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Saturday, December 17, 2022

Identifying the diseased body part/organ as per astrology

 Sarvaarth Chintamani--Identifying the diseased body part/organ

शिरोकोदर्मुख कंठं श्रोत्रं नासा च गुहाकम् ।
पाणी पाश्वों दशौ पादो प्रपदो कक्षिमादिशेत ।।४।।
The 6th house afflicted gives' trouble in the limb represented by the planet afflicted in the 6th house. To locate the trouble the limbs represented by the planets are stated by the author as under: -Sun is head. Moon in the face. Mars is the neck. Mercury's ears. Jupiter is nostrils. Venus is private parts. Saturn is the hands. Sun is the sides. Moon is eyes. Mars's feet. Mercury's intestines. Jupiter is the belly. (4)

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Combination for itch, scab or eczema in astrology as Per Jatak sara deep

 वित्ते चन्द्रः स्निग्धराशौ शनिमेलापकृद्भवेत्।।

भूमिभागे यदि शनिस्तदा कण्डुः प्रजायते।। 67 ||
Moon placed in friendly signs, Saturn has an aspect on 5th/9th or Saturn be in earth part of a sign then one can suffer from itch or eczema.
Aries, Leo, Scorpio- Have 6/6 degrees of elements as per the following order. Fire, Air, Ether, Earth, and Water.
Taurus, Cancer, Libra – follow the following order for elements – Water, Fire, Air, Ether, and earth.
Gemini, Virgo- Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether.
Sagitarrius, Pisces- Ether, Earth, Water, Fire, Air.
Capricorn, Aquarius- Air, Ether, Earth, Water, Fire.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Moon in cancer

 Moon in cancer

श्रेष्ठं रवि कुजेन्दवहिन बधे कार्यं न शोभनम् ।।37।।
कफ वातगदी गौर स्त्रिवारं स्वल्प मृत्युभाक् ।
द्वयष्टकविंशदब्देवी तुझी एकोनत्रिशंतासरुक् ।।38 ।।
वक्रनिर्बलपादस्तुर द्विभार्यश्च जलोदरी।
कटिमस्तकपादेषुराना व्रणग्रन्थिप्रपीडितः।।39।।
दृष्टिरूक् वाक्यनैष्ठुर्यं नीचैः प्रीतिः सितेऽशुभम्।
गण कृष्णे दुःखं श्वेतरक्त वस्तुष्वधिक लाभवान्।140।।
वर्षवातजलाद भीतिर्गन्ध लाभोऽहि वर्षके।
कर्क लग्न विधुः पश्येत्संक्रान्त्यहिन च गृह्यते।।41 ।।
यवस्तु द्विगुणोलाभो वातकष्टं च हानिमान्। ।
पर्वोत्तरं गृहद्वारं गजाब्धौ खगजे मृतिः।।42||
Moon in Cancer-Good days Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Bad day Wednesday. Suffers from Kapha/Vata related diseases, fair complexion may have sudden death like conditions thrice in life. Diseases in 2,8,21,29th year, deformed or weak limbs, two wives, suffers from jalodar / oedema. Suffers from gland or injury in the area of forehead, waist, or feet. Weak eyesight, harsh speech, like the company of lowly placed people, losses on Fridays. Suffers on account of black objects, benefits from white and red things. May suffer due to a natural calamity at age 8, If the Lagna is Cancer and Moon be in Capricorn on a particular day Makar Sankranti, whichever commodity, thing or object you buy it will give double the profit, Suffers from Vata disorders, May have Northeast facing the door at his home, may die at age 48 or 84 years. (Romak)

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Yoga for deafness in astrology


If the 3 planets, Sun. Moon and Mars stand together in 4, 6, 8, or 12th houses, aspected by malefic/enemy, the native will become deaf.
Note – Here the pointer or inference is the 4,6th, 8th, and 12th houses, Now note that Sun, Moon, and Mars have to be together in the mentioned houses which means a relationship, this combination ensures a weak malefic moon and a factor that Sun and moon ascendant will be same, Mars represents inflammation and is the significator of 3rd house which represents right ear it also rules inflammation in 4th Mars influences 11th house the left ear, in 6th 12th house and ascendant, in 8th again the 3rd and 11th houses, in 12th the 3rd house, the 4th,8th,12th houses also represent the water element and the signs 4th,8th,12th are also considered mute, here the 6th house position seems to rather out of context for ear significations, however ENT ( ear, nose, throat are closely knit organs ) therefore the 6th,12th influence of Mars may cause deafness, through Moon and Sun which represent eyes as an organ in astrology.

Urinary disorders and astrology

 Urinary disorder

If the lord of 6th or 7th joins with the lord of 12th and is aspected by Saturn, urinary disorders will result.
Note – 6th house significations include urine issues, 7th are the about - Apana Vata: It is located in the pelvic region and governs impulses related to urination, elimination, menstruation, etc. An imbalance of Apana Vata leads to constipation, intestinal cramps, menstrual disorder, and prostate diseases. Saturn is the Significator of 6th and 12th and represents Apaan Vata, Saturn is the obstructer its influence on 6,7,12th lords, and has the propensity to bring out urinary disease.
If Mercury with lordship over 3rd joins with Mars and Saturn and all of them are placed in Ascendant, the native will be having two urinary passages or when he passes urine, the flow may appear to fall in two separate streams.
Note –mercury can be the lord of 3rd and 6th in Aries ascendant, lord of 12th and 3rd in cancer ascendant in both cases it, owns a dushsthaana the 6th or 12th houses both the 6th and 12th are related to diseases and sickness, Mars and Saturn are significators of 3rd and 6th and Saturn represents 6th,8th,12th all the trik sthaana , Mercury with ascendant,8th lord Mars in Aries ascendant and with the lord of 10th and 11th Saturn will pick malefic influence, Saturn is known obstructor, In cancer, ascendant Mars is yoga karaka and Saturn lord of 7th,8th along with Mercury. One of the significations that Mars produces is Urine related issues but since Mars is a Lagna lord or yogakarka in both scenarios it produces a lesser issue.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Itches and boils in medical astrology

 Itches & Boils

The lord of Ascendant is on 3/6/8/12, the Ascendant is occupied by Rahu/Ketu, and the native will suffer from itches/boils, etc.
Moon & Rahu in Ascendant in the above Yoga signifies deformity in limbs in major/sub-period of Moon/Rahu
• Conjunction of lord of 6th with Rahu/Ketu signifies sufferings from boils etc.

Financial Gains and astrology

 Financial Gains When?

The native will enjoy good income or earn well during the major period of planets aspects the 2nd and lord of 2nd, but particularly when the major period lord is connected with Jupiter in transit. In other words, the periods when Jupiter is conjunct with or aspects the major period lord (who aspects the 2nd or standing in the 2nd or happens to be lord of 2nd) bring in greater income for the native.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Corona and flu combination from the classics .

 नजला, जुकाम, खांसी के योगः Cold and flu or Corona combination

कासश्वासक्षयजनिरुजं भानुभौमाहिदृष्टे,
षष्ठे सौरे गुलिकसहिते सौम्यदृग्योगहीने।
रिःफे पापे शशिनि रिपुगे भानुजे रन्ध्रयाते
पापांशस्थे तनुगृहपतौ पीनसं रोगमेति ।।96।।
Sloka 95 When Saturn occupying the 5th bhava in conjunction with (Mandi) is aspected by the Sun, Mars, and Rahu but is unaspected by or unassociated with benefic the person born will suffer from an illness caused by a complication; of cough, asthma, and consumption. When a malefic planet is in the 12th bhava, the Moon in the 6thf Saturn in the 8th, and when the lord of the Lagna occupies a Navamsa owned by a malefic planet, the person born under such yoga will be liable to dryness of the nose resulting in loss of smell.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Belly injury or surgery in astrology

 भूसूनु लग्ने यदि वा तदंशे सूर्यान्विते कृष्णनिशाकरे तु।

फणीशचन्द्रात्मजसंयुतेऽर्कराशौ यदा तर्हयुदरप्रभेदम् || 96 || ( Belly injury or surgery two yogas)


Sloka 96. When the rising sign or its amsa is owned by Mars and occupied by the Sun, and the waning Moon in conjunction with Rahu and Mercury occupies Leo, the person concerned will have his belly ripped open. (Surgery or injury)


मन्दोदये सौम्यदशाविहीने सर्वार्कयुक्ते यदि कृष्ण चन्दे।

नाभिप्रदेशोदरभेदमाहुः शस्त्रेण जातस्य पराशराद्याः || 97 || ( Belly injury or surgery two yogas)

Shloka 97. When Saturn in the rising sign is without benefic aspect and the waning Moon is in conjunction with Rahu and the Sun, the person born, says BPHS and also the other authorities/ one will suffer a wound by a weapon in the upper region from the navel. (Surgery or injury)

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

बुधरोगनाह --- Diseases related to planet Mercury

 बुधरोगनाह ---

कुष्ठ त्रिदोषं नयनामयं गल -
घ्राणोत्थरोगं ग्रहणीं विचर्चिकाम्।
भ्रान्ति कृशानो पतनं विषं ज्वरं
दुः स्वप्न मोहान्कुरुते कलेशजः। ९।
बुध यदि दुष्ट हो तो त्रिदोष धातु,नेत्र रोग ,गलजन्य तथा नासिकजन्य रोग ,संग्रहणी ,विचर्चिका रोग,भ्रान्ति ,अग्निपाटन ,विष,ज्वर ,एवं,दुषस्वप्न और मोह (मूर्छा) को करता है।
Mercury if adverse can create the following diseases, tridosha related, eye diseases, throat diseases, nose issues, Inflammatory bowels, skin diseases eczema, psoriasis, mental aberration, fear from fire, poison, fainting, bad dreams etc.
Vicarcikā (विचर्चिका) refers to “dry and weeping eczema” and is one of the various diseases mentioned in the 15th-century Yogasārasaṅgraha (Yogasara-saṅgraha) by Vāsudeva: an unpublished Keralite work representing an Ayurvedic compendium of medicinal recipes. The Yogasārasaṃgraha [mentioning vicarcikā] deals with entire recipes in the route of administration, and thus deals with the knowledge of pharmacy (bhaiṣajya-kalpanā) which is a branch of pharmacology (dravyaguṇa)
संग्रहणी रोग | Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Five elements in Vedic astrology.

 The five elements -

1)Ether- Aakash - empty space -Vaccum- Sense of hearing- Planet representing ether and sense of hearing- Jupiter.
2)Vayu- Air- Motion and movement- Associated sense- Sense of touch- Representing planet Saturn.
3) Fire- Agni- energy - associated sense - Sense of sight - Representing planets Mars/Sun .
4)Water- Jala- Circulation- associated sense- a sense of taste- Mercury/venus
5)Earth- Prithvi- Shape - associated sense - Sense of smell - Venus/mercury.

Monday, September 12, 2022

The seven Dhatus in Ayurveda has been linked by Vedic classics to 7 planets.

 The seven Dhatus in Ayurveda have been linked by Vedic classics to 7 planets.

They are as follows
1)Ras - Plasma-Moon- It draws nourishment from digested food.
2) Rakta- Blood-Moon-it derives nourishment from Rasa.
3) Mamsa- Muscles/ligaments/Tendons- Saturn- It derives nourishment from Rakta.
4)Medha- Fat/lubrication- Jupiter - It draws nourishment from Mamsa Dhatu.
5) Asthi - Bones- Sun - It derives its nourishment from Medha Dhatu.
6) Majja- Bone marrow- Mars- it draws its nourishment from Asthi Dhatu.
7)Shukra- Reproductive fluids- Venus, it draws its nourishment from.
Note- Twacha - Skin - Is represented by Planet Mercury as per classics of Vedic astrology.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Neech Bhang Yoga

 Honestly speaking and taking straight my article here will perturb many, particularly those who have learned their astrology from or following the big name gas bags who call themselves gurus or from sleazy but famous youtube channel owners.

Neech bhang yoga is the topic today, the joke is that people believe that Neech bhang can happen in divisional charts, the first anomaly is to allocate houses there, and the second is to create yogas inside the divisions.
Phaldeepika in chapter Raj yoga Adhaya sutra 26 -29 talks extensively about Neech bhang.
Note- If you cannot do the simple reading then it's better you stop learning or practicing astrology altogether.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Mars Mercury combination and living from crime

 षष्ठाष्टमे च मूर्तो च बुधभौमो यदा स्थितो

तस्करं घोरकर्माणा करपादं विनश्यति | ।2 ||
Mars-Mercury combination in the 6th, 8th, or Lagna, the native may perhaps be a thief, smuggler, or criminal and may be susceptible to losing his limbs.
The ascendant or first house rules self, the 6th signifies the theft,( Uttara Kalamrit)7th signifies the wealth of thief,8th house here represents courage required for cruel and daring acts for thief/criminal/loss of limbs as well, Mars represents the thief signification(Uttara Kalamrit), Mercury is said to be like the planet it is with, further as a planet signifying intellect, the person will use both intellect(mercury) and courage (Mars)to make a living.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

First house in Medical astrology

 1st House

If the sign in which Lord of Asendant is posited happens to be a quadrant or trine whilst benefic is conjunct with such Lord of Asdt or lord of Asdt is in own house or exaltation, the native will enjoy full span of life.
Bodily Happiness
If the lord of Ascendant is conjunct with a malefic and is posited in 6/8/12, there will be no bodily happiness.
If the lord of 6th is in Ascendant in the company of a benefic or aspected by a benefic, the native will prefer a sort of semi-secluded life, not very social and without a circle of friends.
If the lord of the 8th is in Ascendant in the company of a benefic or aspected by a benefic, the native will be weak physically.
If the lord of 12th is in Ascendant in the company of a benefic or aspected by a benefic, the native will be sickly.
Note: Quantum of the effects will depend on the strength of the benefic aspect or conjunction referred to in these slokas.
If the weak lord of Ascendant is standing in quadrants or trines, while the native will be free from diseases, He will enjoy moderately but his temperament will be out of balance frequently.
The native will suffer fear from serpents, thieves, and low-class people if Saturn is in Ascendant, 5th or 9th, whilst Rahu is conjunct with a malefic OR Rahu is also in Ascendant along with Saturn.
Bodily Happiness
Bodily happiness is assured if Moon is powerful in the horoscope whilst the lord of Ascendant is conjunct with a benefic and there is a benefic in Ascendant or benefic aspect on Asdt.
If the Ascendant, lord thereof and Moon is all benefic, good bodily happiness, good body, and features, good looks, and happiness in all directions are assured.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Yuti or conjunction results as per Bhavarth Ratnakar

 Conjunctions of three or more planets what will be the results?

In case three or more are in a certain bhava, the concerned bhava or house becomes subject of focus, but if the lord of the said house is combust, debilitated or in 6th,8th, or 12th then the result of the bhava lord will not be specific or intense.
The planets in the bhava having a Yuti will bring out a common factor and give specific results accordingly for example the lord of 2nd,5th,9th, and Jupiter ( if it rules the above or not ) are in 11th then they all will give the common factor the creation of wealth the boost in their corresponding periods as houses 2,5,9,11 are all wealth-creating houses, so the common factor being the creation of wealth will be brought to the core, Jupiter as the significator of 2,5,9,11 will also portray the same. ( Bhavarth Ratnakar Principle)

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Conjunctions or Yuti

 Conjunctions or Yuti, are the important factors to be considered while trying to understand the impetus of such association.

1. Whether the Yuti forming planets are enemies, neutral, or friends of each other.
2. The house where the Yuti is formed and whether the lord of the house is a friend, enemy, or neutral to one or more of Yuti-producing planets.
3. Condition and dignity of the House lord where the Yuti is formed. if it is exalted, in MT, in own house, in enemy sign, debilitated, combust, defeated in war, or badly placed in 6th,8th, or 12th.
4. House signification of the house where Yuti is and house owner signification of Yuti forming planets.
5. Planetry signification of Yuti forming planets.
6. Condition of Karak of the house where Yuti is formed.
7. Aspects they Recieve or aspects these planets cast
Example -Sun +Venus+Ketu in Libra in Sagitarrius ascendant.
House where Yuti is 11th, Lord of the house - Venus, Condition of Venus let's say - Combust, The Karak of 11th the Jupiter is in 8th. Sun is the lord of the 9th but debilitated and placed in Dushsthaana from its sign Leo in the 9th, Both Venus and +Sun are in RKA, and Sun and Venus are Enemies. Sun is Bhahagesh in the horoscope and Karak of Father, Atma ( soul), represents Asthi Dhatu. Venus is a spouse in the male's horoscope, it is Karak of 7th, represents 6th and 11th in the horoscope, Represents Shukra ( reproductive fluid), kidney, Lustre, luxuries, indulgence, etc as 6th lord it represents diseases, as 11th it represents Income, gains, friends, elder brother, etc. Now the result
Sun is debilitated, Venus combusts in RKA, they are in 11th will aspect 5th- Result in limited Progeny, Problems with Wife and marriage, income issues, diseases of the kidney like kidney stones or Urine infections, bone issues may lack vitamin D, Stressed relations with father, Placement of Septraist debilitated planet Sun and aspect of another Septraist Rahu intensifies the scarcities like income being not enough, no elder brother or brother in law Since Venus is Combust the Neech Bhanga is of little relevance and strength.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Dasha results are Favourable If .

 Dasha results 

1. Strong benefic planets give good results. 

2. Planets moving towards their exalted sign also give good results for example moon in Aries and Jupiter in Gemini. 

3. Planets placed in the tenth and 11th give good results. 

4. exalted planets, placed in their own house, their mooltrikona places, varguttam, placed in front sign, and in benefic divisions give good results. 

5. Planets placed in 3rd,6th 10th 11th also give good results. 

6. Planet that receives an aspect from a friendly planet also gives good results. 

7. If the two planets are friendly and of strength then their Dasha or period yields good results. 

8. A planet related to benefic planets also gives good results. 

9. If the Lord of the Dasha or period is also the lord of ascendant and hora of ascendant or  dreshkan, saptamsa, navamsa,dwadamsa or Triamsa then also it gives good results.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Rahu and Ketu evaluation

 यद्यद्भावगतौ वापि यद्यद्भावेशसंयुतौ ।

तत्तत्फलानि प्रबलौ प्रदिशेतां तमोग्रहौ ॥ १३ ॥
Rahu and Ketu, give good or bad results according to their position or association. They give the results of the houses they occupy or the houses owned by the planets conjunct with them
Rahu and Ketu will act according to the quality of the house and the sign owner.
Rahu or Ketu also give results of the planets influencing them through aspects.
Rahu and Ketu also give the results of the planet they are conjoined to.
They will be neutral in the 2nd, 12th, 4th,7th and 10th houses. In the 1st, 5th, and 9th they will be auspicious. In the 8th they will be extremely evil. In the 3rd, 6th, and 11th they will be inauspicious. If they are solitary in these houses.
यदि केन्द्रे त्रिकोणे वा निवसेतां तमोग्रहौ ।
नाथेनान्यतरेणापि सम्बन्धाद्योगकारकौ ॥ २१ ॥
21. Rahu or Ketu occupying an Angle or Trine has a relationship with the Lord of any other Angle or Trine, the Yoga will be effective. If Rahu or Ketu occupies a Kendra or a Trikona and by occupying a Kendra be related to Trikona lord or by occupying a Trikona be related to a Kendra lord then they become Yogakarakas.
If Rahu and Ketu are Without the influence of any planet-
(a) In a Kendra they will be neutral while in a Trikona they will be auspicious.
(b) In the 7th or 2nd house they will function as Marakas.
(c) Placed In the 3rd,6th, or 11th house they may give inauspicious results.
(d) Placed In the 12th house they will be neutral and will reflect the result as per associated planets.
(e) Placed In the 8th house they may produce evil results.
(f) If conjunct with the planets-
(g) In a Trikona with a Kendra lord, Yogakaraka.
(h) In a Kendra with a Trikona lord, Yogakaraka.
(i) Placed In the 3rd, 6th, or 11th house with their lords, inauspicious results.
(j) Placed With the 8th house lord Rahu-Ketu will give inauspicious results but placed with the 8th lord in the 8th house—may give auspicious results.
(k) Placed In the 2nd or 7th house with their lords, as specific Marakas.
(l) Placed In the 12'th house with the 12th lord, neutral.
Krishan Kumar Rajan, Arastu Prabhakar and 35 others

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Horoscope analysis some relevant Information.

 The horoscope analysis is based on several principles and fundamentals, in a horoscope, there may be several dictums applying to a set of planetary combinations, you just cannot explain a horoscope in the light of a single dictum, planet, or set of planets. The probabilities and possibilities change with exposure and influences. To date, most astrologers have not been able to evaluate Rahu And Ketu as to how they will behave during their periods. People are confused about how to analyze Yuti's ( Conjunctions -not as per western concept, but when planets are together). Let me try to explain what Yuti is like and then later give you the principle of analysis. Assume you have a glass of milk, and add sugar as the sugar dissolves in it you won't be able to see it in a real sense but you will still be able to taste the sweetness( This perhaps is like the Aspect influence, add a stronger visible influence like Roohafza syrup the taste and color both change but the milk is still drinkable and good to taste, this is because the Yuti forming ( here the two planets soak each other's energies and is called relation or Sambandh) planets have a common feature that they bring to fore. The principle is that when two or three planets combine they will bring out the feature that is common between them to the forefront, take the example of Yuti of 2,5,9,11 or two or three of them the common factor is the acquisition of wealth as they are wealth-producing houses. Take the Yuti of 6th,8th, and 12th the common factor here is adversity so in the Dasha Antardasha of one of these you can expect adversity. But when the Yuti forming planets are not on the same tangent for example Jupiter, Saturn, or Rahu, the result will depend on the placement and dignity of the planets concerned, Rahu and Saturn have common features but Jupiter is the odd one out here, Now if this Yuti is in Sagitarrius and the strength of Jupiter prevails over in Vargas as well, the suffering of Jupiter related bhavas is reduced a bit, however, Jupiter is soaking in the influence of two separatists planets here, therefore it will carry the malefic influence of associated planets, the Rahu, Saturn will also carry the essence of Jupiter on their sphere of influence. Lower or higher degrees do not matter here what matters is Grah Bal. Take the milk example again if we add salt in it will be saltish, if we heat it a bit then add a spoonful of curd it will end up as a curd but still, a milk-related product, Adding lemon juice in the same milk over heat will end up producing paneer or cottage cheese but the product again is milk-related, assume heat as the malefic separatist influence. hop[e I have not confused or addled up your brains

Note - The common feature being prominent in the periods of associated planets is a principle and fundamental to watch for.
Placement and ownership are other factors.
Do not care about degrees the Vargas take care of that.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Special rule for lords of the trines as per the classics of Vedic astrology

 Why a malefic planet as a 9th lord cannot be treated as a Benefic (functional). However, this condition does not apply to the lord of 5th even if it is malefic.

वृषभजातस्य च शनि: भाग्यकर्मेश्चरोऽपि वां |

सूर्य सोमसुताभ्याम् वा न युत्रतो नैव योगद: || १ || (Bhavarth Ratnakar, Taurus Lagna)

Saturn through a yoga karaka in itself cannot give results in itself if Sun and Mercury do not conjoin or form a relationship with it. As Saturn is lord of Kendra and Trikona thus a yoga karaka but as malefic lord of Kendra, it loses malefic intent thus neutralizing itself so additional support of Kendra and Trikona lords sun and mercury is required to make Saturn fully fruitful.

वृषभ लग्न जातक के लिए शनि नवम एवं दशम भाव के स्वामी होने से योगकारक होने पर भी शुभ फल दाता नहीं होते जब तक की सूर्य (चथुर्थेश) एवम बुध (पंचमेश) की युति या संबंध शनि के साथ न हो |

शनि की मूल त्रिकोण राशि दशम भाव में होने से शनि अशुभ नहीं रहते परंतु ज्यादा शुभ नहीं होते हैं | इसलिए शुभ फल देने के लिए शनि का संबंध दूसरे शुभ ग्रह (सूर्य एवम बुध ) के साथ होने से शनि के फल में ज्यादा शुभता आती है |

भाग्येश सर्वदा सौम्यो न क्रूरः फलदायकः। १० । (BPHS, karak marak vichar adhaya)

9th lord is always benefic but with a condition that it should not be a cruel/malefic planet.

पुत्राधिपो ऽपि शुभदः क्रूरोऽपि सुखदः स्मृतः। ११।

The lord of 5th will always give good results whether it is cruel/malefic or a benefic planet.




Drekana and the body parts representation


शिरोनेत्रे तथा कर्णें नासा चापि कपोलकौ।

हनुमुखं तथा वाच्यं लग्नादाद्यदृकाणके। १९।

There are three Drekana’s. if the lord of the ascendant is in the first Drekana then the ascendant represents a face,2 and 12th eyes,3rd and 11th ears,4/12 nose,5/9 cheeks,6/8 beard, and 7th mouth.

Sun- face,head,eyes,ears,navel,feet,soles of the feet.

लग्नमध्येदृकाणे च कण्ठांशौ बाहुकौ तथा।

पार्श्वे च ह्रदयक्रोडे नाभिं चैव यथाक्रमम्। २०।

If the second Drekana is represented by the ascendant the neck represents 2 and 12. shoulders 3/11arms,4/10 back,5/9 heart,6/8 stomach,7 the navel area.

वस्तिर्लिङ्गगुदे वृषणावुरु  जानुजङ्घके।

पदति चैवमुदितैर्वाममङ्गम तृतीयके। २१।

In the third Drekana, the ascendant represents the lower abdomen,2/12 the penis and anal area,3/10 groins, thighs,5/9 knees,6/8 ankles, and 7th feet. First, to 6th represent the right side and the 7th to 12th left side.