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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Symbolism of Srichakra

Srichakra is a symbol of universe. It consists of two sets of triangles, those facing downward are called Shakti or female triangles and facing upward are called male or Shiva triangles. In the center, which is a bindu where Kameshwara and Kameshwari reside undifferentiated. This bindu represents Trigunas, Iccha Shakti, Jnana Shakti, and Kriya Shakti. The charkas are Astakona (eight triangles), Dashara-Yugma (two chakras, each of ten triangles), Manavasra (fourteen triangles), Astadala (eight lotus petals), Sodashadala (sixteen lotus petals), Vrittatriya (three circles), and three squares. These nine chakras are ruled by Yoginis. These are also called Avarana Devatas (deities).

During the upasana of Srichakra all the Yoginis are worshipped along with Sri Tripurasundari.