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Monday, August 29, 2022

Yuti or conjunction results as per Bhavarth Ratnakar

 Conjunctions of three or more planets what will be the results?

In case three or more are in a certain bhava, the concerned bhava or house becomes subject of focus, but if the lord of the said house is combust, debilitated or in 6th,8th, or 12th then the result of the bhava lord will not be specific or intense.
The planets in the bhava having a Yuti will bring out a common factor and give specific results accordingly for example the lord of 2nd,5th,9th, and Jupiter ( if it rules the above or not ) are in 11th then they all will give the common factor the creation of wealth the boost in their corresponding periods as houses 2,5,9,11 are all wealth-creating houses, so the common factor being the creation of wealth will be brought to the core, Jupiter as the significator of 2,5,9,11 will also portray the same. ( Bhavarth Ratnakar Principle)