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Friday, October 12, 2012

Narcolepsy( sleep disorder and Astrology)

Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder causes when our brain fails to regulate sleep-wake cycles in our body which is widely known as sleeping disorder. At various times throughout the day, people with narcolepsy experience instant urge to sleep which lasts from a few seconds to several minutes. In rare cases, some people may remain asleep for an hour or longer. All human being takes birth with a certain effect of sunlight from a particular angle, which entirely depends primarily on the position of the Sun during birth. Birth place is also not devoid of the solar effect which creates a perfect macho on the person born, although that effect is not so fatal but simply avoidable. Human eyes are functionally different in accepting sunlight from different angles. Sunlight coming from a particular angle may have soothing effect to the eyes of a particular person but may not be equally soothing to everyone. This happens due to formation of different refractive index (RI) forms in different eyes amongst different people; this is due to difference of structural configuration of our body proteins. Narcolepsy is purely a solar disease, causes due to unequal distribution of heat or calorie throughout the body. Primary cause of happening is due to random consumption of hot stimulants in irrespective time-frame. Beverages with toxic effects are quite comfortable to cause narcolepsy. Insomnia is the output of narcolepsy.

Sleep disorders----- 12th house- Karak Saturn
4th house- karak Moon and mercury.
Planets Moon the karaka of mind
Mercury karaka of Intelligence
Saturn- Depression and diseases
Rahu - Is a head without body - to an extent it is responsible for wild imagination and acute depressive bouts along with Saturn
Ketu - Mental instability and diagnostic confusion
In the chart listed below you find ketu placed in first ,the head,saturn moon combination aspecting mercury placed in 4th house.
Saturns aspect on 12th house on debilitated mars.
So in all moon is afflicted ,12th house is afflicted,mercury is afflicted and fourth house is afflicted along with ascendent all pointing towards a restless mind and disturbed sleep pattern.