Vrana Yoga (Boils in the body)

Starting from Sun the boils caused by various
planets in the body is mentioned.
Sun- boils are caused in the region of the head.
Moon- in the region of the face
Mars- in the region of neck
Mercury- in the region of the naval
Jupiter- in the region of nose
Venus- in the region of the eyes
Saturn- in the region of the leg
Rahu & Ketu- in the region of naval and stomach
Rashis causing Boils:

Boils due to different rashis (signs) are caused in
various parts of the body in this manner.
Mesha - head Vrishabha - face
Mithuna - neck Kataka - ear
Simha - the nose Kanya - private parts,
Tula - hand Vrishchika - sides
Dhanu eyes Makara - feet
Kumbha Knees Meena - kukshi.
Thus depending on the sign of the sixth house the
house of disease on concerned area will be afflicted
with boils.

or tenth house without the aspect of benefic planet,
the native will suffer from boils in the body.
Starting from Sun the boils caused by various
planets in the body is mentioned.
Sun- boils are caused in the region of the head.
Moon- in the region of the face
Mars- in the region of neck
Mercury- in the region of the naval
Jupiter- in the region of nose
Venus- in the region of the eyes
Saturn- in the region of the leg
Rahu & Ketu- in the region of naval and stomach
Rashis causing Boils:
Boils due to different rashis (signs) are caused in
various parts of the body in this manner.
Mesha - head Vrishabha - face
Mithuna - neck Kataka - ear
Simha - the nose Kanya - private parts,
Tula - hand Vrishchika - sides
Dhanu eyes Makara - feet
Kumbha Knees Meena - kukshi.
Thus depending on the sign of the sixth house the
house of disease on concerned area will be afflicted
with boils.
the native will suffer from boils in the body.