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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Belly injury or surgery in astrology

 भूसूनु लग्ने यदि वा तदंशे सूर्यान्विते कृष्णनिशाकरे तु।

फणीशचन्द्रात्मजसंयुतेऽर्कराशौ यदा तर्हयुदरप्रभेदम् || 96 || ( Belly injury or surgery two yogas)


Sloka 96. When the rising sign or its amsa is owned by Mars and occupied by the Sun, and the waning Moon in conjunction with Rahu and Mercury occupies Leo, the person concerned will have his belly ripped open. (Surgery or injury)


मन्दोदये सौम्यदशाविहीने सर्वार्कयुक्ते यदि कृष्ण चन्दे।

नाभिप्रदेशोदरभेदमाहुः शस्त्रेण जातस्य पराशराद्याः || 97 || ( Belly injury or surgery two yogas)

Shloka 97. When Saturn in the rising sign is without benefic aspect and the waning Moon is in conjunction with Rahu and the Sun, the person born, says BPHS and also the other authorities/ one will suffer a wound by a weapon in the upper region from the navel. (Surgery or injury)