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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mantras for Assistance in need -1

To Lord Rama, for security and status

Aum Dasharathaye Vidmahe
Sita Ballabhaye Dhimahi
Tanno Ramah Prachodayat

Translation: “Om. Let us meditate on the divine son of King Dasharatha. May that Sri Rama, beloved husband of Sita Devi, inspire and illumine our mind and understanding.” 

To  Sita Ma , for increasing power to work on oneself, penance, and tolerance.

Aum Janaknandiniye Vidmahe
Bhumijayai Dhimahi
Tanno Sita Prachodayat

To Hanuman, for love of selfless service
Aum Anjaneyaye Vidmahe
Mahabalaye Dhimahi
Tanno Hanuman Prachodayat

Another similar Gayatri for Hanuman is:
Aum anjani sutaya cha vidmahe
Vayu putraya cha dhimahi
Tanno marutih prachodayat

Translation: “Om. Let us meditate on Sri Hanuman, whose mother is Anjani Devi. May that supremely brave and strong Maruti, son of the Wind god, inspire and illumine our mind and understanding.”

To Surya the sun deity, for freedom from disease
Aum Bhaskaraye Vidmahe
Divakraraye Dhimahi
Tanno Suryah Prachodayat

Translation: “Om. Let us meditate on the shining Sun god who gives light to the whole world. May that Divakara, the radiant lord who is the cause of day, inspire and illumine our mind and understanding.”

To Chandra the moon deity, for subduing anxiety and worries
Aum Kshirputraye Vidmahe
Amrittattvaye Dhimahi
Tanno Chandrah Prachodayat
Translation: “Om. Let us meditate on the glorious son of milk, the glowing Moon. May that Chandra, the essence of nectar, inspire and illumine our mind and understanding.”

To Yama the lord of death, for freedom from the fear of death
Aum Surya-Putraye Vidmahe
Mahakalaye Dhimahi
Tanno Yamah Prachodayat
Translation: “Om. Let us meditate on the great son of the sun god. May that Yama Deva, the lord of time, inspire and illumine our mind and understanding.” 

To Agni the fire deity, to provide vitality and ojas to the body & mind
Aum Mahajwalaye Vidmahe
Agnidevaye Dhimahi
Tanno Agnih Prachodayat
Translation: “Om. Let us meditate on the great God of fire in the form of blazing flames. May that radiant Agni Deva inspire and illumine our mind and understanding.”

To Prithvi, for stability, patience, cooperation
Aum Prithvidevye cha Vidmahe
Sahasramoortaye cha Dhimahi
Tanno Prithvi Prachodayat
Translation: “Om. Let us meditate on Prithvi Devi, Mother Earth. May that Mother Prithvi of a thousand forms inspire and illumine our mind and understanding.”

To Kam, for increase in stamina, vitality, & sexual power
Aum Kamdevaye Vidmahe
Pushpvanaye Dhimahi
Tanno Kamah Prachodayat

The Sri Tulasi Gayatri:
Aum tulasi devyai cha vidmahe
Vishnu priyayai cha dhimahi
Tanno brindah Prachodayat
Translation: “Om. Let us meditate on Sri Tulasi Devi, who is very dear to the heart of Lord Maha Vishnu. May that glorious Devi, the divine embodiment of the sacred tulasi plant also known by the sweet name of Brinda, inspire and illumine our mind and understanding.”

The Devi Varahi Mantra
(Mantra to the consort of Lord Varaha for ridding oneself of negativity)
Om shreem hreem kleem dhum
jwaalaa jwaalaa
shulini asya yajamaanasya
sarva shatroon samhara samhara
kshema laabham kuru kuru
dushta graham
hum phat svaha

The Famous Sri Gayatri Mantra

Om bhur bhuvaha svah
tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimahi
dhiyo yo nah prachodayat

(Rig-veda 3.62.10)
This is a very important and well known Gayatri mantra, chanted silently in the mind, three times a day. It translates as: “Let us meditate on that worshipable effulgence of the divine sun, Savitri, Creator of the Earth, Heaven and ether, and who enthuses our meditation.”