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Consultation charges.

Consultation charges.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Type of marriage.

Type of marriage.

Ninth ,7th and 5th house if afllicted and moon and sat conjuct in 7th means marriage after defamation and without parental approval.
Placement of jup in 7th and 5th and 9th are under malefic affliction or aspect ,then the native will marry a teacher or lawyer without parental consent.

Placement of mars and affliction of 5th and 9th houses,then the native will marry a doctor,electrician or a scientist away from home and without the consent of parents.

Placement of saturn in 7th ,then the person will marry someone older or already married and without consent.

Placement of Sun with ( rahu or ketu) and affliction of9th house indicates marriage after elopement.