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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Careers and professions

Brihat Parashara Horam Ch.4) that the elements earth, water, fire, and air directly correlate to the four social roles. The fire signs are places generating leaders. The earth signs generate people involved in business roles. The air signs generate tactile people. While the water signs generate intellectuals.

Careers by sign

Aries army and police, surgeon, mechanics, iron and steel, firefighting, industrialists, athletes.
Taurus luxury goods, jewelry, cosmetics, music, actors, banking, tailors, fashion, property.
Gemini media and journalism, accountants, representatives, translators, writers.
Cancer naval and marine, fishing, nursing, interior design, food, petroleum, historians.
Leo government jobs, politics, religion, investing, diplomacy.
Virgo computing, astrology, accounting, media, doctors, healing.
Libra judges, artists, cosmetics, fashion, receptionists, advertising, interior decorating, prostitutes.
Scorpio chemicals, drugs, liquids, insurance, doctors, nurses, police, occult.
Sagittarius law, religion, banking and finance, entrepreneurs, athletes, clothing and shoes.
Capricorn raw material extraction and processing such as lumber and mining
Aquarius advisors, consultants, philosophers, astrologers, engineers, computing
Pisces doctors, marine related, chemicals, oil, painters, hospital, prisons.

Careers by house

First self-employment, politics or the public at large, the body (e.g. health club)
Second banking, investments, accountants, restaurants, teaching, consultants, psychologists, writing
Third communication, arts, sales, advertising, computing, writing, publishing
Fourth agriculture, building trades, real estate, vehicles, water, geology and mining
Fifth politics, stockbrokers, religious rituals, entertainment, authorship
Sixth lawyers, military, police, labour, health related professions, food, waiters.
Seventh business, trade, merchant, females, foreign business.
Eighth insurance, research, death-related, metaphysics (e.g. astrology), sex industry.
Ninth law, university teaching, travel, religious professions, foreign countries.
Tenth government jobs, dealing with public and the masses, managers, politics.
Eleventh trade and business, accountants, financial institutions, group work.
Twelfth foreign, jobs requiring secrecy, travels, hospitals, prisons, charities, advocacy.

 The Sun and Mars are leaders so their signs – Leo, Aries and Scorpio – gain this trait.
The Moon and Mercury play business roles. Their signs – Cancer, Gemini and Virgo – acquire this trait.
Jupiter and Venus are intellectual they are the teachers of the heavens. Their signs – Pisces, Sagittarius, Libra and Taurus – take on this quality as a result.
Saturn is solid and  tactile. His signs – Capricorn and Aquarius – become infused with this social role.

Careers by planet

Sun authority, politicians, scientists, leaders, directors, government employees, doctors, jewelers
Moon nursing, the public, women, children, travelling, marine, cooks, restaurants, import/export.
Mars fire, energy, metals, initiative, weapons, construction, soldiers, police, surgeons, engineers.
Mercury intellect, writing, teaching, merchandise, clerks, accountants, editors, transport, astrologers.
Jupiter finance, law, treasury, scholars, priests, politicians, advertising, psychologist, humanitarian.
Venus pleasures, luxuries, beauty, art, music, entertainment industry, sex industry, hotels.
Saturn the aged, death, real estate, labour, agriculture, building trades, mining, monk.
Rahu researchers, engineers, physicians, medicine/drugs, speculators, aviation, electricity, waste.
Ketu idealism, enlightenment, religion, secret affairs, poisons, metaphysics.
Uranus scientists, inventors, computing, astrologers, lab technicians, electronics.
Neptune photographers, movies, marine, oil, pharmaceutical, psychics, poets.
Pluto research, investigators, insurance, death, longevity-related technology, espionage.
 Your finances
People earn money for a good life. A well chosen profession reduces worries in life. Proper profession can confirm success and a beautiful life. Vedic astrology has given useful ways for making a perfect professional life.JOB OR BUSINESS Bearing in mind the dilemma whether to go for business or service, Vedic astrology suggests if there is any weak planet in the 2nd, 5th, 9th, 10th or 11th house of a horoscope, then the native should take service. While business may be the right choice for a native if the above mentioned houses have strong planets.
• The 2nd house of horoscope gives an idea about the financial position and the success of an individual. Profit from corporation business, trading are also calculated from this house.
• The 4th house of horoscope determines paternal wealth. The 5th house of horoscope gives quick wealth to its native. The native may get money from lottery as this house usually has dignified planet. Position of partnership in business and wealth from marital relationship can be determined from the 7th house. Aninquisitive native may even find fortune from in-laws.
• According to Indian astrology, the 8th house in a horoscope is the signification of sufferings as well as income of its native. The house shows sudden wealth, profit from betting, and financial favour from women.
• The 9th house is the house of good luck. The 10th house of horoscope is the house of business, service and other careers. This house specifies the status of income from government service or private sector. A native’s expenses can be calculated from the 12th house of horoscope. You can check the ratio of your income and spending from the 12th house.
• Sun or Moon in the 10th house shows wealth from father or paternal association. Situation of Sun in this house means the native may take his or her father’s role. Similarly, Moon in 10th house means wealth from mother or maternal side. There is a chance of success in fields run by Moon.
• Astrologysays that Mars in 10th house gives profit from opposition. Mars increases success in army, defence and ammunition department.
• Mercury carries happiness and full support of friends, financial and mental. Jupiter in the 10th house indicates care and company of brothers. You can make a lucrative career in education or as an advisor, counsellor, lecturer and other Jupiter dominated fields.
• Venus in the 10th house showsfabulous income in art industry as it makes successful career in music, dancing, acting, painting and other art related fields. According to Vedicastrology Saturn in this house makes its native hard working. With this the native may achieve success in tourism, iron, wooden furniture, cement and chemical industry

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Diseases / Defects as per Drekana

1 Drekkana
2 Drekkana
3 Drekkana
Right eye
Right shoulder
Organ of generation
Right ear
Right arm
Right testicle
Right nostril
Right side of body
Right thigh
Right cheek
Right side of heart
Right knee
Right jaw
Right lung & breast
Right calf
Legs & feet
Left jaw
Left Lung &breast
Left calf
Left cheek
Left side of heart
Left knee
Left nostril
Left side of body
Left thigh
Left ear
Left arm
Left testicle
Left eye
Left shoulder

Disease and other evils are seen from the Lagna, Trimsamsa and Kaulaka.’
- Jaimini Sutra 3.3.59
The body parts of Kalapurusha are represented by the rasis and bhavas. The right side of the body is represented by the 2nd to 6th houses. The left side is represented by houses 12th to 8th. According to Jaimini, the affliction to body parts should be seen from the ascendant or Moon, whichever is stronger.

Parivartan yoga

Parivartana yoga-Exchange of houses
When two lords of different houses mutually interchange places,that is they occupy the house of each other,such a disposition of planets is called parivartana yoga
                              -Phaladeepika,yoga chapter,Sh 32

(Brihat Sounaka Hora, Rf. HP)
[There are fives kinds of major sambandhas (connections) approved by all between planets - aspect, conjunction, placement in the sign of other, placement in the navamsha of other and placement in the dreshkana of other.]

Two planets occupy each other's sign(house) mutually.This is a two way sambhanda  and it strengthens the relationship between planets in the chart. So Parivartana yoga is a special yoga in the chart.

The Effects of Parivartana yoga can be broadly classified based on the house lords that participate.Details available in Phaladeepika

If 6th,8th or 12 th lord participates as one of the house lords in parivartana yoga - It is called Dainya yoga
If 3rd lord participates - It is called Kahala yoga
If other house lords participates - It is called Maha yoga

Dainya yoga - unfavourable results
Kahala yoga  - slightly unfavourable results
Maha yoga - favourable results

Friday, October 26, 2012

Rape - An astrological dissection

Rape indicators
Third house,Fifth house,eleventh and twelfth
Mars,venus ,rahu ketu,lord of eigth house
Sign - libra,scorpio,geminia,virgo  and aquarius
And jupiter,mercury.,
Pluto/neptune  as per western astrology

It is not generally desirable to have a strong 8th lord, as its strength magnifies 8th house themes, which can include incest, rape, sexual scandals, emotional challenges, and addiction

Rape happened in jup -mars-rahu, period in August 1988
See Jup retrograde as lord of 12th and 3rd vargottam and heavily malefic for this chart in Aquarius ,lord of 8th sun safely entrenched in 9th in virgo rashi whose abode is private chamber of ladies,with combust venus and mars,venus is lord of 5th house and 10th house,mars is a lord of 4th and 11th ,11th houses rahu the unknown and unfathomable ,note that rahu is in scorpio another strong sexuality sign and in eleventh where it grows in magnanimity. Ketu in 5th house in Taurus indicates trouble for some  signification of 5th house matters.As per western astrology you have pluto with eigth lord and neptune with rahu in scorpio a strong indication of forcible sexual intrusion.Jupiter being retro malefic aspects total of 8 houses ascendent ,second,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth and tenth, 4 houses due to retrogression.Saturn and moon combination make the native seek solace in aloofness and being alone this may have been detrimental.

Research:Rape Victim 9952

Rape Victim 9952Gender: F
born on20 June 1945 at 04:20 (= 04:20 AM )
PlaceGreenville SC, USA, 34n52, 82w24
TimezoneEWT h4w (is war time)
Data source
From memory
Rodden Rating A
Astrology datas_su.18.gif s_gemcol.18.gif 28°38' s_mo.18.gif s_libcol.18.gif 28°53 Asc.s_taucol.18.gif 27°25'


American rape victim at age four by a young boy, the sexual abuse continued for six months. She was raped at ages 7, 12 and 14. At 18, she was attacked by two females. When she married at 19, her husband demanded perverse sex and they divorced. She was raped by a friend of her husband's.
She became a Mormon and insisted on having a celibate relationship with her beau 1974-1976. Nonetheless, her manner is highly sexually suggestive, sitting with her legs apart, moving her body and looking at men in a flirtatious way.


  • Crime : Sex Victimization/Rape 1949 (Raped, age 4)
  • Crime : Sex Victimization/Rape 1952 (Raped, age 7)
  • Crime : Sex Victimization/Rape 1959 (Raped, age 14)
  • Crime : Sex Victimization/Rape 1957 (Raped, age 12)
  • Relationship : Marriage 1964 (Married/divorced perverse husband)
  • Other Relationship 1974 (Celibate relationship)

Once again the dasha responsible is operating from 2nd house from sign gemini at the time of her first rape dasha was Rahu- jupiter,jupiter is again a super malefic as a lord of 8th and 11th and is quite strong in 4th in sign leo.,lagna is in paap kaatari yoga,venus as ascendent is placed in martian sign in 12th with lord of 12th and seventh,ketu in 8th house gives a spiritual promise but once again may have damaged some positive significations or enhanced some of negative significations of 8th the house.No doubt that when she married at 19 her husband demanded preverse sex.Dasha of jupiter gave her marriage and divorce its her 8th lord.
It is not generally desirable to have a strong 8th lord, as its strength magnifies 8th house themes, which can include incest, rape, sexual scandals, emotional challenges, and addiction

Rape victim three rape  took place on 31stMay 1986 in dasha Mer - Rahu ,jup once again is very malefic for this chart as 3rd and 6th lord, Jupiter has been a functionally malefic planet in all the cases thus discussed,8th lord venus is placed in kendra and in  Saturn sign its quite strong,' its ascendant lord as well. Another common factor is moon in sixth houses in all three charts.In navamsa mer is again in Saturn's  sign. Saturn aspects mer in both navamsa and D1,it aspects rahu as well in D1,rahu is aspected by mars as well.Sign Aquarius is another prominent feature.Fifth house and fifth lord influence is quiet evident.

Common factors- Jupiter is functionally malefic in all charts.
Moon in sixth in all charts( Weak moon)
8th lord is quite strong in all charts
Sign Aquarius
Retrograde Maha dasha lord.
Mercurian  signs Gemini and virgo.
Fifth lord or fifth house.
Dushstana lords ,6th,8th and tweweth lords.
Janam nakshatras in rahu,mars and Saturn lordships ( janam rashi nakshatras belong to malefic planets)