(The lamp gets its importance only when it is being
lighted. The unlighted lamp has no importance); it represents the deity;
the oil in the lamp indicates the blood in the body of the querist; the
wick in the lamp is the soul; the brightness or dimness of the light rep-
resents the goods and bads of the queryst: the cup of the lamp is the
body of the person; if there are dead creatures in the oil the person is
suffering from diseases caused by germs: if there is ftill oil the person
is fully healthy: if the wicks are twined together he suffers from windy
diseases: if the flame is bright and uniformly long the person is long-
lived. If the oil is leaking pilfrage of money is taking place in the house
of the person: if the lamp is moved from the original place he has
changed the old residence: if the flame of the lamp moves in anti-clock-
wise direction Jf it is not bright; if it emits sparks, the flame is too
small or broken, if it suddenly extinguishes in spite of oil and wicks, if
it makes sounds while burning, if it shakes to and fro this is not good
for the queryst. On the contrary if the flame is dense, steadily is going
upwards, moves in clockwise, steady and bright, no sound is produced,
ifis beautiful to look at, burns straight, then prosperity and plenty can
be predicted to the querist. If the flame turns to east, the querist’s ambi-
tions are fulfilled: if south east fear of fire, if south death, if south west
diseases, if west mental peace, if north west wasteful attempts, if north
defeating the death and if north east good experiences. The nature of
the lamp and flames should be noted by the astrologer or his assistants
because it helps in the delineation of results of query.2