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Saturday, August 27, 2022

Dasha results are Favourable If .

 Dasha results 

1. Strong benefic planets give good results. 

2. Planets moving towards their exalted sign also give good results for example moon in Aries and Jupiter in Gemini. 

3. Planets placed in the tenth and 11th give good results. 

4. exalted planets, placed in their own house, their mooltrikona places, varguttam, placed in front sign, and in benefic divisions give good results. 

5. Planets placed in 3rd,6th 10th 11th also give good results. 

6. Planet that receives an aspect from a friendly planet also gives good results. 

7. If the two planets are friendly and of strength then their Dasha or period yields good results. 

8. A planet related to benefic planets also gives good results. 

9. If the Lord of the Dasha or period is also the lord of ascendant and hora of ascendant or  dreshkan, saptamsa, navamsa,dwadamsa or Triamsa then also it gives good results.