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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A must do during pitar Paksh


: Make food that was favorite of your ancestors. Every morning, keep aside the 1st portion of the food for the cow, 2nd for the crow, 3rd for dog, and 4th for ants. Then only, have your food. The food should include, rice, milk, shakkar, ghee, gangajal, honey and kheer and should be for Devta, Brahmin, and one poor person. According to Geeta, eating non-veg is prohibited these days.
What not to have in food.. paan, tambaaku, jootha bhojan, urad, onion, garlic, zeera, brinjal, meethi supaari, bottle gourd (gol lauki), heeng.
You have to do this on the Shraadh Tithi. The food to the cow, crow, dog and ants can be given daily also during pitra paksha.