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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rahu and ketu and female horoscopy.( As per Stri jatak)

15.8 Rahu and Ketu in the Twelve Houses
Rahu and Ketu in 3, 5 and 11 from the Lagna when the girl attains first puberty
produce kind heart, charitable disposition, prayers to God and holy saints and she
will attain to Gowri Loka.
In the rest of the houses, viz., 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 the results will be reverse
of those which have been mentioned above. She will suffer from Bhootas, Pretas,
Pisachas and other evil spirits. There are 56 varieties of Devils or evil spirits
mentioned in the Sanskrit Sciences and each has a nature and characteristics of its
own. All these or incantations which extend over 9 crores, some of them may be
mentioned here for ready reference Bhoota, Preta, Pisacha, Sakini, Dhakini, Jalini,
Mohini, Kamini, Malini, Bhetala, Rakshasa, Prarabdha, etc. The females are more
apt to be troubled by these evil spirits than the males. They are said to relish much
the drops of menstrual fluid and the urine which flows during menses period and
they will be waiting to catch their prey in lonely, dilapidated and neglected watery
surfaces. They are said to have easy access to unclean females when they are nude
or ill covered over their bodies. Pisachas are of two kinds. Those from the world
called Pisachaloka where they flourish in large numbers and are created by God as
Pisacha and those human beings who become devils and evil spirits after their
death as the result of their evil Karma, fondness, for worldly objects and from
various revengeful feelings, greed and avarice.
They are subtle in form and some of them are Kama. Rupas or those which have
the power of assuming any form, animal, bird, reptile or human as they like. They
can change these forms at their sweet will and pleasure, some of them are very
troublesome and cannot easily be exercised by ordinary mantras. Some of the
European scientists are opening their eyes to the existence of these Pisachalokas
and admit that there are many spirit worlds, about which they have yet to explore
and investigate and that their present scientific knowledge is still in an infantile
stage, about these matters. Saptakoti Mahamantras or seven crores of good
mantras and Navakoti Kshudra Mantras or nine crores of evil ones are completely
sealed letters to them and they have yet to sit at the feet of Indian Mantrics and
learn the mysteries of Mantras.