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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Quiz for one free question

Relations and planets  as significators
Sun- father
Moon- mother
Venus- wife
Mars - younger brother
Mercury -
jupiter ------??????
Saturn -----??????
Rahu- Paternal grandfather.+++
Ketu- Maternal grandfather++++
 Daughter in law----- Which planet ?
Mother in law--- which planet ?
Husband--- Which planet ?
Maternal uncle- which planet ?
Paternal uncle--- Which planet ?
Elder Brother--- ???
Sister,daughter and aunt.-- ???
Foreigners ---???
Answer any two with ?? sign and if they be correct you can get one free question ready , Quiz contest ends on Wednesday 6 Pm IST
Hint -  Try google..But you will have to be persistent with it 
Send the answers at Will publish the right answers along with the names of winners.
++ --- Means there are other indicators .