The seven Dhatus in Ayurveda have been linked by Vedic classics to 7 planets.
They are as follows
1)Ras - Plasma-Moon- It draws nourishment from digested food.
2) Rakta- Blood-Moon-it derives nourishment from Rasa.
3) Mamsa- Muscles/ligaments/Tendons- Saturn- It derives nourishment from Rakta.
5) Asthi - Bones- Sun - It derives its nourishment from Medha Dhatu.
6) Majja- Bone marrow- Mars- it draws its nourishment from Asthi Dhatu.
7)Shukra- Reproductive fluids- Venus, it draws its nourishment from.
Note- Twacha - Skin - Is represented by Planet Mercury as per classics of Vedic astrology.