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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Stri jataka and constellations in female horoscopy.

13.7 Special Influences of Constellations
1. Aswini - Wealth, happy, good issues, fond of enjoyment, steady, leader among
the community, respectful.
2. Bharani - Immoral, causing abortions, dependent on others, barren by excessive
3. Krittika - Quarrelsome, adulterous, barren, causing abortions, dependent, dead
4. Rohini - Good conduct, nine children, respect able, loving husband, woman of
principles, worshipping Gods.
5. Mrigasira - Agreeable conduct, love for charitable deeds, patient and enduring
fatigue, virtuous, fond of husband, blessed with good children.
6. Aridra - Immoral, bad sexual organ, miserable, dead children, unsympathetic,
evil temper, lazy, bad, irreligious,
7. Punarvasu - Faithful to husband, many issues, delight from possessing good
children, religious.
8. Pushyami - Love to husband, good issues, many kinds of enjoyments, agreeable,
attractive, clever, charitable
9. Aslesha - Fond of other persons, servile, irritable, unsympathetic, disagreeable,
liar, un desirable issues.
10. Makha - Generous and noble, sickly, fond of music, attraction to paternal
home, respectful.
11. Pubba - Fond of embraces from others, humble, bad conduct, sorrowful, dirty,
cruel-hearted, revengeful.
12. Uttara - Many children, fond of meritorious deeds, beloved by all without any
hateful feelings, respected by friends, virtuous, fond of maternal home.
13. Hasta - Loving, good enjoyments, children, agreeable life, highly respected,
liberal, charitable.
14. Chitta - Skilful in arts and works, enjoyment in life, clever in mercantile
transactions, very passionate, polite manners, smooth behaviour.
15. Swati - Rich, healthy, skilled in arts and mechanics, children and grandchildren,
virtuous and faithful.
16. Visakha - Fond of low deeds, bad temper, addicted to drinks, agreeable to
many, issueless, dirty habits, angry.
17. Anooradha - Respected by the relations of the husband, adorned by excellent
personal character, fair and loving children, healthy sexual organ, attractive and
18. Jyeshta - Fond of sinful acts, sorrowful, quarrel some, immoral, cruel-hearted,
troublesome and bad children.
19. Moola - Wealth, children, good character, helpful to others in their sorrows,
keeping up to principles of her own religion.
20. Poorvashadha - Secret sinful acts, bad children, fond of torturing others,
sorrowful and melancholy.
21. Uttarashadha - Discerning and tactful, fond of charities, righteous conduct,
wealthy and happy.
22. Sravana - Children and grandchildren, wealth and landed properties, virtuous,
enjoying delights according to times, respected and honoured.
23. Dhanishta - Wealth and lands, good enjoyable life, surrounded by children and
grand children, virtuous, keeping to religious tenets.
24. Satabhisha - Many issues, wealth, religious, enjoying pleasures according to
times, honoured by people and relations.
25. Poorvabhadra - Imprisonment, hated by relations, always fond of evil deeds,
skilful in miscellaneous work.
26. Uttarabhadra - Commanding general respect, blessed with children, dignified,
affable, fond of husband, respected by relations, charitable disposition.
27. Revati - Determination, doing charities, blessed with children and riches,
happy, religious faith.
I have named the general results produced by the constellations, when the first
Menses appears and when it rules on the day and at the time. Great caution and
discretion should be used in the delineation of characteristics. Take some
examples. Aswini rules at the time of Sani there in that star, Sani is debilitated in
Mesha and when he occupies the star, he produces evils, and his conjunction with
Chandra becomes malicious, producing sorrow, worries, immorality and social
scandals. Take Ravi there. Ravi produces altogether different results. The
influences of the star and the planet are mutual and undergo changes
consequently. Ravi is exalted in Mesha and with Chandra the chemical changes in
the body and the mind of the girl will be different from what they would be when
Moon joins with Sani in debilitation.
Therefore, the student must be very careful in predicting the results. Take a
traveller in a forest road. The time, the fatigue, the health of the person, his powers
of endurance, the distance he has travelled, the state of the scenery all round and
all along the atmospherical conditions, his dullness or intelligence to the aesthetic
impressions and the fullness or emptiness of his stomach, the pleasurable or the
painful mission he has before him and other surroundings have to be taken into
account, before we can say how he feels and how he works. Similarly with
reference to planets, houses, stars, aspects, conjunctions, yogas, karanas, lunar and
solar days, weekdays and so many other forms of visible and invisible agencies, in
these combinations must be considered.
Astrology is meant for the whole world in all its complicated phenomena and
therefore, as it comprehends all the phenomena in nature, the intellect that is
engaged in its pursuit, must be very comprehensive, keen, piercing capacious
enough to hold all its complicated principles and possess an excellent analysing
and logical judgement which will be able to weigh the conflicting evidence, and
draw correct inferences which would forecast the future in all its details, with
accuracy and to the points. The ladies who read this book must study the
principles, get good practice and see how beautifully they tally with their
innermost promptings of body, mind and spirit. Some of their secret sins may so
well be concealed that they may never see the light of the day in the ordinary
course. They may deceive others in the world by their cautious and careful
behaviour, but they can never deceive their consciences which reflect all their
virtues and vices as in a clear mirror. Thus they will have a certain index to their
true character by the application of the astrological principles and they will see
how wonderfully they tally with facts. I have already mentioned in the above paras
about some of the inauspicious times. Now I will give them in full, collecting the
information from eminent works like Kalamrita, Narada Samhita, Jyotir
Nibandha, Jyotisha Ratnamala, Muhurtha-Marthanda, Muhurtha-Darpana and
other authoritative works on the subject.