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Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Combination for itch, scab or eczema in astrology as Per Jatak sara deep

 वित्ते चन्द्रः स्निग्धराशौ शनिमेलापकृद्भवेत्।।

भूमिभागे यदि शनिस्तदा कण्डुः प्रजायते।। 67 ||
Moon placed in friendly signs, Saturn has an aspect on 5th/9th or Saturn be in earth part of a sign then one can suffer from itch or eczema.
Aries, Leo, Scorpio- Have 6/6 degrees of elements as per the following order. Fire, Air, Ether, Earth, and Water.
Taurus, Cancer, Libra – follow the following order for elements – Water, Fire, Air, Ether, and earth.
Gemini, Virgo- Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether.
Sagitarrius, Pisces- Ether, Earth, Water, Fire, Air.
Capricorn, Aquarius- Air, Ether, Earth, Water, Fire.