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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Kendradhipati Dosha

If a natural benefic planet occupies kendras (4, 7 and 10) and does not own a kona simultaneously, then Kendradhipati Dosha (KD) occurs.
Exception: If the kendradhipati is also the lord of Lagna, then KD is not valid.
Effects of KD:
Source 1: 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses are called the Kendras. Kendras are like the doors to our life. Imagine a kind-hearted watchman sitting on a door. Any bad entity can easily fool a kind-hearted watchman and get access through the door.
Presence of malefic planets in Kendras reduces this inherent goodness and the gullible nature. These Kroora Grahas acts as good watchmans of the doors to our life.
Source 2: The benefic planets looses their beneficence and Malefic planets loses their maleficence if they lord Kendras. However, one must not interpret this by making the Benefics, Malefics and the Malefics, Benefics. What the verse mean is that the benefics lose some part of their Beneficence, however, they still remain benefic but with lesser capability to give auspiciousness/ material benefits (yoga). Similarly, the malefics shall lose their maleficence, however they shall still remain mild malefics and shall not confer auspiciousness (yoga)
Therefore, For e.g : People with Sg As: Mercury will be the lord of 10th and 7th house and suffers from KD.
Pi As –  Me is 4H and 7H lord.
Gem As – Ju is  7 H and 10H lord.
Ar As – Moon is 4H lord, Ve is 7th H lord.
Taurus As – None
Cancer As – Venus is 4H lord.
Leo As – Ve is 10th H lord.
Vi As – Ju is 4H and 7H lord.
Li As – Moon is 10H lord.
Sc As – Ve is 7H lord.
Cp As – Mo is 7H lord and Ve is 10H lord.
Aq As – Ve is 4H lord.
Some people are of the opinion that KD applied to Ju and Me only. One might see from the above list as to why KD applies to Ju and Me only.