Maa SKanda is the fifth form of Maa Durga.she is worshiped on the fifth Navratri. Devi Maa is the mother of Kumara Skanda or Kumara Kartikeya also called Lord Murugan in south India. Kumar Skanda was chosen by Gods as their commander in “Deva-Sura Sangram” (the war of gods & demons) against the demons. Lord Murugan’s glory has been narrated in the Puranas and he is referred to as Kumara and Saktidhar. His vehicle being peacock he is also called Mayuravahana. Worshipping Skandamata has on the fifth day of Navaratra has very iportacefor Yogis & Sadhaks . This day devotee’s mind reaches Visuddha Cakra and stays therein. In her image the Lord Skanda in his infant form is always found. She holds him in her lap.By Chanting this mantra we should worship Maa Skanda
सिंहासनगता नित्यं पद्माश्रितकरद्वया ।
शुभदास्तु सदा देवी स्कन्दमाता यशस्विनी ॥
शुभदास्तु सदा देवी स्कन्दमाता यशस्विनी ॥
Using a lion as a vehicle, Mother Goddess has four arms & three eyes. She holds Lord Skanda in her right upper arm and a lotus flower in her right lower hand, which is slightly raised upward. The left upper arm is in a pose to grant boon and in left lower hand, which is raised, she again holds lotus. She is Golden color. She is seated on lotus flower so she is called Padmasana.
इस दिन भक्त का मन विसुद्धा काकरा तक पहुँच जाता है और उसमें रहता है.स्कंदमाता के रूप में देवी की पूजा करके, भक्त की सभी इच्छाएँ को पूरा हो जाता है.उसकी दुनिया खुशियों से भर जाती हैं. भगवान स्कंद की पूजा करना स्वतः अपने बच्चे की पूजा करने के रूप में साधक उसकी पूजा करने के लिए विशेष रूप से चौकस होना चाहिए. सूर्य देवता के इष्टदेव होने के नाते, वह एक असामान्य और उसके भक्त पर चमक चमक रखती हैं. वह हमेशा एक अदृश्य दिव्य प्रभामंडल है.हमे पूरी ईमानदारी से स्कंडमाता की पूजा करनी चहिये.इस दिन माँ को केले का भोग लगाना चाहिए. माँ अपने भक्तो की सभी इच्छाओं को पूरा करती हैं. स्कंद माँ की पूजा करने से सारी बीमारियों से मुक्ति मिलती हैं.
Shabar mantra
Pancham jyoti chhinmasta pragti (Chhinmasta)
Sat ka dharm sat ki kaya, brahma agni mein yog jamaya. Kaya tapaye jogi(shiv gorkha) baita, naabh kamal par chhinmasta, chander soor mein upji sushumni devi, trikuti mahal mein phire bala sundri, tan ka munda haath mein linha, dahine haath mein khappar dharya. Pee pee peewe rakht, barse trikut mastak par agni prajali,, shwet warni mukt kesha kaichi dhaari. Devi uma ki shakti chhaya, parlayi khaye srishti saari. Chandi, chandi phire brahmandi bhak bhak bala bhak dusht ko musht jati, sati ko rakh, yogi ghar jogan baiti, Shri shambhujati gorakhnaath jee ne bhaki. Chhinmasta japo jaap, paap kantante aapo aap jo jogi kare sumiran paap punay se nyara rahe. Kaal naa khaaye.
Shreem kali hreem ainm wjar wairo chneeye hoom hoom phat swaha.