" Serving one's father or helping old age needy persons. " Give wheat soaked in water with 20 grams of jaggery (Gur) to a cow on Sundays.
" Surya Namaskar at sunrise.
" Observe law of the land meticulously.
" Serving one's mother or old age women.
" Give dough to a cow on Mondays.
" Keep a fresh water pot for the birds.
" Offering boiled rice with sugar to the birds.
" Service to younger brother(s).
" Prayers/meditation every morning for at least 10 min.
" Being considerate to one's servant(s).
" Exercising patience.
" Helping poor students and needy children.
" Donating to orphanages, twice a year.
" Offering green fodder (about 2 Kg) to a cow.
" Donating green pulses.
" Offering service to one's preceptor/teacher.
" Prayers/meditation every morning.
" Offering banana in small pieces to the birds.
" Offering one bundi laddu (an Indian sweet) or any yellow sweet to the birds.
" Being considerate to one's wife or helping ladies in distress.
" Donating sugar, rice and cooking oil.
" Offering white sweets to the birds.
" Donating silken clothes of bright colors.
" Being considerate to servants.
" Offering simple salty food to the birds.
" Offering black pulses or salt or mustard oil on Saturdays.
" Donate to organizations that help poor people, twice a year.
" Serving one's parents.
" Give part of your breakfast or coarse grains to the birds.
" Donate for old age needy persons or lepers, twice a year.
" Giving away brown colored sweets to the birds.
" Offering some food to a stray dog.
" Donate for the old age homes, twice a year.
" Prayers to Lord Ganapathi.
" Serving/helping institutions or persons working for spiritualism.
These remedies are to be performed daily in the morning after bath and before breakfast. In case the native is unable to do so as in the case of sickness or out of town or in the case of children, these remedial measures can be performed by parents or spouse. If the offering is not accepted by a dog or cow, another dog/cow should be tried. The remedial measures should be performed regularly and the performance of any one of the suggested measures for a particular planet would suffice.