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Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Importance of Navasma

Another concept is the horoscope of “Navasma”, which is a parallel chart to the birth horoscope. The Navasma shares about ¼ power of the chart. It is famous saying “If the Birth horoscope is the tree, then the Navasma is the fruit”. How useful is the tree if it bears out only rotten fruit. So therefore along with the A healthy chart it is very important to have an equally good navasma. Hindu astrology has dual purpose for the Navamsa, first to check the strength of the birth chart, second for marriage compatibility. The 7th house i.e. the house of marriage is checked in navasma for accurate prediction about a native’s spouse.
Here comes the fun part, simple and easy. The concept of Vargottam is the most interesting to me, Viggottam means “the best division”. In the Birth chart and the Navamsa a garh is placed in the same rashi it becomes Virgottam, there the star add extra power to the birth chart and amplifies favorable results. 
By far the most important divisional chart is the navamsha chart, which reveals the spiritual essence and deeper truth of an individual. The real clues to the outcome of a person’s life are in the navamsha. The maha dasha ruler and bhukti ruler must always be reviewed in the navamsha, for it will reveal information as to the outcome and indicate the inner quality of the cycles.
The navamsha chart (D-9) divides the 30-degree sign into nine parts of 3.20 degrees each. This is the most important divisional chart of all, and Vedic XE "Vedic" astrologers automatically compare this chart to the rashi to determine the results of a person’s life.
The navamsha chart is called the fruit of the tree. It reveals the future outcome of a person’s life, promising to manifest the potential in the rashi chart. We seem to become the navamsha chart as we grow older. These are the issues of the ninth house, the house of luck, fortune and spiritual pursuits. If a planet is in the same sign in both the rashi and the navamsha. it is vargottama, meaning it gains strength and is a more powerful planet in the rashi. Some also refer to the navamsha as the spouse who is the mirror of yourself.