The following are the major astrological significators of a colon disorder:
1 Scorpio or eighth house
2 Mercury-Mars in aspect
3 Mars-Saturn in aspect
4 Mars or Saturn in Scorpio Scorpio : The organs of reproduction, bladder, gall, colon and rectum.
5 Bowel disorders are sometimes also associated with a strong Mercury or Virgo .Virgo : The intestines, alimentary canal, lower part of the liver.
The colon is the common term for the large intestine. It begins in the right lower abdomen where it connects to the ileum at the ileocecal valve, travels up the right side to its first bend underneath the liver at the hepatic flexure, loops down and across to the left upper abdomen where it bends downward at the splenic flexure, travels down the left side to become the sigmoid colon and finally the rectum which connects to the anal canal, and finally the anus and the anal sphincters.
Therefore it starts from Virgo and ends on scorpio.
Mars: Large Intestine, Rectum and Anus: Large intestine or colon represents the part of human body influenced by Mars. Large intestine is the final storage of water as well as unused liquidated food stuffs where absorption of water takes place mainly to maintain balance of water content in human body.
From yahoo groups
Dear Gurus,
Yestreday My aunt went for Colono scopy. Doctors found one big tumour in her colon and they suspect this to be cancerous. We are all very scared. What are the chances of her getting cancer and recovery from it.
DOB 27th Sept 1949
Time 6 AM
Place Delhi, India
Dasha period ---- Moon-- Ketu ,
Moon debilated ( in scorpio) condition number one MD lord operating from scorpio. excahange of houses between moon and mars both of them debilitated ,here moon absorbs the the martian qualities.
Moon is in anuradha nakshatra of saturn.Lord of 6th house.
Physically an afflicted, debilitated, or otherwise ill-disposed Moon may indicate anemia, lack of body fluids or body weight, constipation and dryness of the skin. It can cause colds, fevers, bronchitis, intestinal problems, or even susceptibility to cancer. Organs, such as the lungs and kidneys, may also be weak and there may be menstrual or infertility problems in women.
Ketu ---In virgo operating from sign virgo lorded by Retro grade mercury Condition nummber5.
Sixth lord saturn in 12th house
Ketu and mercury ( retrograde ) are both in chitra ,nakshatra of Mars in virgo rashi.
Mars: Large Intestine, Rectum and Anus: Large intestine or colon represents the part of human body influenced by Mars. Large intestine is the final storage of water as well as unused liquidated food stuffs where absorption of water takes place mainly to maintain balance of water content in human body.