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Sunday, July 4, 2010


Gemini Lagna
1. Sun: Sun is the 3rd lord and is
2. Moon: Moon is the lord of 2nd house
and hence a maraka. However it is not
an independent killer, like Venus for
Aries Lagna; it is dependent on
3. Mars: Mars is the lord of 6th and 11th
house and is extremely inauspicious.
4. Mercury: Mercury is the lagna as well
as the 4th lord and hence suffers from
Kendradhipatya dosa. It is not
inauspicious; the most can be said for
this planet is that it shall be neutral.
5. Jupiter: Jupiter is the lord of 7th and 10th
house and being a first rate benefic
owning a Kendra, it becomes
inauspicious for the lagna. However, he
is relinquished from the dosa, if it forms
yoga with Kona lord Venus.
6. Venus: Venus is the 5th and 12th lord.
12th being a neutral lordship, lordship of
5th shall make Venus auspicious for this
7. Saturn: Saturn is the 8th and 9th lord.
Even though it is auspicious due to the
lordship of 9th house and 8th being
neutral, it will not cause any raja yoga

by its association with a kendra lord,
since it co-lords 8th house.
Bhavartha Ratnakara says:
1. The placement of Sun and Mercury in
Leo proves fortunate in Mercury’s dasa
2. A Venus-Moon-Mars conjunction in
Cancer results in wealth during the
Venus dasa
3. There will be mixed results during
Saturn dasa if Mars is in Cancer, with
Moon and Saturn in Capricorn
4. With the above planetary placement,
Mars confers wealth during his dasa
5. If Mars and Saturn are in Cancer and
Moon in Capricorn, the native’s
prosperity and wealth get mostly
destroyed during the dasas of Mars and
6. Despite being the lord of 2nd, Moon
isn’t a maraka
7. When Saturn is in Aquarius and there’s
a Mars-Moon conjunction in Aries, a
powerful dhana yoga results
8. If Saturn and Jupiter are in Aquarius,
the native enjoy dips in holy rivers like
the Ganga during the dasas of Jupiter
and Saturn
9. When Mercury is in Aries,
misunderstandings with elder brother
are indicated
27-28. Grahas and Kark Lagna. Śukr and Budh are
malefics, Mangal, Guru and Candr are auspicious.
Mangal is capable of conferring a full-fledged
rajayoga and giving auspicious effects. Śani and
Sūrya are killers and give effects, according to their
Cancer Lagna
1. Sun: Sun is the lord of the 2nd house,
which being a neutral house shall make
Sun, a neutral for this Lagna. However,
being the lord of the 2nd house, it is also
a maraka. Since it is not a full maraka,
not owing the 7th house, it shall give
results based on association.
2. Moon: Moon is the lagna lord, hence is
3. Mars: Mars is the lord of 5th and 10th
and is a yogakaraka. It is capable of
giving full fledged rajayoga if it’s
conjoined with other kendra lord or
kona lord or placed in a kendra or kona.
Placement in one of its own houses
shall also give good rajayoga.
4. Mercury: Mercury is the lord of 3rd and
12th house. Being the lord of 3rd house it
is inauspicious; while 12th is neutral.
5. Jupiter: Jupiter is the lord of 6th and 9th
house and hence a neutral planet. It will
not give rise to rajayoga by associating
with any kendra lord.
6. Venus: Venus is the lord of 4th and 11th
lord. It is suffering from
Kendradhipatya dosa and is the owner
of a trishadaya too, which makes it an
inauspicious planet for this lagna.
7. Saturn: Saturn is the lord of 7th and 8th
house, hence a maraka. 8th lordship of
Saturn is neutral, whereas 7th lordship
makes him a maraka. Since it is not a
full maraka, not owing the 2nd house, it
shall give results based on association.
Bhavartha Ratnakara says:
1. While Mercury proves fruitful, Jupiter
doesn’t cause any yoga
2. Mars is a yogakaraka, and even more so
if posited in either of his own houses
3. Venus can also be a benefic, but only if
he’s posited either in Leo or Gemini
4. If Mars, Jupiter and Moon are in Leo,
with Sun and Venus in Scorpio, the
native will become wealthy and
5. If Mercury and Venus are in Scorpio,
Mercury confers fortune during its dasa
6. If Mercury, Venus and Moon are in
Gemini, Jupiter in Cancer and Sun in
Aries, the result is a maha rajayoga and
will definitely make the native a king.
7. If Sun and Mars are in Aries, the native
will always be wealthy. Death results
during the Jupiter dasa.
8. If Mercury and Venus are in Gemini,
Venus dasa will prove fortunate.
9. A Jupiter-Moon conjunction in lagna
will make the native famous and
10. When Moon is in lagna, rajayogas are
produced when either Mars is in
Capricorn, Saturn is in Libra, or Sun is
in Aries.
11. When there’s a combination of Sun and
Mercury in lagna, Venus in Libra, and
Moon-Mars-Jupiter in Taurus, the
native becomes bankrupt during the Sun
dasa, while other dasas will be good.
12. If Mercury and Jupiter are in Taurus,
and Saturn and Rahu are in Scorpio, the
native enjoy dips in holy rivers like the
Ganga during the Rahu dasa.
29-30. Grahas and Simh Lagn. Budh, Śukr and Śani
are malefics. Auspicious effects will be given by
Mangal, Guru and Sūrya. Guru’s Yuti with Śukr
(though, respectively, Kona and Kendra Lords) will
not produce auspicious results. Śani and Candr are

killers, who will give effects, according to their
Leo Lagna
1. Sun: Sun is the lagna lord, hence is
2. Moon: Moon is the 12th lord, hence is
neutral for the Lagna.
3. Mars: Mars is the 3rd and 10th lord, an
inauspicious as well as auspicious
bhava, making it a neutral planet.
4. Mercury: Mercury is the 2nd as well as
11th house. 2nd lordship is neutral
whereas 11th lordship is inauspicious
making Mercury an inauspicious planet.
In addition it is a maraka, being the lord
of 2nd house; however such results are
given based on association.
5. Jupiter: Jupiter is the 5th and 8th lord
hence an auspicious planet. However
due to its ownership of 8th house, it is
incapable of giving rajayoga.
6. Venus: Venus is the 4th and 10th lord
and is a yogakaraka. Thus it is capable
of giving yoga with right association
and placement.
7. Saturn: Saturn is the lord of 6th and 7th
house, which makes it inauspicious.
Even though, it owns a kendra, it should
have shed its maleficence however, due
to its ownership of 6th, it is unable to do
Bhavartha Ratnakara says:
1. Sun-Mercury-Mars or Sun-Jupiter-
Mercury conjunctions indicate wealth,
whereas only a Sun-Mercury
combination indicates moderate
2. A Jupiter-Venus combine causes
destruction of other yogas.
3. Venus can’t produce yoga. However, he
becomes a benefic when in Libra but a
malefic when in Taurus.
4. If there’s a Sun-Mercury-Mars
conjunction in lagna, the Mercury dasa
brings in much wealth.
5. The Saturn dasa will be fortunate if
there’s a Saturn-Mars combination in
31-32. Grahas and Kanya Lagn. Mangal, Guru and
Candr are malefics, while Budh and Śukr are
auspicious. Śukr’s Yuti with Budh will produce Yog.
Śukr is a killer as well. Sūrya’s role will depend on
his association.
Virgo Lagna
1. Sun: Sun is the lord of 12th house, hence
2. Moon: Moon is the lord of 11th house,
hence inauspicious.
3. Mars: Mars is the lord of 3rd and 8th
houses. Here 3rd lordship is
inauspicious, while 8th lordship is
neutral, making it a inauspicious planet
for the lagna.
4. Mercury: Mercury is the lord of Lagna
as well as 10th. 10th lordship is neutral
whereas Lagna lordship makes it
auspicious planet for this lagna.
5. Jupiter: Jupiter is the 4th as well as 7th
lord, both suffering due to
Kendradhipatya dosa, hence mildly
inauspicious. However while joins with
a Kona lord, it shall become yogakaraka
and shed it mild maleficence.
6. Venus: Venus is the 2nd as well as 9th
lord, hence auspicious for the Lagna. Its
association with Mercury can cause
powerful Dharma-karmadhipatya yoga.
Its association with Jupiter can also
cause raja yoga, though of lesser order.
7. Saturn: Saturn is the 5th and 6th lord,
hence shall be neutral. Due to lordship
of 6th house, it is incapable of causing
rajayoga due to association with Kendra
lords, Mercury or Jupiter.
Bhavartha Ratnakara says:
1. A Sun-Moon-Venus association will
bring in lots of wealth during the Sun
2. The native loses wealth during the
Venus dasa. Mixed results can be
expected during the Moon dasa
3. When Moon and Venus are in Pisces,
with Jupiter in Cancer and Sun in Aries,
during the Jupiter and Venus dasas, the
native will have multiple wives, who
will all be alive. Virgo natives possess
women of high rank
4. A Jupiter-Venus combine in Sagittarius
produces fortunes during their dasas and
5. If Saturn is in Cancer, its dasa will be
33-34. Grahas and Tula Lagna. Guru, Sūrya and
Mangal are malefics. Auspicious are Śani and Budh.
Candr and Budh will cause Rajayoga. Mangal is a
killer. Guru and other malefics will also acquire a
disposition to inflict death. Śukr is neutral.
Libra Lagna
1. Sun: Sun is the lord of 11th house, hence
2. Moon: Moon is the lord of 10th house,
hence capable of giving rajayoga.