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Friday, January 18, 2013

Inheritance denied- An astrological study

Sun- Father 
Moon- Mother
8th house - Inheritance
fourth house- Property and mother
ninth house - Father and fortune
2nd house - Wealth and family.

From the above chart if we see sun the karak of father is debilated and afflicted while moon the karak for mother is afflicted by rahu in fifth house ,moon is also the lord of 8th house.Coming to fourth house of property ,mother and mental peace we have a retrograde Saturn which makes the mother act as a step mother and becomes a chief preceptor  in denial. Lastly i am disclosing a very important  principle that whenever the Natural  karak of second house Jupiter sits in eighth house and aspects second house by opposition the native either is denied inheritance or looses and squanders it without deriving any long term benefits out of such inheritance.