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Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Yoga for deafness in astrology


If the 3 planets, Sun. Moon and Mars stand together in 4, 6, 8, or 12th houses, aspected by malefic/enemy, the native will become deaf.
Note – Here the pointer or inference is the 4,6th, 8th, and 12th houses, Now note that Sun, Moon, and Mars have to be together in the mentioned houses which means a relationship, this combination ensures a weak malefic moon and a factor that Sun and moon ascendant will be same, Mars represents inflammation and is the significator of 3rd house which represents right ear it also rules inflammation in 4th Mars influences 11th house the left ear, in 6th 12th house and ascendant, in 8th again the 3rd and 11th houses, in 12th the 3rd house, the 4th,8th,12th houses also represent the water element and the signs 4th,8th,12th are also considered mute, here the 6th house position seems to rather out of context for ear significations, however ENT ( ear, nose, throat are closely knit organs ) therefore the 6th,12th influence of Mars may cause deafness, through Moon and Sun which represent eyes as an organ in astrology.