequent evil effects are due to the Gods' wrath or fury of Gods. Here by Gods are also meant persons held in reverence such as parents, preceptors and elders. If the planets are found in the above places from Arudha lagna, the sins are the outcome of curses from Brahmins or Religious persons. If the planets occupy such places from Moon, the sins are due to the incantation (mantric) of enemies. If the planets are found in the above-mentioned places from birth lagna, the peoples' hatred will be the cause.
Planets favorably placed, that is, benefics in 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and malefics in 6th, 8th, 12th, indicate merit derived from good deeds.
The bad actions may be intentional or deliberate. They may also be either accidental or unintentional or done out of ignorance. They may also be both combined. If the indicator planet representing angry planets is in the Moon's sign, the sins are deliberately committed, If the indicator planet is in the house of Sun, the sons are ignorantly or accidentally got.
Thought, Word, Deed
Whether deliberate or accidental, the karma can again be divided into three categories arising out of Thought, Word and Deed. It can arise from mental actions such as entertaining or harboring evil thought or wishing others evil. It can be due to verbal actions such as indulging in abusive and filthy language. It can also be arising from bodily actions such as causing physical injury.
Suppose one deliberately insults or assaults one's parents or elders. Here the nature of the evil Karma is due to the intentional Word and Deed. The same is the case when the person harbors evil thoughts and the evil Karma is due to thought. If on the other hand, one uses impolite language towards an elder through ignorance or slip of tongue, the nature of Karma is accidental by thought or Deed. Theaggreived party feels pain and this rebounds on the perpetrator of the karma.
If a weak malefic is the 5th, the sins may be considered as the outcome of mental actions. If it is in the 2nd, they are the results of his words, cruel and unwanted. If it is in the 10th, they are the fruits of his bodily actions.
If some planets indicate deliberate actions and some planets indicate accidental actions, a certain delicate balancing is called for. If malefic occupy 5th, 2nd and 10th houses, evil karma would have emanated from all the three- Thought, Word and Deed respectively. If malefics occupy only the 2nd and 5th while benieics occupy the 10th, the work is done unwillingly, complaining bitterly. If malefics occupy the 5th house while good planets are in the 2nd and 10th, the duties are done carelessly or indifferently without proper attention and this may generally bring loss of children since 5th represents children. If malefics occupy 2nd while benefics join the 5th and 10th houses, the evil has issued out of words, which may bring about loss of money since 2nd represents money. If these malefic are in debilitation or occupy inimical places or combust, they cause intense evil. If benefics are in exaltation, in own or friendly houses, the good they give will also be great. On the contrary, if malefics are exalted and if benefics are debilitated, their effects will be little.

Examples of Angry Planets
Example I
Libra-lagna, Venus; Capricorn-Moon; Aquarius- Jupiter; Pisces- Saturn; Leo- Mercury, Mars, Sun;
In the above chart, the birth lagna is Libra. Lord of lagna Venus is in lagna Libra itself. Therefore counting 4 signs from Libra (as per the exception) the Arudha lagna is Capricorn counting 4 signs from Libra. Sun is in Leo and therefore the Veedhi rasi is Aries. Aurdha lagna to birth lagna is 10 signs and then counting 10 signs from Veedhi rasi of Aries , the Chathra rasi is Capricorn.
From Chathra rasi of Capricorn, the benefic Mercury is in Leo in 8th and the malefics Rahu and Ketu are in 10th and 4th. The other benefics Jupiter, Venus, Moon are in 2nd, 10th and 1st and the other malefics Saturn, mars, Sun are in 3rd, 8th from Chathra rasi of Capricorn. Therefore the Angry Planets due to Gods' wrath are Mercury, Rahu and Ketu.
From Arudha lagna of Capricorn, again the angry planets due to Brahmins' wrath are Mercury, Rahu and Ketu. Again from Moon in Capricorn, the angry planets due to enemies' wrath are Mercury, Rahu and Ketu. From birth lagna of Libra, Rahu and Ketu are in 7th and 1st and hence the angry planets due to Public wrath are Rahu and Ketu since other benefic planets Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury are in 1st, 4th, 5th, and 11th and the other malefic planets Saturn, Mars and Sun are in 6th and 11th houses.
Thus Mercury, Rahu and Ketu are the Angry planets for this horoscope due to curses from Gods, Brahmins, Enemies and Public in previous life, which would give sufferings in present life as per their placement and signification in the birth chart.
Example II
Cancer-Lagna; Scorpio- Rahu; Capricorn- Moon, Mars,Mercury; Aquarius- Sun; Pisces-Jupiter, Venus; Taurus-Ketu; Gemini-Saturn.
The birth lagna is Cancer. The Arudha lagna is Aries counting 10 signs from cancer as per exception. The Veedhi rasi is Gemini since Sun is in Aquarius. Arudha lagna to birth lagna is 4 signs and then counting 4 signs from Veedhi rasi of Gemini, the Chathra rasi id Virgo.
From Chathra rasi of Virgo, the malefics Mars, Ketu and Saturn are in 5th, 9th and 10th and therefore the angry planets due to Gods' wrath are Mars, Saturn and Ketu. Since the benefics Moon, Jupiter and Venus are in 5th, 7th from Chathra rasi of Virgo and the other malefics of Rahu and Sun are 3rd and 6th.
From Arudha lagna, the benefics Jupiter and Venus are in the 12th and the malefic Mars is in 10th. Hence the angry planets due to Brahmins' wrath are Jupiter, Venus and Mars, since other benefics Moon and Mercury are in the 10th and the other malefics Saturn, Rahu and Sun are in 3rd, 8th and 11th from Arudha lagna of Aries.
From Moon in Capricorn, themalefics Mars and Ketu are in 1st and 5th houses. The other malefics Sun, Saturn and Rahu are in 2nd, 6th and 11th and the benefics Moon, Jupiter and Venus are in 1st and 3rd from Moon. Therefore the angry planets due to the enemies' wrath are Mars and Ketu.
From birth lagna of Cancer, the malefics Rahu and Mars are in the 5th and 7th houses. The other malefics Sun, Ketu and Saturn are in 8th, 11th and 12th houses and the benefics Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are in 7th and 9th from birth lagna of Cancer. Therefore the angry planets due to people wrath are Mars and Rahu.
Thus the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Ketu, Venus, Mars and Rahu are the angry planets due to curses from Gods, Brahmins, Enemies and Public in previous life as per their placement and significations in the birth chart.
Remedial Measures
After finding the angry planets due to various causes as mentioned above, the remedial measures are to be done to those angry planets by doing concerned pujas, by giving concerned charities, by praying concerned Gods etc. For example, if Sun is the angry planet, the remedial measures may be puja to Sun, charities of wheat, ruby, praying Lord Shiva etc. Details of remedial measures are not given here since it is totally a different subject and readers are requested to refer to books and articles on remedial measures or consult a knowledgeable and reliable astrologer or priest of their faith and choice.
Since the sins committed in past life are carried forward to the present life, the human being suffers in the present life. One should find out those sins committed in the past life and the concerned angry planets