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Sunday, December 12, 2010

immorality in women

immorality in women and its prediction based on birth chart. Varahamihira in his Brihat Jataka wrote : Aagneyair vidhavaastha raasi-sahiathai mishraihi kroore’ haani, bale’sthage sva-pathinaa soume ksethe prognihaa; anyonya amsa gayoh sitaa avanijayornyaprasakthagnanaavdhune vaa yadi sheetharaasimasahithau bharthrusthadaa anugnayaa. (Sanskrit verse). = (1) If there are several malefics ( Mars and Saturn) in the 7th house (bhartru=husbad), she becomes widow. (2) If malefic and benefic planets stay conjunct in 7th house, she gets married to a second husband. If a powerful malefic planet stays in 7th house, and is aspected (seen) by a benefic, the woman will be rejected by her husband. (3) If Venus and Mars exchange their houses in Nava-amsa chart, the woman will be adulterous (prostitute). (4) If Moon is also conjunct with Mars and Venus, the woman becomes a prostitute with her husband’s consent / connivance.
Venus should be in the nava-amsa (Aries or Scorpio) of Mars and Mars is to be placed in the nava-amsa (Taurus or Libra) of nava-amsa of Venus to make the woman a prostitute. If Venus, Mars and Moon are conjunct, then the woman practises debauchery encouraged / forced by her husband. Often we find women encouraged to do prostitution and perform illicit sexual-intercourse by her close-friends, relatives, parents, brothers or sisters or even husbands. In royal families and high-official circles, this illicit sex-traffic is most prevalent to derive temporal benefits. Most men force / encourage their wives, sisters or daughters to do illicit sexual practices to get some benefits for their own self, like promotion, high position, financial gains and the like

Birth lagna

Example: 1 Raasi Became an Early widow

Example:1 :-The 7th house (Virgo) is aspected by two malefic planets, Mars & Saturn. Jupiter is the lord of 1st,and 10thth house stays in 7th house (kendra- adhipatya dosha). So she became a widow a few months after her marriage, at an early age of 19 years (teens only)