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Saturday, December 4, 2010

RETROGRADE PLANETS What They Show About Past Lives

By Judy CollinsWhat does a natal retrograde planet say about our past life? What is its interpretation for the
house it occupies? What does it say about the house it rules in our chart? When we first started to
study astrology, we were taught or we read a planet retrograde in our chart was “different” in
someway rather than one being direct. There are various delineations given to these planets,
depending on the teacher or author. Some people feel that the planet works on a more
subconscious level than a direct planet. Others give the planet such a maligned interpretation that
it makes individuals feel inferior in some way. Retrogrades are probably the most confusing
aspects in astrology. In this lesson, we will explore some of those concepts and uncover
meanings with regard to past lives. Retrogrades are a wonderful guide to discovering more past
life information. It will show us how we are more in tune with the Universe.
What is a retrograde planet? W hen a planet is on the other side of the Sun away from Earth, the
planet is said to be retrograde and moving backward. The backward motion of a planet is only
relative to the position of earth. In reality, the planet has not or never will move backward. For
that very reason, I believe, a retrograde planet has been miscast in astrology. Individuals who
study astrology always talk down about their retrograde planets. They treat them as some “stepchild”
in their chart. Only through viewing the retrograde planets in a new light, can we work
with them in our chart on a different level. This lesson is designed to help you better understand
how that can be done.
The sign and house position and aspects of a planet retrograde would add more to the
interpretation. But if you just only focus on the planet’s energy, retrograde planets point to the
areas of concern. The karma expressed in a retrograde planet is energy we are familiar with from
our past life.
Since the Sun and Moon are never retrograde in a chart, the f irst planet that we will consider is

MERCURY— A retrograde Mercury at birth denotes a person who has come into this
incarnation with a “knowing” of some sort. It may be viewed as a gift of insight into any subject.
They need to use their intuition in life and go with their “gut instincts”. Often they are labeled as
slow thinkers or someone who cannot retrieve information quickly but they basically take in
knowledge and disseminate it differently. They have had experiences in their past life that are
more helpful for them than to a person with a direct Mercury at birth. Karmically they have
brought over in this life the instinct to “know” how to respond in the best manner for them. What
they do learn in this life, in the form of new communication o r learning skills, will be carried
over into the next life. Then if Mercury is direct natally in that life, they will be able to express it
in the usual accepted manner. The house occupied by Mercury shows the area where you had
this prior knowledge and your choice of environment where you wish to play it out in this life.
VENUS — A retrograde Venus gives the person the ability to be more subjective in their
desires, who and how they love and concerns for financial freedom. The’ past life conditioned
them in these areas to accept a different approach than others. Who and what they attract in their
lives will suit them perfectly. A Venus retrograde only asks to “do their own thing” and to have
no judgment placed on them. When society does place rules in the area of Venus, the person can
feel like an outcast. Their karma in this life is to find freedom of their choices as to who and how
they love and how they meet their financial needs.
MARS— A retrograde Mars will always take a different course of action in life. Past life karma
has afforded them the instinct to get through this life in a different manner than individuals who
have a direct Mars. The person is not as direct in their actions as other people. They would rather
take the indirect approach to life and exert their drive and ambition from behind the scenes. They
have the past life experiences to draw from for guidance. They have the ability to know the
proper course of their actions. When life presents them opportunities for taking a new direction,
they will succeed if left to their own instincts. They are the individuals who cannot be pushed
into making fast decisions. Mars is the planet where we can express those things in life that is
most important to us and it is the area we want to direct our energy. A retrograde Mars knows
how they are to perform in this world and their choice of area of life.
JUPITER — A retrograde Jupiter can cause the individual to turn inward with their expression
of life. Rather than outwardly express great joy and a celebration of life, the person seems to be
so stoic and serious in their approach. There may be a conflict over religion or spiritual beliefs
with them and those around them. With Jupiter being retrograde they may seem to take life more
serious, but the indivi dual can face life with assurance of not overdoing. The person may have a
comfortable presence of confidence without seeming to be arrogant. In their past life, the
individual has learned the lesson of when to “go for it” and when to “lay in wait”. The placement
of Jupiter and where it rules is the area of an inwardly optimistic individual.
From “The Arizona Astrologer”, March 2002 3
SATURN— A retrograde Saturn makes the individual seek a different kind of responsibility
and purpose in life. The person may be challenged by either the father or other authority figures
to take more responsibility for their actions. Through the past life experiences, they answer their
critics with a slow persistence of reaching their goals in life. Where the planet is by house and
where it rules shows the area where they will have to strive hard for success. A retrograde Saturn
builds the character to accept small gains in the long process of success. Security issues need to
be addressed in their present life and only when the ego does not interfere, does the individual
feel a sense of peace. Saturn’s sign in the chart is where the person needs to address the demands
and responsibilities of life.
URANUS — A retrograde Uranus gives the individual the feeling of having more control over
their life. Past life experiences have readied them for the unexpected. In doing this, they feel they
can handle those things out of their control. They may appear more orthodox to those around
them than individuals with a direct Uranus in their chart. The house of Aquarius and where
Uranus falls in the chart marks the areas of insight into spiritual laws of the Universe. In their
past life, they were rebels and paid a heavy price for that. Now they choose not be so rebellious
and work within the rules of society. They are individuals who can make old things new for the
world. An example would be taking a branch of study and making it usable for the masses.
Having a retrograde Uranus in the chart can make the person inventive. They also may have the
ability to develop principles of knowledge easier than others who may have a direct Uranus. This
is because they perceive those things through their higher mind.
NEPTUNE — A retrograde Neptune gives the person a need to serve. They are the spiritual
warriors of the Universe. Through sacrifice in t his life, the person feels loved and useful. They
need to be needed. They are ready in this life to pay the price for love and devotion. They can be
extremely serving and postulant individuals. They learned this expression of service well in their
last lifetime. The sign of Pisces and where Neptune is by house marks the areas in this lifetime
that need to be addressed. They can call upon the mystic side of the Universe for guidance in
their life, but the ease of it can make the person an addict to seeking help in this way.
PLUTO— A retrograde Pluto brings in more souls than any other retrograde planet because it is
farthest from the Sun, and the duration is the longest. These are souls who have come as a group
to change the world. They were active in this pursuit in their last life and want a chance to
complete it now. The house of Scorpio and where Pluto points to the places where the person has
an advantage over others, because they have control over the direction of this intense energy.
They do have the tendency to manipulate in very covert ways, but without the desire to be in
charge. They only want to be part of the changes made in the world by their generati